(a) The word "member" or "members" as used in this section shall mean the members in the police department set forth in Section 3.531 of this Charter.
(b) The basic week of service for each member shall be 40 hours and the annual compensation set forth in Section 3.531 of this Charter shall be based upon said basic week of service.
(c) Each member shall be entitled to at least two days off during each week, except as hereinafter provided.
(d) Whenever in the judgment of the chief of police public interest or necessity requires the services of any member to serve in excess of the basic week of service during any week, the chief of police may permit said service, and said member shall be compensated therefor or shall receive equivalent time credited to him in lieu thereof in accordance with this subsection. For service performed in excess of the basic week, member shall, as requested by the member, be compensated on the basis of time and one-half in accordance with the ratio which said excess service bears to the basic week of service and the annual compensation provided therefor in Section 3.531 or in lieu thereof equivalent time off duty with pay at the rate of time and one-half.
(e) Nothing contained in this section shall be deemed to interfere with a vacation, as provided for in Section 8.440 of this Charter, or the normal days off per week; provided, however, that when in the judgment of the chief of police public interest or necessity requires the services of any member to serve on his vacation, or part thereof, or normal days off, the chief of police may permit said member to serve during said vacation, or part thereof, or normal days off and he shall receive additional compensation for the period so served. Said additional compensation shall be computed on the basis of time and one-half in accordance with the ratio which said extra service performed bears to the basic week of service and the annual compensation provided therefor in Section 3.351.
(f) Nothing in this section shall abridge or limit in any way the provisions of Section 301, Part 1, of the San Francisco Municipal Code, approving Rule 32 of the civil service commission, insofar as sick leave and disability leaves for members are concerned.
(g) Whenever in the judgment of the police commission the efficient performance of police duty requires that one or more members of the police department should report for roll call, orders, and assignment, prior to going on duty, the said commission may designate a period not to exceed 15 minutes in any one day for said reporting, and the said periods of 15 minutes need not be compensated for in money or in time off with pay.
(h) Notwithstanding the provisions of any of the foregoing subsections, the members of the police department shall be entitled to the days declared to be holidays for employees whose compensations are fixed on a monthly basis in the schedules of compensations adopted by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.401 of the Charter as additional days off with pay. Members shall be compensated on the basis of time and one-half as herein computed or shall be granted equivalent time off duty with pay at the rate of time and one-half as requested by the member.
(i) The provisions of this section changing compensation for service in excess of the basic week of service from straight time compensation and equivalent time off duty with pay to time and one-half for compensation and for time off duty with pay shall be effective on and after July 1, 1983.
(j) Any member who actually performs services between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. shall be entitled to an additional 6.25 percent of the compensation otherwise payable for base pay therefor for all such hours worked; provided, however, that such additional compensation shall not be included for purposes of retirement benefit calculation or contributions provided elsewhere in this Charter.
The provisions of this subsection shall become effective in the manner provided by law, but in no event prior to July 1, 1984.
The chief of department shall recommend and the fire commission shall provide by rule for work schedules or tours of duty for the officers and members occupying the several ranks of the fire department; provided, however, that the normal work week determined on an annual basis for such officers and members shall not exceed 48.7 hours. All tours of duty established for officers and members assigned to the fire fighting companies and fire fighting units excepting the arson investigation unit, shall start at eight o'clock A.M. No such officer or member shall be required to work more than twenty-four consecutive hours except in a case of conflagration, disaster, or sudden and unexpected emergency of a temporary nature requiring the services of more than the available on-duty officers and members of the uniformed force of the department. Officers and members may exchange watches with permission of the chief of department and time worked on such exchange of watches shall not be construed as time in violation of the limitation of 48.7 hours in any normal work week nor 24 consecutive hours. Each such officer and each such member shall be entitled to at least one (1) day off duty during each week.
When, in the judgment of the chief of department, it is in the public interest that any such officer or member shall work on his day off and said officer or member consents to so work, he may at the direction of the chief of department work on said day off, and in addition to the regular compensation provided for said officer or member as set forth in the Charter, said officer or member shall, as requested by the officer or member, be entitled to be compensated at the rate of time and one-half his regular rate of pay as provided for herein for said extra time served, or he shall be allowed the equivalent time off at the rate of time and one-half.
In any computation in the administration of the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System in which the compensation, as defined in any provisions relating to the Retirement System, is a factor, compensation for overtime provided for in this section shall be excluded, and no such overtime compensation shall be deemed as compensation for any purpose relating to such retirement provisions.
Officers and members of the uniformed force shall be entitled to the days declared to be holidays for employees whose compensation are fixed on a monthly basis in the schedule of compensation adopted by the Board of Supervisors, pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.401 of the Charter, as additional days off with pay. Officers or members shall be compensated for said days on the basis of time and one-half as herein computed or shall be granted equivalent time off duty with pay at the rate of time and one-half, as requested by the officer or member.
For payroll purposes, that portion of each tour of duty which falls within each calendar day shall constitute a single tour of duty. The rate of compensation or equivalent time off as provided for in this section, shall be calculated by dividing the annual rates of pay for each fiscal year by two-thirds (2/3) number of single tours of duty as scheduled for the several ranks in the fire fighting companies in said fiscal year.
In order to continue in force provisions already existing for retirement and death benefits for officers and employees of the City and County, the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as the Retirement System or the system, is hereby continued. The enactment of Sections 12.100 to 12.103 and Sections A8.500 to A8.581, inclusive, of this Charter is not intended to, and shall not in any way, alter or modify the rights, benefits, or obligations of any member or beneficiary of the Retirement System or of the City and County with respect to that system as they exist at the time this Charter becomes effective.
Ordinance provisions already existing with respect to the Retirement System shall continue in force until amended or revoked by the Board of Supervisors as provided in this Section. The Board of Supervisors is hereby empowered to enact, by a vote of three-fourths of its members, any and all ordinances necessary to carry into effect the provisions of Sections 12.100 to 12.103 and the Retirement System provisions of the Charter, as set forth in Appendix Sections A8.500 et. seq.; provided that the Board of Supervisors shall secure, through the Retirement Board, an actuarial report of the cost and effect of any proposed change in the benefits under the Retirement System, before enacting an ordinance or before voting to submit any proposed Charter amendment providing for such change.
Subject to the vested rights rule, the Board of Supervisors is further empowered to enact, by a vote of three-fourths of its members, ordinances to conform the provisions of the Retirement System to any changes in the tax laws of the United States to the extent necessary to maintain the qualified tax status of the Retirement System provided that the Board of Supervisors shall first secure, from the Retirement Board, an actuarial report of the cost and effect of any such change and the recommendation from the Retirement Board that such an ordinance is necessary.
The Board of Supervisors is further empowered to enact, by a vote of three-fourths of its members, ordinances to allow Internal Revenue Code section 414(h)(2) tax treatment of members' contributions to the Retirement System provided that the Board of Supervisors shall first secure from the Retirement Board an actuarial report which certifies that such ordinances will not increase costs, other than administrative costs, for the City and County.
(Amended by Proposition C, approved 11/8/2011)
Subject to the provisions of Section 8.500, the Board of Supervisors shall have the power to enact ordinances to establish reciprocal agreements with the Public Employees' Retirement System and other public agencies maintaining independent Retirement Systems for the purpose of extending reciprocal benefits to members of such systems as provided by state law. The Board of Supervisors and the retirement board shall have the power to perform all acts necessary to carry out the terms and purposes of such agreements.
Subject to the provisions of Section 8.500, the Board of Supervisors is further empowered to enact ordinances necessary to extend reciprocal rights to members who transfer between retirement plans established by this Charter provided that service under any plan for miscellaneous members shall be used for qualification purposes only and not to calculate benefits under any retirement plan for members of the police or fire departments. With the exception of those members who transferred pursuant to Charter Sections 8.559-14 and 8.585-14, no ordinance enacted under this section shall extend reciprocal rights to any member who transferred from Charter section 8.559 or 8.585 to Charter section 8.509, 8.584, 8.586 or 8.588, before April 1, 1993. No ordinance enacted under this section shall extend reciprocal rights to any person who terminated his or her membership in the Retirement System or retired before April 1, 1993. Subject to the above, reciprocal benefits under this paragraph shall be consistent with interpretations that have been made relative to the reciprocal benefit provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement System and 1937 County Employees' Retirement Act which this paragraph is intended to implement. The reciprocal benefits under this section will be limited by Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, and no reciprocal benefits will be effective if they have an adverse impact on the tax qualified status of the Retirement System under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.
(Amended November 1999; November 2002)
With respect to the Retirement System, domestic partnerships shall be treated exactly the same as marriages, domestic partners shall be treated exactly the same as spouses, termination of a domestic partnership shall be treated exactly the same as a dissolution of marriage and qualified surviving domestic partners shall be treated exactly the same as qualified surviving spouses, respectively.
(a) As used in the retirement plans established by this Charter, the phrase "surviving wife" shall also mean and include a "surviving spouse." As used in these sections, the phrases "surviving wife" and "surviving spouse" shall also mean and include a surviving domestic partner, provided that:
(1) there is no surviving spouse, and
(2) the member has designated his or her domestic partner as beneficiary with the Retirement System, and
(3) the domestic partnership is established or recognized according to those provisions of Chapter 62 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, as amended from time to time. Domestic partners who have formed their domestic partnership only by notarization of a declaration of Domestic Partnership as provided in Chapter 62 of the San Francisco Administrative Code shall not be recognized or treated as a domestic partnership for purposes under the Retirement System unless and until the domestic partnership is registered or certified. A certificate of such domestic partnership, civil union, or similar legal relationship issued by another jurisdiction in a form that is equivalent to the records that the Retirement System relies upon to verify marriages shall constitute sufficient proof of such legal relationship.
(b) Beginning March 5, 2002, the requirement of filing a Certificate of Domestic Partnership with the Retirement System shall not apply to members who were retired on or before November 8, 1995 and who had filed a signed Declaration of Domestic Partnership with the County Clerk at least one full year prior to the effective date of his or her retirement; and provided further that, as to any such member who was retired on or before November 8, 1995, no adjustment to a retirement allowance and no payments to a qualified surviving domestic partner shall begin before the effective date of this amendment or before the first day of the month in which an application is made to the Retirement System, which ever occurs later.
(c) A monthly allowance equal to what would other-wise be payable to a surviving spouse shall be paid to the said surviving domestic partner, until he or she dies, marries or establishes a new domestic partnership. Establishment of a domestic partnership by a surviving spouse shall be treated exactly the same as a remarriage for retirement purposes.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (c), no additional continuation allowance shall be paid after March 2, 2004 to a surviving domestic partner who is receiving a continuation allowance as the surviving spouse of another member on or before March 2, 2004.
(e) No continuation allowance shall be payable under the provisions of this section approved by the electorate on March 2, 2004 to the survivor of any member or retired member who died on or before March 1, 2004. Any retirement allowance payable to a person who becomes a qualified surviving domestic partner pursuant to the provisions of this section approved by the electorate on March 2, 2004, shall not begin before April 15, 2004.
(f) The domestic partner benefits under this section will be limited by Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time. No domestic partner benefits will be effective if they have an adverse impact on the tax qualified status of the Retirement System under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.
(Amended March 2002; November 2002; March 2004)
Elective officers, including members of the Board of Supervisors in office on and after July 1, 2000, but excepting members of all other boards and commissions and any elective officers who are members of the Public Employees' Retirement System, shall be members of the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System under the miscellaneous plan in effect on the date such officer assumes office. Time during which said members have rendered service as elective officers shall be included under Subsection (g) of Section A8.509, Section A8.584-7 or the miscellaneous plan in effect on the date such officer assumes office, in addition to other time now so included. Contributions required to provide benefits based on service rendered as an elective officer prior to the effective date of membership in the Retirement System, shall be paid to the Retirement System in a manner consistent with contributions required of miscellaneous members for temporary service as provided in this Charter and the administrative code.
(Amended March 2000)