The following Employees shall be eligible to receive compensation as set forth herein:
(a) Permanent, provisional, and exempt Employees whose normal work week is not less than 20 hours upon completion of six months of continuous service; and
(b) All other Employees of the City and County of San Francisco, including "as needed" Employees, who have worked 1040 hours in the 12 months prior to the beginning of the Parental Leave and whose average work week is not less than 20 hours.
(Added November 2002; amended November 2015)
Employees shall receive Supplemental Compensation as set forth herein for a period not to exceed 12 weeks while on approved Family Medical Leave. Employees who take approved Temporary Pregnancy Disability Leave shall receive up to an additional 4 weeks of compensation. Such compensation shall be subject to the conditions set forth in Section A8.365-4.
(Added November 2002; amended November 2015)
(a) Employees shall receive their regular base wage while on approved Parental Leave subject to the following conditions;
(1) Employees on approved Parental Leave shall first exhaust all accrued Paid Leave, with the exception of 40 hours of sick leave, before receiving any Supplemental Compensation. Alternatively, if an Employee chooses not to exhaust accrued leaves as required by the previous sentence, the total amount of Supplemental Compensation for which the Employee would otherwise be eligible will be reduced by the total amount of accrued Paid Leave the Employee chooses to retain, with the exception of 40 hours of accrued sick leave.
(2) The amount of Supplemental Compensation shall be reduced by any payments received by the Employee from a federal, state or other local government agency while on Parental Leave.
(3) Supplemental Compensation shall be provided for no more than 12 weeks, in the case of Employees taking Family Medical Leave, or 16 weeks, in the case of Employees who take Temporary Pregnancy Disability Leave. For Employees eligible for both Family Medical Leave and Temporary Pregnancy Disability Leave, Supplemental Compensation shall be provided for no more than 16 weeks total. The 12 or 16 week period shall be reduced by any Paid Leave taken by the Employee: (A) after the birth of a child to the Employee, the Employee's spouse, or the Employee's Domestic Partner; (B) after placement of a child with the Employee's family for adoption or foster care; or (C) for temporary pregnancy disability, within 12 months prior to the commencement of Parental Leave as defined herein.
(4) Under no circumstance shall an Employee receive from the City Supplemental Compensation which would result in an Employee receiving total compensation while on Parental Leave which is greater than the Employee's regular base wage.
(b) During Parental Leave, the City shall continue to pay the contributions required by this Charter for retirement and health benefits, and any employer-paid Employee retirement and health contributions required under the memorandum of understanding or unrepresented ordinance covering the Employee. Retirement contributions shall be based on the actual amount of City pay received during the period of Parental Leave.
(c) The amendment of this Section A8.365-4 approved at the November 3, 2015 election shall apply only to Employees who have not yet begun Parental Leave on the effective date of the amendment, or who have begun Parental Leave but have not yet exhausted all of their accrued sick leave on the effective date of the amendment.
(Added November 2002; amended November 2015)
Any individual receiving compensation pursuant to this section shall execute an agreement providing that if the individual voluntarily separates from City service prior to returning to work for at least six months, the compensation described in Section A8.365-4 shall be treated as a loan payable with interest at a rate equal to the greater of (i) the rate received for the concurrent period by the Treasurer's Pooled Cash Account or (ii) the minimum amount necessary to avoid imputed income under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and any successor statute. Unless an alternative repayment schedule is agreed to by the City and the individual, such loan shall be payable in equal monthly installments over a period not to exceed 5 years, commencing 30 days following the individual's separation from City employment.
(Added November 2002)
Within 120 days of approval by the voters of this Amendment, the Department of Human Resources shall develop any procedures necessary to administer, interpret, and regulate the provisions of this section, provided that all such rules shall be approved, amended, or rejected by ordinance by the Board of Supervisors.
The amendments of this section contained in the proposition therefor submitted to the electorate on November 5, 2002 shall be effective July 1, 2003.
(Added November 2002)
(a) The Board of Supervisors shall have power and it shall be its duty to fix by ordinance from time to time, as provided in Section 8.401, all salaries, wages and compensations of every kind and nature, except pension or retirement allowances, for the positions, or places of employment, of all officers and employees of all departments, offices, boards and commissions of the City and County in all cases where such compensations are paid by the City and County.
(b) The Board of Supervisors shall have power by ordinance to provide the periods when salaries and wages earned shall be paid provided, that until such ordinance becomes effective, all wages and salaries shall be paid semi-monthly. No salary or wage shall be paid in advance. It shall be official misconduct for any officer or employee to present or approve a claim for full-time or continuous personal service other than in the manner provided by this Charter.
(c) All personal services shall be paid by warrants on the basis of a claim, bill, timeroll or payroll approved by the head of the department or office employing such service. The claims, bills or payrolls, hereinafter designated as payrolls, for salaries, wages or compensation for personal services of all officers, assistants and employees of every class or description, without regard to the name or title by which they are known, for each department or office of the City and County shall be transmitted to the department of human resources before presentation to the controller.
(d) The human resources director shall verify that all persons whose names appear on payrolls have been legally appointed to or employed in positions legally established under this Charter. In performing such verification said director may rely upon the results of electronic data processing. Said director shall direct his attention to exception reports produced by such processing; he shall approve or disapprove each item thereon and transmit said exception reports to the controller. The controller shall not draw his warrant for any claim for personal services, salary, wages or compensation which has been disapproved by the said director.
(e) For the purpose of the verification of claims, bills, timerolls, or payrolls, contractual services represented by teams or trucks hired by any principal executive or other officer of the City and County shall be considered in the same manner as personal service items and shall be included on payrolls as approved by said principal executive or other officers, and shall be subject to examination and approval by the human resources director and the controller in the same manner as payments for personal services.
(f) The salary, wage or other compensation fixed for each officer and employee in, or as provided by this Charter, shall be in full compensation for all services rendered, and every officer and employee shall pay all fees and other moneys received by him, in the course of his office or employment, into the City and County treasury.
(g) No officer or employee shall be paid for a greater time than that covered by his actual service; provided, however, that the basic amount of salary, wage or other compensation, excluding premium pay differentials of any type whatsoever of any officer or employee who may be called upon for jury service in any municipal, state or federal court, shall not be diminished during the term of such jury service. There shall, however, be deducted from the amount of basic salary, wage or other compensation, excluding any pay premium differentials of any type whatsoever payable by the City and County to the officer or employee for such period as such officer or employee may be absent on account of jury service, any amounts which the officer or employee may receive on account of such jury service. Any absence from regular duty or employment while on jury duty shall be indicated on timerolls by an appropriate symbol to be designated by the controller.
(h) Notwithstanding any other limitation in the Charter to the contrary, and subject to meet and confer obligations of state law, the Mayor may request that the Board of Supervisors enact, and the Board shall then have the power to so enact, an ordinance entitling City officers or employees called to active duty with a United States military reserve organization to receive from the City the following as part of the individual's compensation: for a period to be specified in the ordinance, the difference between the amount of the individual's military pay and the amount the individual would have received as a City officer or employee had the employee worked his or her normal work schedule, including any merit raises which otherwise would have been granted during the time the individual was on active duty. Any such ordinance shall be subject to the following limitations and conditions:
1. The individual must have been called into active service for a period greater than 30 consecutive days.
2. The purpose for such call to active service shall be extraordinary circumstances and shall not include scheduled training, drills, unit training assemblies, or similar events.
3. The amounts authorized pursuant to such an ordinance shall be offset by amounts required to be paid pursuant to any other law in order that there be no double payments.
4. Any individual receiving compensation pursuant to such an ordinance shall execute an agreement providing that if such individual does not return to City service within 60 days of release from active duty, or if the individual is not fit for employment at that time, within 60 days of return to fitness for employment, then that compensation shall be treated as a loan payable with interest at a rate equal to the greater of (i) the rate received for the concurrent period by the Treasurer's Pooled Cash Account or (ii) the minimum amount necessary to avoid imputed income under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and any successor statute. Such loan shall be payable in equal monthly installments over a period not to exceed 5 years, commencing 90 days after the individual's release from active service or return to fitness for employment, as the case may be.
5. Such an ordinance shall not apply to any active duty served voluntarily after the time that the individual is called to active service.
6. Such ordinance shall not be retroactive.
(Amended March 2004)
The current fiscal crisis requires the City and County to lay off employees to balance its budget. The need for such layoffs is expected to continue through fiscal years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. The purpose of this early retirement measure is to: (1) encourage employees in classifications identified for layoff, due to cuts in City and County services or functions, to take early retirement, (2) minimize the effects of layoffs on employees already laid off from these classifications by increasing the possibility of return from holdover lists, (3) achieve good labor relations by extending the benefits to eligible employees who were laid off after March 1, 2003, but before the date this measure was enacted, (4) limit early retirement benefits to employees in classifications identified for layoffs, (5) provide for certification by the Controller that the number of employees selected for early retirement benefits in each classification shall not exceed the number of employees separated due to layoff, and (6) provide for participation by the School District and the Community College District.
(Added November 2003)
The following criteria govern those employees eligible to receive the early retirement benefit set forth in Section A8.522 of the Charter.
(Added November 2003)
During fiscal years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, the Mayor shall identify, subject to confirmation by the Controller and the Director of the Department of Human Resources ("Director"):
(A) City and County services or functions that have been terminated or reduced during the fiscal year because of budget constraints, and
(B) The classifications of positions that have been eliminated in the budget for the fiscal year because of the termination or reduction of City and County services or functions ("Identified Classifications").
(Added November 2003)
The determinations made by the Mayor, Controller and the Director under Section A8.401-3, above, shall be made after the Board of Supervisors has enacted the budget for the fiscal year or adopted a supplemental change to the budget.
(Added November 2003)