Common Title. | |
Legislative Findings. | |
Administrative Enforcement Procedures. | |
General Provisions – Abatement of Nuisance. | |
General Provisions – Notice. | |
Abatement Actions Performed by City. | |
General Provisions – Injunctive Relief, Civil Penalties, Attorneys' Fees and Costs. | |
Cost Recovery. | |
Joint or Common Ownership. | |
Severability. | |
The San Francisco Board of Supervisors finds and declares that:
(a) Properties that are in a condition of significant deterioration or disrepair or otherwise violate municipal code requirements attract vagrants, gang members and other criminal elements as prime locations to conduct their illegal criminal activities.
(b) Properties that are in a condition of significant deterioration or disrepair or otherwise violate municipal code requirements are a blight and cause general deterioration and instability in surrounding neighborhoods.
(c) Properties that are in a condition of significant deterioration or disrepair or otherwise violate municipal code requirements substantially endanger the health and safety of residents of the blighted properties and of the surrounding neighborhoods,
(d) Properties that are in a condition of significant deterioration or disrepair or otherwise violate municipal code requirements pose serious threats to the public's health and safety and therefore are declared to be public nuisances.
(e) Immediate abatement and rehabilitation of these properties is necessary and can be accomplished by using the judicial or administrative procedures found in this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 256-08, File No. 081118, App. 11/7/2008)