(a) Except as provided in Section A8.511 of this Charter and in Subsection (b) of this section, no person retired as a member under Section A8.610 for service or disability and entitled to receive a retirement allowance under the Retirement System shall be employed in any capacity by the City and County, nor shall such person receive any payment for services rendered to the City and County after retirement.
(b) (1) Service as an election officer or juror, or in the preparation for, or giving testimony as an expert witness for or on behalf of the City and County before any court or legislative body shall not be affected by the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section.
(2) The provisions of Subsection (a) shall not prevent such retired person from serving on any board or commission of the City and County and receiving the compensation for such office, provided said compensation does not exceed $100 per month.
(3) If such retired person is elected or appointed to a position or office which subjects him or her to membership in the Retirement System under Section A8.610, he or she shall re-enter membership under Section A8.609 and his or her retirement allowance shall be cancelled immediately upon his or her re-entry. The provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section shall not prevent such person from receiving the compensation for such position or office. The rate of contributions of such member shall be the same as that for other members under Section A8.610. Such member's individual account shall be credited with an amount which is the actuarial equivalent of his or her annuity at the time of his or her re-entry, but the amount thereof shall not exceed the amount of his or her accumulated contributions at the time of his or her retirement. Such member shall also receive credit for his or her service as it was at the time of his or her retirement.
(c) Notwithstanding any provision of this Charter to the contrary, should any person retired for disability engage in a gainful occupation prior to attaining the age of 58 years, the Retirement Board shall reduce that part of his or her monthly retirement allowance which is provided by contributions of the City and County to an amount which, when added to the amount of the compensation earnable, at the time he or she engages in the gainful occupation, by such person if he or she held the position which he or she held at the time of his or her retirement, or, if that position has been abolished, the compensation earnable by the member if he or she held the position from which he or she was retired immediately prior to its abolishment.
(Added by Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2011)
Notwithstanding any provision of this Charter to the contrary, should any miscellaneous safety member who is a member of the Retirement System under Charter Section A8.610 with at least five years of credited service cease to be employed as such a member, through any cause other than death or retirement, he or she shall have the right to elect, without right of revocation and within 90 days after termination of said service, to allow his or her accumulated contributions including interest to remain in the retirement fund and to receive a retirement allowance equal to the percent set forth in Section A8.610-2 opposite his or her age at retirement, for each year of service multiplied against the final compensation of said member, calculated at termination, payable beginning no earlier than age 50. No deferred retirement allowance under this section shall exceed ninety percent (90%) of the member's final compensation.
(Added by Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2011)
Any Section or part of any Section in this Charter, insofar as it should conflict with the provisions of Section A8.610 or with any part thereof, shall be superseded by the contents of Section A8.610. Section A8.610 shall be interpreted to be consistent with all federal and state laws, rules, and regulations. If any words, phrases, clauses, sentences, subsections, provisions or portions of Section A8.610 are held to be invalid or unconstitutional by a final judgment of a court, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining words, phrases, clauses, sentences, subsections, provisions or portions of Section A8.610. If any words, phrases, clauses, sentences, subsections, provisions or portions of Section A8.610 are held invalid as applied to any person, circumstance, employee or category of employee, such invalidity shall not affect any application of Section A8.6109 which can be given effect. Section A8.610 shall be broadly construed to achieve its stated purposes.
(Added by Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2011)
(a) It is critical to the health, the safety, and economic vitality of the City and County of San Francisco, that the City be able to recruit new Police Officers, and retain veteran Police Officers. Recent experience has demonstrated that the City's Police Department has had difficulty recruiting qualified Police Officers, and, more significantly, has had difficulty retaining the services of veteran Police Officers.
(b) There is a highly competitive labor market for the services of Police Officers. Additionally, due to the historical hiring patterns in this Department, hundreds of Police Officers will become eligible for normal service retirement in the next three to five years. The City Police Department is already three hundred officers below the Charter mandated staffing level.
(c) In order to address this recruitment and this retention problem, through this measure the voters establish a voluntary Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP) which would be offered to members of the Police Department in order to create an incentive for the retention of experienced Police Officers, and as well, to attract new Officers.
(d) Specifically, as well, the voters intend that this Charter provision, if adopted, shall be "cost neutral" to the City; that is, it shall not impose new costs upon the City as a consequence of the participation by Police Officers in the DROP.
(e) Finally, in order that the cost impact of the DROP may be assessed, this measure additionally provides that at the end of the third year after the implementation of the Program, the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to data provided by the Police Department along with an analysis by the Controller of the City and County and the consulting actuary of the Retirement Board, shall determine whether the Program has been cost-neutral, and whether in light of its achievement of the goals of the measure, it should be continued for an additional three year term, and thereafter, subject to similar evaluations.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) Sworn members of the Police Department occupying the rank of Police Officer (currently Q2—Q4) at their date of entry into the Program, shall be eligible to participate in the DROP for up to a maximum of 36 months from their date of entry into the Program, provided they otherwise meet the eligibility standards set forth in Section A8.901(c). Sworn members of the Police Department occupying the ranks of Sergeant (currently Q50—Q52) and Inspector (currently 0380-0382) at their date of entry into the Program, shall be eligible to participate in the DROP of up to a maximum of 24 months from their date of entry into the Program, provided they otherwise meet the eligibility standards set forth in Section A8.901(c).
(b) Sworn members of the Police Department occupying the ranks of Lieutenant (currently Q60—Q62) and Captain (currently Q80—Q82) at their date of entry into the Program shall be eligible to participate in the Program for a maximum of 12 months from their date of entry into the Program, provided that they otherwise meet the eligibility standards set forth in Section A8.901(c). No sworn member of the Police Department occupying a rank above that of Captain shall be eligible to participate in the Program.
(c) To be eligible to participate in the DROP, a sworn member occupying one of the eligible ranks must additionally be an active employee of the San Francisco Police Department, have at least 25 years of service as a sworn member of the Department, including any service as a member of the San Francisco Airport Police, and be at least 50 years of age at the time of entry into the Program. Additionally, a member must be a "full duty sworn officer" as that term is used in Charter Section 4.127. As a condition of participation the sworn member must agree that they shall terminate their employment through retirement at the conclusion of their participation in the Program.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) If, after a member becomes a participant in the DROP, the member shall become incapacitated for the performance of duty by reason of any bodily injury received in or illness caused by the performance of duty, said member will be eligible to apply for a retirement for incapacity and be subject to the same eligibility requirements provided elsewhere in this Charter as though the participant was not enrolled in the DROP. If a member receives a retirement for this duty related incapacity, said retirement shall be in lieu of the benefits provided in accordance with these DROP provisions, and the participant shall be paid an industrial disability retirement benefit as if the participant had never entered the DROP.
(b) If, after a member becomes a participant in the DROP, the member shall become incapacitated for the performance of duty by reason of any bodily injury received or illness not related to the performance of duty, said member will be eligible to apply to terminate participation in DROP in accordance with Section A8.906. The participant will be paid the balance credited in their DROP Account, and will begin to receive a monthly payment as determined under Section A8.903, including any cost of living adjustments to which the member would otherwise be entitled.
(c) In the event a member shall become temporarily incapacitated for the performance of duty while participating in the DROP, the member is entitled to disability benefits only as provided for in this Charter. The member is thus no longer a "full duty sworn officer," as defined in Section A8.901(c), and therefore the member's service retirement payments will be suspended for the period during which disability benefits are received. The member's DROP enrollment shall be extended for the period during which disability benefits were received, provided that this extension may not exceed one-half of the permitted maximum participation period for the rank occupied by the member at the time of enrollment in the DROP.
(d) In the event a member who is participating in the DROP applies for a retirement for incapacity, and the application remains unresolved at the conclusion of their DROP participation period, that member must leave the DROP when their participation period concludes, but they shall be permitted to continue on disability status with the Department until such time as their application is finally determined. In no event, however, shall any such member receive the distribution of their DROP Account until their disability retirement status is finally determined.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)