Mixed Use District Provisions. | |
Purpose of Article 8. | |
References to Articles 1, 2, and 7 (Temporary). | |
Classes of Mixed Use Districts. | |
Mixed Use Districts. | |
Special Use Districts. | |
Chinatown Mixed Use Districts. | |
Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts. | |
Downtown Residential Districts. | |
Mixed Use District Requirements. | |
Uses Permitted in Chinatown Mixed Use Districts. | |
Uses Permitted in Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts. | |
Low-Income Affordable Housing in the Service/Arts/Light Industrial District. | |
Commercial Uses in Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts. | |
Chinatown Community Business District. | |
Chinatown Visitor Retail District. | |
Chinatown Residential Neighborhood Commercial District. | |
South of Market Extended Preservation District. | |
DTR – Downtown Residential Districts. | |
Rincon Hill Downtown Residential Mixed Use District (RH-DTR). | |
Transbay Downtown Residential District (TB-DTR). | |
South Beach Downtown Residential Mixed Use District (SB-DTR). | |
CMUO – Central SoMa Mixed Use-Office District. | |
MUG – Mixed Use-General District. | |
MUO – Mixed Use-Office District. | |
MUR – Mixed Use-Residential District. | |
RED – Residential Enclave District. | |
RED-MX – Residential Enclave-Mixed District. | |
SALI – Service/Arts/Light Industrial District. | |
SPD – South Park District. | |
UMU – Urban Mixed Use District. | |
WMUG – WSoMa Mixed Use-General District. | |
WMUO – WSoMa Mixed Use-Office District. | |
Definitions for Mixed Use Districts. | |
Automobile Parking Lot, Community Residential. | |
Automobile Parking Garage, Community Residential. | |
Automobile Parking Lot, Community Commercial. | |
Automobile Parking Garage, Community Commercial. | |
Automobile Parking Lot, Public. | |
Automobile Parking Garage, Public. | |
Automobile Sale or Rental. | |
Automotive Gas Station. | |
Automotive Repair. | |
Automotive Service. | |
Automotive Service Station. | |
Motor Vehicle Tow Service. | |
Automotive Wash. | |
Business Goods and Equipment Sales and Repair Service. | |
Catering Services. | |
Design Professional. | |
Drive-Up Facility. | |
Entertainment, Adult. | |
Open Air Sales. | |
Gift Store – Tourist-Oriented. | |
Hospital or Medical Center. | |
Hotel, Tourist. | |
Hotel, Residential. | |
Hours of Operation. | |
Institutions, Other. | |
Jewelry Store. | |
Laboratory. | |
Life Science. | |
Light Manufacturing, Wholesale Sales, Storage. | |
Lot Size (Per Development). | |
Massage Establishment. | |
Mortuary. | |
Movie Theater. | |
Neighborhood-Serving Business. | |
Non-Auto Vehicle Sales or Rental, Light and Marine Vehicles Only. | |
Office Use. | |
Outdoor Activity Area. | |
Public Use. | |
Recreation Facility. | |
Residential Use. | |
Sales and Services, Nonretail. | |
Sales and Services, Other Retail. | |
Sales and Services, Retail. | |
Service, Administrative. | |
Service, Professional. | |
Service, Financial. | |
Service, Business. | |
Service, Limited Financial. | |
Service, Fringe Financial. | |
Service, Health. | |
Service, Personal. | |
Story. | |
Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment. | |
Trade Shop. | |
Use Size (Nonresidential). | |
Vehicle Storage, Open Lot. | |
Vehicle Storage, Enclosed Lot or Structure. | |
Medical Cannabis Dispensary. | |
Walk-Up Facility. | |
Other Applicable Sections of the Planning Code. | |
This Article is adopted specifically for Mixed Use Districts, as shown on the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco. The provisions set forth or referenced in Article 8 shall apply to any use, property, structure, or development which is located in a Mixed Use District, unless otherwise provided for within this Code.
(Added by Ord. 131-87, App. 4/24/87; amended by Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90)
This Article is intended to provide a comprehensive and flexible zoning system for Mixed Use Districts which is consistent with the objectives and policies set forth in the San Francisco General Plan. More specifically, the purposes of this Article are:
(a) To provide in one article a complete listing of or cross-reference to all of the zoning categories, definitions, control provisions, and review procedures which are applicable to properties or uses in Mixed Use Districts;
(b) To establish a zoning system which will accommodate all classes of Mixed Use Districts including individual districts which are tailored to the unique characteristics of specific areas;
(c) To provide zoning control categories which embrace the full range of land use issues in mixed-use neighborhoods, in order that controls can be applied individually to each district to address particular land use concerns in that district.
(Added by Ord. 131-87, App. 4/24/87; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008)