Title. | |
Authority and Mandate. | |
Purposes. | |
Scope. | |
Enforcement. | |
Certificate of Compliance. | |
Severability. |
This Chapter shall be known as the "Subdivision Code of the City and County of San Francisco for the Mission Bay Project Area" (hereinafter referred to as this "Code") and applies only to the areas designated as the Mission Bay North Redevelopment Project Area and the Mission Bay South Redevelopment Project Area (collectively the "Mission Bay Project Area").
(Added by Ord. 329-98, App. 10/30/98)
(a) This Code is adopted pursuant to the Subdivision Map Act of California, Title 7, Division 2 of the Government Code, commencing with Section 66410 (hereinafter referred to as "SMA"), and repeals the Mission Bay Subdivision Code, adopted as Exhibit F to Ordinance No. 60-91, being the Mission Bay Development Agreement, to the extent, if any, not previously repealed by the termination of the Development Agreement, and repeals the Mission Bay Subdivision Regulations adopted by the Director on October 18, 1991, to the extent not previously repealed.
(b) Any amendments to SMA, adopted subsequent to the effective date of this Code, shall not invalidate any provisions of this Code. Any amendments to SMA that may be inconsistent with this Code shall govern.
(c) Subject to the procedures and requirements for development in the Mission Bay Project Area set forth in the Plans and Plan Documents, as defined in the Plans, this Code shall govern in relation to all other City regulations. Except as required by the SMA, in the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the provisions of this Code and the Plans or Plan Documents, the Plans and Plan Documents shall control. All applications for tentative Maps, Vesting Tentative Maps, Parcel Maps and Final Maps shall be consistent with the Plans and Plan Documents.
(d) This Code and the regulations adopted pursuant to this Code shall apply to all subdivisions hereafter made entirely or partially within the Mission Bay Project Area. This Code shall be effective until the termination of the Plan, including any modifications or extensions thereof. Upon termination all the subdivisions in the Mission Bay Project Area shall be governed by the San Francisco Subdivision Code and applicable regulations unless otherwise specified.
(Added by Ord. 329-98, App. 10/30/98)