Nomination and Recall of Elective Officers; Incorporation of State Law. | |
Declaration of Candidacy. | |
Nomination Deadlines. | |
Use of Legal Names by Candidates. | |
Candidate Qualification Statements. | |
Ballot Designations. | |
Filing Fees; Signatures in Lieu of Filing Fees. | |
Defective Filings. | |
Withdrawal of Nomination; Withdrawal of Support. | |
Withdrawal of Candidacy. | |
Death of Candidate. | |
Except as otherwise provided by the Charter or this Municipal Elections Code, nomination of elective officers for the Board of Education of the San Francisco Unified School District or the Governing Board of the San Francisco Community College District shall be made pursuant to California Elections Code Section 10602 et seq. and nomination of all other City elective officers shall be made pursuant to California Elections Code Section 10220 et seq. The recall of elective officers shall be made pursuant to California Elections Code Section 11000 et seq. If the official proposed to be removed at a recall election is recalled, the vacancy shall be filled pursuant to Charter Sections 3.100(15) and 13.101.5.
(a) Each candidate for any City elective office shall file the candidate’s declaration of candidacy on the same date the candidate files the declaration of intent to become a candidate required by subsection (a) of Section 1.122 of the Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code.
(b) If a member of a board, commission, or other body established by the Charter, other than a citizen advisory committee, has, at the time of the effective date of the ordinance in Board of Supervisors File No. 181029 enacting this Section 201, already filed a declaration of intent to become a candidate for any City elective office, that member shall, within 30 days of the aforementioned ordinance, file a declaration of candidacy for that City elective office.
(c) Failure to file a declaration of candidacy as required by this Section 201 shall preclude the member from appearing on the ballot as a candidate for the City elective office referenced in the declaration of intent.
(Added by Ord. 8-19, File No. 181029, App. 1/25/2019, Eff. 2/25/2019)
(a) Candidates for Mayor and the Board of Supervisors must file nomination papers no later than the 147th day before a municipal election during normal office hours, as posted. Not earlier than the 172nd day nor later than the 147th day before the election, the voters may nominate these candidates for election by signing a nomination paper.
(b) Candidates for all other City elective offices shall follow the nomination deadlines established by California Elections Code Section 10220 et seq.