Definitions. | |
Applicability of Article. | |
Site-Specific Dust Control Plan. | |
Exemption for Interior Only Tenant Improvement Projects. | |
Waiver of Requirements for Compliance: Rescission of Waiver. | |
Director's Approval of Dust Control Plan and Notification to the Director of Building Inspection. | |
Rules and Regulations. | |
Construction on City Property. | |
No Assumption of Liability. | |
Fees. | |
In addition to the general definitions applicable to this Code, whenever used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings set forth below:
(a) "Applicant" means a person applying for any permit specified in Section of the San Francisco Building Code or, if a permit for the work is not required from the Department of Building Inspection, the owner of the property where the activities will take place.
(b) "Director" means the Director of the San Francisco Department of Public Health or the Director's designee.
(c) "Director of Building Inspection " means the Director of the Department of Building Inspection of the City and County of San Francisco.
(d) "Owner" means the owner or owners of the property that is the site of the construction activities.
(e) "Sensitive Receptor" means residence, school, childcare center, hospital or other health-care facility or group living quarters.
(Added by 176-08, File No. 071009, App. 7/30/2008)
(a) Applicants for projects over a half acre in size shall submit a map showing the location of the project and clearly identifying all surrounding sensitive receptors and particularly noting those within 1,000 feet of the project. The Director of Health shall review this map and any other information available to the Director to verify compliance with this submittal requirement. If no sensitive receptors are determined to be within 1,000 feet of the project, then the Director of Health may issue a waiver to the Applicant that specifies that the project is not required to have a site-specific dust control plan.
(b) For projects determined by the Director to be within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors, the Applicant will submit a site-specific dust control plan to the Director for approval.
(c) The site-specific dust control plan shall contain all provisions of Section of the Building Code and enhanced site-specific dust monitoring and control measures that will apply to the project. These site-specific measures may include the following or equivalent measures, which accomplish the goal of minimizing visible dust:
(1) wetting down areas around soil improvement operations, visibly dry disturbed soil surface areas, and visibly dry disturbed unpaved driveways at least three times per shift per day.
(2) analysis of the wind direction,
(3) placement of upwind and downwind particulate dust monitors,
(4) recordkeeping for particulate monitoring results,
(5) hiring of an independent third party to conduct inspections for visible dust and keeping records of those inspections,
(6) requirements for when dust generating operations have to be shut down due to dust crossing the property boundary or if dust is contained within the property boundary but not controlled after a specified number of minutes,
(7) establishing a hotline for surrounding community members to call and report visible dust problems so that the Applicant can promptly fix those problem; posting signs around the site with the hotline number and making sure that the number is given to adjacent residents, schools and businesses.
(8) limiting the area subject to excavation, grading, and other demolition or construction activities at any one time,
(9) minimizing the amount of excavated material or waste materials stored at the site,
(10) installing dust curtains, plastic tarps or windbreaks, or planting tree windbreaks on the property line on windward and down windward sides of construction areas, as necessary,
(11) paving, applying water three times daily, or applying non-toxic soil stabilizers on all unpaved access roads, parking areas and staging areas at the construction site. Reclaimed water must be used if required by Article 21, Section 1100 et seq. of the San Francisco Public Works Code, Article 22. If not required, reclaimed water should be used whenever possible.
(12) loading haul trucks carrying excavated material and other non-excavated material so that the material does not extend above the walls or back of the truck bed. Tightly cover with tarpaulins or other effective covers all trucks hauling soil, sand, and other loose materials before the trucks leave the loading area. Wet prior to covering if needed.
(13) establishing speed limits so that vehicles entering or exiting construction areas shall travel at a speed that minimizes dust emissions. This speed shall be no more than 15 miles per hour.
(14) sweeping streets with water sweepers at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Reclaimed water must be used if required by Article 21, Section 1100 et sea, of the San Francisco Public Works Code. If not required, reclaimed water should be used whenever possible.
(15) installing wheel washers to clean all trucks and equipment leaving the construction site. If wheel washers cannot be installed, tires or tracks and spoil trucks shall be brushed off before they reenter City streets to minimize deposition of dust-causing materials.
(16) terminating excavation, grading, and other construction activities when winds speeds exceed 25 miles per hour.
(17) hydroseeding inactive construction areas, including previously graded areas inactive for at least 10 calendar days, or applying non-toxic soil stabilizers.
(18) sweeping of surrounding streets during demolition, excavation and construction at least once per day to reduce particulate emissions.
(Added by 176-08, File No. 071009, App. 7/30/2008)