Purpose of Chapter. | |
Duties of General Manager of Department of Electricity Relative to Chapter. | |
Implementation Report. |
(a) It is hereby declared that the purpose of this Chapter is to improve and coordinate the use and procurement of equipment, facilities, and services owned and operated, or subscribed to by the City and County or any department thereof: (1) for voice communication systems; (2) for the transmission, communication, and transport links up to the demarcation point between and among systems for voice, messaging, data information, alarm, public safety, wireless, cellular, video, Mayor's Emergency Telephone System; and (3) for support activities as required for these systems such as billing services and financial analysis, hereinafter referred to collectively as "telecommunications," in order to eliminate duplications and inefficiencies, to bring about economies which could not otherwise be obtained, and to provide a service whereby a well-planned program of telecommunications may be provided to City and County departments, boards, and commissions and maintained in the most economical manner.
(b) Telecommunications, as defined in this Section, does not include equipment, facilities and services that relate directly to data processing equipment or services which are directly managed by various departmental divisions for Management Information System (MIS), including but not limited to, the Controller's Information Services Division (ISD), Airport's MIS Division, Public Utilities Commission's Bureau of MIS and Department of Public Health MIS.
(Added by Ord. 293-92, App. 9/17/92)