Institutions. | |
Emergency Medical Services. | |
Functions. | |
Mental Health Service. | |
Admission to Hospitals, Allied Institutional Facilities or Services of City and County. | |
Priority of Admission to Institutions of the Department of Public Health. | |
Unit Cost. | |
Controller to Prescribe Forms, Etc. | |
Investigation of Patients. | |
Billing. | |
Fees for Emergency Medical Services Waived. | |
Billing to County of Residence. | |
Billing to Retirement System. | |
Penalty. | |
Reimbursement for Aid Granted. | |
Value of Aid Rendered. | |
Agreement to Reimburse. | |
Evaluation of Institutional Care – Laguna Honda Hospital. | |
Liens. | |
Liens on Actions Against Third Party. | |
Chief Administrative Officer Authorized to Contract with Other Hospitals. | |
Professional Fee of Physicians and Dentists. | |
Disposal of Unclaimed Personal Property at Laguna Honda Hospital. | |
Patient Rates. | |
Patient Rates/Fire Department EMS Services. | |
Charity Care Policy Reporting and Notice Requirement. | |
Definitions. | |
Reporting to the Department of Public Health. | |
Notification. | |
Authority to Adopt Rules and Regulations. | |
Enforcement. | |
City Undertaking Limited to Promotion of General Welfare. | |
Severability. | |
Preemption. | |
Annual Report to the Health Commission. | |
Written Informed Consent and Pre-Test Counseling Prior to HIV Testing. | |
Findings. | |
Definitions. | |
Reporting to the Department of Public Health. | |
Promotion of the General Welfare. | |
The Department of Public Health is hereby authorized and directed to maintain the institutions to be known as Hassler Hospital, formerly known as Hassler Health Home, Laguna Honda Hospital (for Rehabilitation and Chronic Care), formerly known as Laguna Honda Home, and San Francisco General Hospital, formerly known as San Francisco Hospital.
(Added by Ord. 75-66, App. 4/11/66)
The Fire Department is hereby authorized to provide emergency medical services with the approval of the Health Commission and subject to such conditions and requirements as the Health Commission may establish pursuant to Charter Section 4.110. The Department of Public Health shall determine which Fire Department personnel may provide emergency medical services and shall determine the standards, policies and medical protocols that shall govern the Fire Department in its operations with respect to these services. Nothing herein is intended to affect the authority granted to the San Francisco Emergency Medical Services Agency, which serves as the local emergency medical services agency under State law.
(Added by Ord. 171-97, App. 5/2/97)