Applicability of Requirements. | |
Compliance of Uses Required. | |
Compliance of Structures, Open Spaces, and Off-Street Parking and Loading Required. | |
Compliance of Lots Required. | |
Compliance with Conditions, Stipulations and Special Restrictions Required. | |
Approval of Permits. | |
Applicability of Western SoMa Controls to Pending Projects in the SALI District. | |
Effective Date of the Eastern Neighborhoods Zoning Controls. | |
Duration of Authorization in the Eastern Neighborhoods. | |
Enforcement Against Violations. | |
Legitimization of Certain Massage Establishments. | |
Conditional Uses. | |
Uses Located in Neighborhood Commercial Districts. | |
Legitimization of Uses Located in the Eastern Neighborhoods. | |
Nonconforming Uses, Noncomplying Structures and Substandard Lots of Record: General. | |
Nonconforming Uses: Enlargements, Alterations and Reconstruction. | |
Nonconforming Uses: Changes of Use. | |
Nonconforming Uses: Discontinuance and Abandonment. | |
Short-Term Continuance of Certain Nonconforming Uses. | |
Continuance of Other Nonconforming Uses. | |
Exemption of Limited Commercial and Industrial Nonconforming Uses in RH, RM, RTO, and RED Districts. | |
Exemption of Nonconforming Uses in Neighborhood Commercial Districts. | |
Exceptions for Pre-existing Structures in Neighborhood Commercial Districts From Certain Limitations on Upper-Story Uses Imposed Under Article 7. | |
Automotive Service Stations, Electric Vehicle Charging Locations, and Gas Stations as Legal Nonconforming Uses. | |
Noncomplying Structures: Enlargements, Alterations, and Reconstruction. | |
Legitimization of Certain Land Uses at 3150 18th Street. | |
Continuation of Longstanding Places of Entertainment. | |
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
In their interpretation and application, the provisions of this Code shall be held to be minimum requirements. This Code is not intended to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way impair or interfere with any existing provisions of law, ordinance or the San Francisco Municipal Code, except such as are specifically repealed by this Code; provided, however, that where this Code imposes a greater restriction upon any use, activity or feature, or with respect to any land or structure, than is imposed or required by such existing provisions of law, ordinance or the Municipal Code, the provisions of this Code shall control.
(Added by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78)
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
Except as otherwise provided in this Code, structures and land in any district shall be used only for the purposes listed in this Code as permitted in that district, and in accordance with the regulations established for that district. A Permit of Occupancy shall be issued by the Department of Building Inspection (Central Permit Bureau) to the effect that the use or proposed use of a structure or land conforms to the provisions of this and related ordinances, prior to the occupancy of any structure erected, enlarged or structurally altered, or where any vacant land is proposed to be occupied or used except for permitted agricultural uses. Such a permit shall also be issued whenever the use of any structure or land is proposed to be changed from a use first permitted in any district to a use that is more widely permitted by the use districts of the City. Upon written request from the owner, such a permit shall also be issued covering any lawful use of a structure or land existing on the effective date of this Code, including nonconforming uses.
(Added by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; amended by Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013)