Purpose. | |
Permit Required for Fortunetelling. | |
Definitions. | |
Exception. | |
Application for Permit for Fortunetelling. | |
Permit Grant or Denial. | |
Suspension, Revocation, or Reinstatement of Fortunetelling Permit. | |
Permit Forwarded to Tax Collector; Payment of License Fees. | |
Renewal of Permit. | |
License Fees. | |
Removal or Transfer of Permit or License Prohibited. | |
Deceptive Acts. | |
Receipts. | |
Identification Cards. | |
Rate Schedule and Complaint Procedure. | |
Advertising. | |
Updated Information. | |
Effective Date. | |
Rules and Regulations to Be Adopted. | |
Ascertainment of Compliance with All Law; Inspections Therefor. | |
Penalty. | |
Severability Clause. | |
The purpose of this legislation is to regulate fortunetellers, psychics, and other similar businesses so that the City and County of San Francisco can efficiently and thoroughly investigate fraud and deception, protect the public by preventing people who have been charged with deceptive practices from having easy access to persons who may be vulnerable to fraud or confidence games, to ensure that consumers are provided with information regarding services, rates, and complaint procedures, and to foster a positive business environment for legitimate practitioners within this industry.
(Added by Ord. 196-03, File No. 021948, App. 8/1/2003)
It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise or offer or engage in the activity, enterprise, profession, trade, or undertaking of fortunetelling with the object of gain, benefit or advantage, whether direct or indirect, without a valid permit issued by the San Francisco Police Department. Gain, benefit or advantage includes but is not limited to economic remuneration of any kind, including authorization to use credit issued to another, use of another's property or assets, loans, or the provision of tangible items.
(Added by Ord. 196-03, File No. 021948, App. 8/1/2003)