Title. | |
Definitions. | |
Budget Timetable. | |
Publication of Budget and Related Documents. | |
Long-Term Departmental and Agency Budget Planning – Setting Goals and Strategies, Developing Strategic Plans. | |
Five-Year Financial Plan. | |
Budget to be Accompanied by Legislation Containing All Proposed Fee and Revenue Increases Anticipated in the Proposed Budget; Complete Schedule of Existing Fees. | |
Transmission of Proposed Budget, Etc., to Committee; Committee's Return and Report. | |
Preparation and Submission of Administrative Provisions of Annual Salary Ordinance. | |
Annual Appropriation Ordinance, Preparation and Format. | |
Information Concerning Budget Requirements and Related Matters. | |
Controller to Assist the Mayor and Board in Preparation of Budget. | |
Departments to Operate Within Amounts Budgeted. | |
Supplemental Appropriation Ordinances Budget, Modifications. | |
Interim Positions, Salary Adjustments. | |
Separate Overtime Appropriations. | |
Transfers. | |
Appropriation for Art Enrichment of Proposed Public Buildings, Aboveground Structures, Parks and Transportation Improvement Projects. | |
Arts Commission Civic Design Review Fee. | |
Capital Expenditure Plan. | |
Capital Planning Committee. | |
Police Department Dignitary Security Budget. | |
Appropriations for Surveillance Technology. | |
This Chapter, adopted pursuant to Section 9.100 of the Charter of 1996 shall be known as the Budget Process Ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97)
As used in this Chapter 3, names and titles shall have the following meaning:
Agency. A City department, office, or other unit of government subject to the appropriation powers of the Board.
Annual Salary Ordinance. An ordinance showing the number and rates of compensation for all positions continued or created in each annual budget and each annual and supplemental appropriation ordinance for all agencies. The Annual Salary Ordinance shall constitute the legal basis for check by the Department of Human Resources or Controller as to legality of the creation of any position in the City service and the rate of compensation fixed therefor in an approved Memorandum of Understanding with a recorgnized employee group.
Appointing Officer. The head of an agency with the power to appoint, discipline or terminate employees under the supervision or control of that agency head.
Appropriation. Resources or expenditure authority made available by the Mayor and the Board by ordinance to an agency in furtherance of a public or statutory purpose.
Board. The Board of Supervisors.
Budget. The City’s plan of financial operation for a given period of time embodying an estimate of all proposed expenditures and the proposed means of financing them.
Commission. Public body created by Charter or ordinance with the legal authority to appoint or recommend the appointment of a chief executive of the function over which it exerts guidance.
Designated Agency. Each of the following agencies: Assessor/Recorder’s Office; City Attorney’s Office; District Attorney’s Office; Mayor’s Office; Public Defender’s Office; Sheriff’s Office; Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office; City Administrator’s Office, including Department of Public Works, Department of Technology, and other agencies under the City Administrator’s control; Adult Probation Department; Controller’s Office; Department of Child Support Services; Department of Emergency Management; and Department of Human Resources.
(Added by Ord. 223-97, App. 6/6/97; amended by Ord. 132-99, File No. 990583, App. 5/28/99; Ord. 294-19, File No. 191072, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020)