For the purposes of this Article, the following words, and phrases shall mean or include:
"Swimming Pool" and "Pool." An artificial basin, chamber, or tank constructed or impervious material and used, or intended to be used, for swimming, wading, diving or recreative bathing. It does not include baths where the main purpose is the cleaning of the body, nor individual type therapeutic tubs.
"Related appurtenances." Auxiliary structures and equipment to a swimming pool, such as locker rooms, shower, and dressing rooms, toilet facilities, filtration, pumping, piping, disinfecting and safety equipment provided and maintained in connection with such facility.
"Public Swimming Pool." Any swimming pool as defined herein and its related appurtenances, except private pools maintained by an individual for the use of his family and friends. The term includes but is not limited to all commercial pools, pools at hotels, motels, resorts, auto and trailer parks, auto courts, apartment houses, clubs, private schools and gymnasia and health establishments.
"Director." The Director of Public Health of the City and County of San Francisco.
"Person." Any individual, co-partnership, firm, association, joint stock company, corporation, club, or combination of individuals of whatsoever form and character.
(Amended by Ord. 194- 61, App. 7/27/61)
On and after October 1, 1961, no person shall operate, maintain or conduct a public swimming pool without a permit from the Department of Public Health of the City and County of San Francisco. Every applicant for such permit shall file with the Department a written application on such form and containing such information as the Department may require.
The permit shall set forth the commercial uses permitted and shall be valid until suspended or revoked. Said permit shall not be transferable and shall be deemed revoked upon sale, transfer or assignment of the commercial use for which the permit was issued.
A permit may at any time be suspended or revoked for cause after a hearing by the Department of Public Health. Upon suspension or revocation the premises for which the permit was issued shall be posted with the order of the Department.
(Amended by Ord. 93-68, App. 4/19/68)