All payments provided for members under Section 8.568 shall be made from funds derived from the following sources, plus interest earned on said funds:
(a) The normal rate of contribution of each member under this section shall be based on his age taken to the next lower complete quarter year, (1) at the earlier of the dates he became a member under Section 8.507, 8.509 or 8.567, in the case of persons who are members under these sections, or (2) on his age at the date he becomes a member under Section 8.568 in the case of persons who become members on or after July 1, 1949, without credit for service counted under Section 8.578. The age of entrance into the fire department shall be determined by deducting the member's service credited under Section 8.578 as rendered prior to the date upon which his age is based for determination of his rate of contribution according to the sentence next preceding, from said age. The normal rate of contribution of each such member, to be effective from the effective date of membership under Section 8.568, shall be such as, on the average for such member, will provide, assuming service without interruption, under Section 8.570, one-third of that portion of the service retirement allowance to which he would be entitled, without continuance to dependents, upon first qualifying as to age and service, for retirement under that section, which is based on service rendered after the date upon which his age is based for determination of his rate of contribution according to the first sentence in this paragraph, and assuming the contribution to be made from that date. The normal rate of contribution, however, shall not exceed six percent.
(b) The dependent contributions of each member under this section which shall be required of each member throughout his membership in addition to the normal contributions, and in the same manner as normal contributions, shall be such as, on the average for such member, will provide, assuming service without interruption under Section 8.570, and upon his first qualifying as to age and service for retirement under that section, one-third of the portion of his allowance, which is to be continued under Section 8.573 after his death and throughout the life of a surviving wife whose age at said death is three years less than the age of said member. If, at the date of retirement for service or retirement for disability resulting from injury received in performance of duty, said member has no wife who would qualify for the continuance of the allowance to her after the death of said member, or upon retirement for disability resulting from other causes, regardless of his marital condition, the dependent contributions with accumulated interest thereon, shall be paid to him forthwith. The dependent rate of contribution, however, shall not exceed the difference between six percent and the member's normal rate of contributions, and said dependent rate may be taken as a flat percentage of the member's normal rate, regardless of the age of qualification for service retirement.
(c) There shall be deducted from each payment of compensation made to a member under this section, a sum determined by applying the member's rates of contribution to such compensation payment. The sum so deducted shall be paid forthwith to the Retirement System. Said contribution shall be credited to the individual account of the member from whose salary it was deducted, and the total of said contributions, together with interest credited thereon in the same manner as is prescribed by the Board of Supervisors for crediting interest to contributions of other members of the Retirement System, shall be applied to provide part of the retirement allowance granted to, or allowance granted on account of said member, or shall be paid to said member or his estate or beneficiary as provided in Sections 8.576, 8.577 and 8.578.
(d) Contributions based on time included in Subsections (a), (b) and (c) of Section 8.578, and deducted prior to July 1, 1949, from compensation of persons who become members under Section 8.568, and standing with interest thereon, to the credit of such members on the records of the Retirement System on said date, shall continue to be credited to the individual accounts of said members and shall be combined with and administered in the same manner as the contributions deducted after said date.
(e) The total contributions, with interest thereon, made by or charged against the City and County and standing to its credit, in the accounts of the Retirement System, on account of persons who become members under Section 8.568, shall be applied to provide the benefits under said section.
(f) The City and County shall contribute to the Retirement System such amounts as may be necessary, when added to the contributions referred to in the preceding paragraphs of this Section 8.579, to provide the benefits payable under this section. Such contributions of the City and County to provide the portion of the benefits hereunder which shall be based on service rendered by each member prior to the date upon which his age is based for determination of his rate of contribution in Subsection (a) Section 8.579, shall not be less during any fiscal year than the amount of such benefits paid during said year. Such contributions of the City and County to provide the portion of the benefits hereunder which shall be based on service rendered by respective members on and after the date stated in the next preceding sentence, shall be made in annual installments, and the installment to be paid in any year shall be determined by the application of a percentage to the total compensation paid during said year, to persons who are members under Section 8.568, said percentage to be the ratio of the value on July 1, 1949, or at the later date of a periodical actuarial valuation and investigation into the experience under the system, of the benefits thereafter to be paid under this section, from contributions of the City and County, less the amount of such contributions, and plus accumulated interest thereon, then held by said systems to provide said benefits on account of service rendered by respective members after the date stated in the sentence next preceding, to the value of said respective dates of salaries thereafter payable to said members. Said values shall be determined by the actuary, who shall take into account the interest which shall be earned on said contributions, the compensation experience of members, and the probabilities of separation by all causes, of members from service before retirement and of death after retirement. Said percentage shall be changed only on the basis of said periodical actuarial valuation and investigation into the experience under the system. Said actuarial valuation shall be made every even-numbered year and said investigation into the experience under the system shall be every odd-numbered year.
(g) To promote the stability of the Retirement System through a joint participation in the result of variations in the experience under mortality, investment and other contingencies the contributions of both members and the City and County held by the system to provide the benefits under this section, shall be a part of the fund in which all other assets of said system are included. Nothing in this section shall affect the obligations of the City and County to pay to the Retirement System any amounts which may or shall become due under the provisions of the Charter prior to July 1, 1949, and which are represented on said effective date, in the accounts of said system by debits against the City and County.
Upon the completion of the years of service set forth in Section 8.570 as requisite to retirement, a member of the fire department shall be entitled to retire at any time thereafter in accordance with the provisions of said Section 8.570, and nothing shall deprive said member of said right.
No person retired as a member under Section 8.568 for service or disability and entitled to receive a retirement allowance under the Retirement System shall serve in any elective or appointive position in the City and County service, including membership on boards and commissions, nor shall such person receive any payment for service rendered to the City and County after retirement, provided that service as an election officer or juror shall not be affected by this section.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Charter, but solely with respect to the determination of the amount of each retirement allowance payable to or on account of a person who retired for service or because of disability under the provisions of Section 8.568 of the Charter prior to July 1, 1975, "final compensation," for time commencing on July 1, 1975, shall mean the rate of remuneration (excluding remuneration for overtime) attached on July 1, 1975 to the rank or position upon which such person's retirement allowance was determined when first effective; provided, further, that each such allowance shall be increased or decreased as of July 1, 1990, and thereafter on the effective date of any legislation fixing the rates of compensation for firefighters under section 8.405 of this Charter by an amount equal to 50% of the rate of change in the salary attached to said rank multiplied by the allowance which was payable for the month immediately preceding each July 1.
This section does not give any person retired under the provisions of said Section 8.568, or his successors in interest, any claim against the City and County for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to July 1, 1975.
This section does not authorize any decrease in the amount of any allowance from the amount being paid as of June 30, 1975.
No retirement allowance to which the definition of "final compensation" as set forth in this section is applicable shall be subject to adjustment under the provisions of Section 8.526 for time commencing July 1, 1975. Contributions, with interest credited thereon, standing to the credit of a person whose retirement allowance is subject to the provisions of this section and which were made by such person pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.526 shall, effective July 1, 1975, be combined with and administered in the same manner as such person's normal contributions. Contributions, with interest credited thereon, made by or charged against the City and County and standing to its credit on account of a person whose retirement allowance is subject to the provisions of this section and which were made by or charged against the City and County for the purposes of said Section 8.526 shall be applied to provide the benefits under this section.
Those persons who become miscellaneous officers and employees after November 1, 1976, shall be members of the Retirement System subject to the provisions of Sections 8.584 and 8.584-1 through 8.584-12, in addition to the provisions contained in Sections 3.670, 3.672, 8.500, 8.510, 8.520 and 8.526 of this Charter notwithstanding the provisions of any other section of the Charter; provided that persons who become members under the Public Employees' Retirement System of the State of California pursuant to Section 8.506 of this Charter of members of State Teachers' Retirement System of the State of California pursuant to Section 8.506-1 of this Charter shall not be members of the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System and provided, further, that the Retirement System shall be applied to persons employed on a part-time, temporary or substitute bases only as the Board of Supervisors shall determine by ordinance enacted by three-fourths vote of all members of the board. Miscellaneous officers and employees who are members of the Retirement System under Sections 8.507 or 8.509 of the Charter prior to November 2, 1976 shall continue to be members of the system under Sections 8.507 or 8.509, as the case may be, and shall not be subject to any of the provisions of this section or Sections 8.584-1 through 8.584-12.
The following words and phrases as used in this section, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context, shall have the following meaning:
"Retirement allowance," or "allowance," shall mean equal monthly payments, beginning to accrue upon the date of retirement, and continuing for life unless a different term of payment is definitely provided by the context.
"Compensation," as distinguished from benefits under the workers' compensation laws of the State of California shall mean all remuneration whether in cash or by other allowances made by the City and County, for service qualifying for credit under this section, but excluding remuneration for overtime.
"Compensation earnable" shall mean the compensation as determined by the retirement board, which would have been earned by the member had he worked, throughout the period under consideration, the average number of days ordinarily worked by persons in the same grade or class of positions as the positions held by him during such period and at the rate of pay attached to such positions, it being assumed that during any absence, he was in the position held by him at the beginning of the absence, and that prior to entering City service, he was in the position first held by him in City service.
"Benefit" shall include "allowance," "retirement allowance," and "death benefit."
"Average final compensation" shall mean the average monthly compensation earned by a member during any three consecutive years of credited service in the Retirement System in which his average final compensation is the highest.
For the purposes of the Retirement System and of this section, Section 8.584 and Sections 8.584-2 through 8.584-12, the terms "miscellaneous officer or employee," or "member," shall mean any officer or employee employed after November 1, 1976 who is not a member of the police or fire departments as defined in the Charter for the purposes of the Retirement System, provided that said terms shall not include those persons who become members under the Public Employees' Retirement System of the State of California pursuant to Section 8.506 of this Charter or members of State Teachers' Retirement System of the State of California pursuant to Section 8.506- 1 of this Charter.
"Retirement system" or "system" shall mean San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System as created in Section 8.500 of the Charter.
"Retirement board" shall mean "retirement board" as created in Section 3.670 of the Charter.
"Charter" shall mean the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco.
Words used in the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and singular numbers shall include the plural and the plural the singular.
"Interest" shall mean interest at the rate adopted by the retirement board.