Definitions. | |
Plaza Program. | |
Regulations for City Plazas. | |
Good Neighbor Policies. | |
Regulations for Street Plazas. | |
Fees. | |
Plazas Participating in the Plaza Program. |
"Plaza" is City-owned land not under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Parks Department: (a) where the public may gather and participate in commercial or non-commercial offerings, including, but not limited to, arts activities; entertainment; food, drink, and/or other refreshment; retail sales; sports; and general recreation, (b) that is managed fully or partially by a Steward or permittee, and (c) that the Board of Supervisors has approved as a Plaza under the Plaza Program adoption process defined herein.
"City Plaza" is a Plaza, as defined in this Section, that is not located on public right-of-way. In addition, City Plazas shall be zoned P (Public) with an Open Space (OS) height and bulk designation under the Planning Code unless the Board of Supervisors makes specific findings that an Open Space designation is not feasible for a particular City Plaza.
"Street Plaza" is a Plaza, as defined in this Section, that is located on public right-of-way and subject to the permitting jurisdiction of the Department of Public Works ("DPW").
"Steward" is: (a) any educational, recreational or social agency, or any bona fide fraternal, charitable, or religious or benevolent or any other nonprofit organization or any public agency which organization or agency is exempt from taxation under the Internal Revenue laws of the United States as a bona fide fraternal, charitable, religious, benevolent, or nonprofit organization or a public agency with programs based in San Francisco, (b) an organization or agency with a strong, demonstrated connection to the neighborhood in which the Plaza is located, and (c) selected through the Plaza Program to activate and/or maintain a City Plaza under a Real Estate Division ("RED") license that the Board of Supervisors has approved.
(Added by Ord. 79-14, File No. 140061, App. 6/13/2014, Eff. 7/13/2014)
(a) Establishment. There is hereby created a Plaza Program for the City and County of San Francisco. The Plaza Program shall be a joint effort of the Office of Economic and Workforce Development ("OEWD"), RED, DPW, and any successor agency(ies) or department(s).
(b) Functions. The Plaza Program shall:
(1) Coordinate principles and practices in Plazas designated under the Plaza Program with other public agencies operating similar public realm initiatives and projects in the City.
(2) Be responsible for development and administration of program implementation, polices, and strategies.
(3) Sustain strategic partnerships with community organizations, nonprofit organizations, and businesses that have a stake in approved Plazas and, more broadly, in supporting and enhancing these Plazas City-wide.
(4) Establish financial sustainability opportunities to support the Plaza Program through the adoption of administrative fees.
(5) Explore efforts to cross-subsidize approved program Plazas by leveraging revenue generated in Plazas that exceeds the cost of managing and operating that Plaza and directing a portion of these excess funds to support other Plazas that have a demonstrated funding need.
(6) Seek Stewards for Plazas through a Steward identification process that utilizes existing City partnership efforts where possible and builds strong relationships with Stewards.
(7) Network communication and coordinate efforts of the various Stewards within the Plaza Program.
(8) Identify opportunities to streamline permitting for active uses of Plazas so that barriers to event permitting can be minimized.
(9) Encourage Plaza Stewards and permittees to maximize events and activities that are free to the public.
(10) Place jurisdiction of Plazas in either DPW or RED and consider recommendations of the Director of DPW and/or RED for Plaza inclusion in the Plaza Program under the respective jurisdiction of each department.
(11) Present proposed Plazas, with DPW or RED Director recommendation concerning the proper jurisdictional department for the Plaza, to the Board of Supervisors for approval along with any necessary permits and authorizations including, but not limited to, Street Encroachment Permits, Street Vacation Ordinances, or licenses.
(12) Collect Plaza participation data and user feedback, and use established criteria to evaluate Steward performance outcomes in various areas, including economic, activation, and community engagement.
(13) Support development of long-term maintenance and activation partnerships as successful Plazas emerge through various City and private efforts. Some Plazas also may have parallel capital improvement processes which should be planned collaboratively with the Plaza Program. However, the affected City Departments should implement these capital funding efforts independently or in association with the Steward or permittee.
(14) Strive to ensure that Plazas remain accessible to the public, to the maximum extent feasible, with a recognition that some small number of restricted access events may be helpful in supporting Plaza operations.
(15) Support the City goal of continuing to be a national and international leader in public realm innovation.
(c) Report. The Plaza Program will prepare an impact analysis report after the first two years of Plaza Program establishment and every five years thereafter. Said report(s) shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors and available to the general public.
(Added by Ord. 79-14, File No. 140061, App. 6/13/2014, Eff. 7/13/2014)