Any member who becomes incapacitated for performance of duty because of disability determined by a qualified hearing officer to be of extended and uncertain duration, and who shall have completed at least 10 years of service credited in the Retirement System in the aggregate, computed as provided in Section A8.603-7, shall be retired upon an allowance of 1.8% (one and eight-tenths percent) of the average final compensation of said member, as defined in Section A8.603-1 for each year of credited service, if such retirement allowance exceeds 40 percent of his or her average final compensation; otherwise 1.8% (one and eight-tenths percent) of his or her average final compensation multiplied by the number of years of City service which would be credited to him or her were such City service to continue until attainment by him or her of age 60, but such retirement allowance shall not exceed 40 percent of such average final compensation.
In the calculation under this Section of the retirement allowance of a member having credit for service in more than one position eligible for membership in the Retirement System, separate retirement allowances shall be calculated, in the manner prescribed for each class of service, the average final compensation in each case being that for the respective class of service; provided that the average final compensation upon which the retirement allowance is calculated in such case shall be based on the compensation earned by the member in the classes of service rendered by him or her during the three years immediately preceding his or her retirement, and provided further that the member's combined initial retirement allowance shall be based on no more than one full-time equivalent position.
The question of retiring members under this Section may be brought before the Retirement Board on said Board's own motion, by the Retirement Board's Executive Director on its behalf, by said member, by his or her department head, or by his or her guardian. If his or her disability shall cease, his or her retirement allowance shall cease, and he or she shall be restored to service in the position or classification he or she occupied at the time of his or her retirement.
(Added by Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2011)
If a member shall die, before retirement:
(a) If no benefit is payable under subsection (b) of this Section:
(1) Regardless of cause, a death benefit shall be paid to the member's designated beneficiary or estate consisting of the compensation earnable by the member during the six months immediately preceding death, plus the member's contributions and interest credited thereon.
(2) If a member sustains a traumatic bodily injury through external and violent means in the course and scope of employment and death results within 180 days of such injury, an additional insurance benefit of 12 months of compensation earnable shall be paid to the member's designated beneficiary or estate.
(b) If, at the date of his or her death, he or she was qualified for service retirement by reason of service and age under the provisions of Section A8.603-2, and he or she has designated as beneficiary his or her surviving spouse, who was married to him or her for at least one full year immediately prior to the date of his or her death, one-half of the retirement allowance to which the member would have been entitled if he or she had retired for service on the date of his or her death shall be paid to such surviving spouse who was his or her designated beneficiary at the date of his or her death, until such spouse's death or remarriage, or if there be no surviving spouse, to the unmarried child or children of such member under the age of 18 years, collectively, until every such child dies, marries or attains the age of 18 years, provided that no child shall receive any allowance after marrying or attaining the age of 18 years. It at the death of such surviving spouse, who was receiving an allowance under this Subsection (b), there be one or more unmarried children of such member under the age of 18 years, such allowance shall continue to such child or children, collectively, until every such child dies, marries or attains the age of 18 years, provided that no child shall receive any allowance after marrying or attaining the age of 18 years. If the total of the payments of allowance made pursuant to this Subsection (b) is less than the benefit which was otherwise payable under Subsection (a) of this Section, the amount of said benefit payable under Subsection (a) less an amount equal to the total of the payments of allowance made pursuant to this Subsection (b) shall be paid in a lump sum as follows:
(1) If the person last entitled to said allowance is the remarried surviving spouse of such member, to such spouse.
(2) Otherwise, to the surviving children of the member, share and share alike, or if there are no such children, to the estate of the person last entitled to said allowance.
The surviving spouse may elect, on a form provided by the Retirement System and filed in the office of the Retirement System before the first payment of the allowance provided herein, to receive the benefit provided in Subsection (a) of this Section in lieu of the allowance which otherwise would be payable under the provisions of this subdivision. If a surviving spouse, who was entitled to make the election herein provided, shall die before or after making such election but before receiving any payment pursuant to such election, then the legally appointed guardian of the unmarried children of the member under the age of 18 years may make the election herein provided before any benefit has been paid under this Section, for and on behalf of such children if in his or her judgment it appears to be in their interest and advantage, and the election so made shall be binding and conclusive upon all parties in interest.
If any person other than such surviving spouse shall have and be paid a community property interest in any portion of any benefit provided under this Section, any allowance payable under this Subsection (b) shall be reduced by the actuarial equivalent, at the date of the member's death, of the amount of benefits payable to such other person.
Upon the death of a member after retirement and regardless of the cause of death, a death benefit shall be paid to his or her designated beneficiary or estate in the manner and subject to the conditions prescribed by the Board of Supervisors for the payment of a similar death benefit upon the death of other retired members.
Upon the death of a member after retirement, an allowance, in addition to the death benefit provided in the immediately preceding paragraph, shall be paid to his or her surviving spouse, until such surviving spouse's death or remarriage, equal to one-half of his or her retirement allowance as it was prior to optional modification, including the part of such allowance which was provided by additional contributions. No allowance, however, shall be paid under this paragraph to a surviving spouse unless such surviving spouse was married to said member at least one year immediately prior to his or her retirement. If such retired person leaves no such surviving spouse, or if such surviving spouse should die or remarry before every child of such deceased retired person attains the age of 18 years, the allowance which such surviving spouse would have received had he or she lived and not remarried shall be paid to retired person's child or children under said age, collectively, to continue until every such child dies or attains said age, provided that no child shall receive any allowance after marrying or attaining the age of 18 years.
(Added by Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2011)
Should any miscellaneous member cease to be employed as such a member, through any cause other than death or retirement, all of his or her contributions, with interest credited thereon, shall be refunded to him or her subject to the conditions prescribed by the Board of Supervisors to cover similar terminations of employment and re-employment with and without redeposit of withdrawn accumulated contributions of other members of the Retirement System, provided that, if such member is entitled to be credited with at least five years of service, he or she shall have the right to elect, without right of revocation and within 90 days after said termination of service, or if the termination was by lay-off, 90 days after the Retirement Board determines the termination to be permanent, whether to allow his or her accumulated contributions to remain in the retirement fund and to receive benefits only as provided in this paragraph. Failure to make such election shall be deemed an irrevocable election to withdraw his or her accumulated contributions. At or after 53 years of age, he or she shall be entitled to receive a retirement allowance which shall pe the actuarial equivalent of his or her accumulated contributions and an amount equal to 50% (fifty percent) of said accumulated contributions paid by the City and County, plus 1.667% (one and two-thirds percent) of his or her average final compensation for each year of service credited to him or her as rendered prior to his or her first membership in the Retirement System. Upon the death of such member prior to retirement, his or her contributions with interest credited thereon shall be paid to his or her estate or designated beneficiary.
(Added by Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2011)