Height and Bulk Districts Established. | |
Height and Bulk Districts: Purposes. | |
Classes of Height and Bulk Districts. | |
Special Height Limits. | |
Review of Proposed Buildings and Structures Exceeding a Height of 65 Feet in the Mission Street NCT District. | |
Review of Proposed Buildings and Structures Exceeding a Height of 35 Feet in Chinatown Mixed Use Districts. | |
Height Limits: Measurement. | |
Additional Height Limits Applicable to Certain RH Districts. | |
Additional Height Limits for Narrow Streets and Alleys in, R, RTO, NC, NCT, and Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts. | |
Additional Height Limits for the Folsom Street NCT District. | |
Additional Height Limits for the Japantown NC District. | |
Additional Height Limits Applicable to Signs. | |
Height Limits: Special Exceptions. | |
Special Exceptions: South, East and West of Chinese Playground. | |
Special Exceptions: East of Chinese Playground on Nob Hill. | |
Special Height Exceptions: Chinatown Corners and Parapets. | |
Special Height Exceptions: North of Market Residential Special Use District. | |
Exceptions to Height Limits in 80-130-F and 80-130-X Height and Bulk Districts. | |
Height Limits: Special Exceptions for Upper Tower Extensions in S Districts. | |
Special Exceptions: 200-400-S Special Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Height Exceptions: Portion of Chinatown Residential Neighborhood Commercial District. | |
Special Exceptions: 40-65-J Special Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Height and Bulk Exceptions: Scott Street Senior Housing Special Use District. | |
Special Height and Bulk Exceptions; Fourth and Freelon Streets Special Use District. | |
Special Height Exception: Haight Street Senior Affordable Housing Special Use District. | |
Special Height and Bulk District: Transbay Downtown Residential District. | |
Height Limits: Permitted Podium and Tower Heights in the R Bulk Districts. | |
Special Height Exception: Additional Five Feet Height for Active Ground Floor Uses in Certain Districts. | |
Special Height Exceptions: Vertical Non-Habitable Architectural Elements in the Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts. | |
Special Height Exceptions: Fulton Street Grocery Store Special Use District 40-X/50-X Heights District. | |
Special Exceptions: Hunters View Special Use District and the 40/65-X Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Exceptions: Candlestick Point Activity Node Special Use District and the CP Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Exceptions: Hunters Point Shipyard Phase 2 Special Use District and the HP Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Exceptions: Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Exceptions: Executive Park Special Use District and the 65/240 EP Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Exceptions: SALI Districts in the 40-55-X Height and Bulk District. | |
Special Height Exceptions: Permitted Building Heights in the Western SoMa Special Use District. | |
Special Height Exceptions: Permitted Building Heights in the Central SoMa Special Use District. | |
Special Height Exceptions: Vassar and Harrison Streets. | |
Special Height and Setback Exceptions: Fourth and Harrison Streets. | |
Balboa Reservoir Special Use District and the 48/78-X Height and Bulk Districts. | |
Bulk Limits: Measurement. | |
Special Bulk Limitations: Horizontal Mass Reductions in Large Lots in the Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts. | |
Special Bulk and Open Space Requirement: Mid-block Alleys in Large Lot Development in the Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts, South of Market Neighborhood Commercial Transit District, Folsom Street Neighborhood Commercial Transit District, Regional Commercial District, C-3 District, and DTR District. | |
Bulk Limits: Special Exceptions, in Districts Other Than C-3. | |
Bulk Limits: Special Exceptions in C-3 Districts. | |
Height and Bulk Limits for Open Space Districts. | |
Mission Rock Height and Bulk District. | |
Height Restrictions on Structures Shadowing Property Under the Jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission. | |
(a) In order to carry out further the purposes of this Code, height and bulk districts are hereby established, subject to the provisions of this Article 2.5.
(b) No building or structure or part thereof shall be permitted to exceed, except as stated in Sections 172, 188, and 206 of this Code, the height and bulk limits set forth in this Article for the district in which it is located, including the height limits for use districts set forth in Section 261.
(c) The establishment of these height and bulk districts and the repeal and replacement of special height districts or height limits previously in effect in the City shall in no way be deemed to confer legal noncomplying status upon any building or structure constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, altered or relocated in violation of the height districts or limits previously in effect.
(d) In the case of any apparent inconsistency among requirements of this Code applicable to the same property or development, including but not limited to standards for height, bulk, floor area ratio, setbacks, yards, usable open space and dwelling unit density, the most restrictive of such requirements shall prevail.
(e) The provision of this Article 2.5 shall apply to all properties and developments, both public and private, including those of the City and County of San Francisco.
(f) The requirements of height and bulk districts established by this Article 2.5 shall not apply to buildings and structures on sites for which a redeveloper had been formally selected by the Redevelopment Agency of the City prior to August 26, 1971, for development in a Redevelopment Project Area in accordance with an agreement that specifically committed the City to a height or bulk configuration not consistent with the provisions of this Article for height and bulk districts.
(Amended by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; Ord. 143-16
, File No. 160687, App. 7/29/2016, Eff. 8/28/2016)
In addition to the purposes of this Code as stated in Section 101, these height and bulk districts are established for further purposes of implementing the Urban Design element and other elements of the General Plan, according to the objectives, principles and policies stated therein. Among these purposes are the following:
(a) Relating of the height of buildings to important attributes of the City pattern and to the height and character of existing development;
(b) Relating of the bulk of buildings to the prevailing scale of development to avoid an overwhelming or dominating appearance in new construction;
(c) Promotion of building forms that will respect and improve the integrity of open spaces and other public areas;
(d) Promotion of harmony in the visual relationships and transitions between new and older buildings;
(e) Protection and improvement of important City resources and of the neighborhood environment;
(f) Conservation of natural areas and other open spaces; and
(g) Direction of new development to locations that are appropriate in terms of land use and transportation.
(Amended by Ord. 234-72, App. 8/18/72; Ord. 188-15
, File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015)
The City is hereby divided into classes of height and bulk districts as indicated on the Zoning Map and in this Article 2.5. The original of the sectional maps establishing said districts is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors under File No. 362-72-2. The height limits for each such district are specified on said map by numerical designations in feet, and the bulk limits are designated thereon by letter symbols referring to the limitations upon the plan dimensions of buildings and structures set forth in Section 270 of this Code.
(Amended by Ord. 234-72, App. 8/18/72)