The health service board shall determine and certify to the controller the amount to be paid monthly by the members of the system to the health service system fund for the purposes of the system hereby created. The controller shall deduct said sums from the compensation of the members and shall deposit the same with the treasurer of the City and County to the credit of the health service system fund.
Such deductions shall not be deemed to be a reduction of compensation under any provision of this Charter.
The health service board shall have control of the administration and investment of the health service system fund, provided that all investments shall be of the character legal for insurance companies in California. Disbursements from the fund shall be made only upon audit by the controller and the controller shall have and exercise the accounting and auditing powers over the health service system fund which are vested in him by this Charter with respect to all other municipal boards, officers and commissions.
The term "medical care" shall be defined by the health service board. All acts performed and services rendered under the provisions of this section shall be performed in accordance with the provisions as to professional conduct prescribed by the statutes of the State of California regulating such professional conduct and services.
Except as herein provided, members of the system shall have and possess no claim or recourse against any of the funds of the municipality by virtue of the adoption or operation of any plan for rendering medical care, indemnifying costs of said care or carrying insurance against such costs, but except as herein provided, the claim and recourse of any such member shall be limited solely to the funds of the system. All expenses of the system shall be paid exclusively from the health service system fund, and, except as herein provided, the City and County and the San Francisco Unified School District shall not appropriate or contribute funds in any manner for the purposes of the system hereby established and provided.