Every retirement allowance payable to a male person, or to the beneficiary of a male person, retired prior to July 1, 1977, as a member under the provisions of Sections 8.507, 8.509, 8.544 or 8.568 and subject to an optional modification pursuant to an election exercised under Section 16.75 of the San Francisco Administrative Code is hereby increased for time commencing January 1, 1978, to the amount it would have been if such allowance had been computed, on the date such allowance was first effective, on the basis of the mortality tables applicable to the Retirement System on January 1, 1978.
This section does not give any person retired under the provisions of Sections 8.507, 8.509, 8.544 or 8.568, or such person's successors in interest, any claim against the City and County for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to January 1, 1978.
Any adjustment of retirement allowances made pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.526 of this Charter for time after June 30, 1978, shall be based upon the amount of the original retirement allowance plus the amount of the increase to be applied by the provisions of this section.
Every retirement allowance payable by the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System, from time commencing on July 1, 1982 to or on account of any person who was retired prior to July 2, 1980, as a member of said system under Section 8.509 formerly Section 165.2 of the Charter of 1932, as amended; and to or on account of any person who was retired prior to July 2, 1980, as a member of said system under Section 8.507, formerly Section 165 of the Charter of 1932, as amended; and to or on account of any person who was retired prior to July 2, 1980, as a member of said system under Sections 8.584, 8.586 and 8.588 of this Charter, is hereby increased by the amount of $25 per month, provided such member was entitled to be credited under the Retirement System with at least 20 years of service upon which the retirement allowance was determined at retirement. If the member was entitled to be credited with less than 20 years of such service, then said monthly increase shall be an amount which shall bear the same ratio of $25 that the service with which the member was entitled to be credited at effective date of retirement, bears to 20 years. This section does not give any member retired prior to July 1, 1982 or his successors in interest, any claim against the City and County for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to July 1, 1982.
Contributions to the Retirement System necessary for the payment of the increases in the retirement allowances provided in this section, shall be provided, from the reserves held by the Retirement System on account of miscellaneous members, cost of living benefits, the necessary amount being transferred upon July 1, 1982, from said reserves to the reserves held by the Retirement System to meet the obligations of the City and County on account of benefits that have been granted and on account of prior service of members. The contributions being required of the City and County currently as percentages of salaries of persons who are members under Sections 8.509, 8.584, 8.586, and 8.588 shall be increased to percentages determined by the actuary as necessary to replace the reserves so transferred.
Commencing on July 1, 1987, every retirement allowance payable by the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System, to or on account of any person who was retired prior to July 2, 1985 as a member of said system under Sections 8.507, 8.509, 8.584, 8.586 or 8.588 of this Charter, is hereby increased by the amount of $50.00 per month, provided such member had retired prior to July 2, 1961. If the member had retired after July 1, 1961, then said monthly increase shall be an amount which shall bear the same ratio to $50.00 that the number of years the member has been retired bears to twenty-five (25) years.
In computing years of retirement, the Retirement System shall count completed fiscal years between the member's effective date of retirement and June 30, 1986.
This section does not give any member retired prior to July 1, 1987 or his successors in interest, any claim against the City and County for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to July 1, 1987.
Commencing on July 1, 1990, every retirement allowance payable by the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System, to or on account of any person who was retired prior to July 2, 1988 as a member of said system under sections 8.507, 8.509, 8.584, 8.586 or 8.588 of this Charter, is hereby increased by the amount of $50.00 per month, provided such member had retired prior to July 2, 1964. If the member had retired after July 1, 1964, then said monthly increase shall be an amount which shall bear the same ratio to $50.00 that the number of years the member has been retired bears to twenty-five (25) years.
In computing years of retirement, the Retirement System shall count completed fiscal years between the member's effective date of retirement and June 30, 1989.
This section does not give any member retired prior to July 1, 1990 or his successors in interest, any claim against the City and County for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to July 1, 1990.
Commencing on July 1, 1993, every retirement allowance payable by the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System, to or on account of any person who was retired prior to July 2, 1991 as a member of said system under sections 8.507, 8.509, 8.584, 8.586 or 8.588 of this Charter, is hereby increased by the amount of $75.00 per month, provided such member had retired prior to July 2, 1967. If the member had retired after July 1, 1967, then said monthly increase shall be an amount which shall bear the same ratio to $75.00 that the number of years the member has been retired bears to twenty-five (25) years.
In computing years of retirement, the Retirement System shall count completed fiscal years between the member's effective date of retirement and June 30, 1992.
This section does not give any member retired prior to July 1, 1993 or his or her successors in interest, any claim against the City and County of San Francisco for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to July 1, 1993.
Persons who are members of the police department on the eighth day of January, 1932, shall become members of the Retirement System on that date, subject to the following provisions in addition to the provisions contained in Sections 3.670, 3.672, 8.500, 8.502, 8.510, 8.511, 8.520, and 8.560 of this Charter:
(a) Any member of the department who has arrived or shall arrive at the age of 62 years, and who has completed 30 years of continuous service as an active member of the department next preceding his retirement, may retire from service at his option, provided that retirement shall be compulsory at the age of 70 years. Such retired member shall receive a monthly pension, payable throughout his life, equal to one-half of the amount of the monthly salary attached to the rank held by him three years prior to the date of his retirement, hereinafter referred to in this section and Section 8.542 as a "pension."
Before the first payment of the pension is made, such retired member may elect to receive the actuarial equivalent of his pension, partly in a pension to be received by him throughout his life, and partly in other benefits payable after his death to another person or persons, provided that such election shall be subject to all the conditions prescribed by the Board of Supervisors to govern similar elections by other members of the Retirement System, including the character and amount of such other benefits.
(b) Any member of the department who shall become physically disabled by reason of any bodily injury received in the performance of his duty, may be retired upon a monthly pension, as defined in subdivision (a), of this section, payable throughout his life. In case his disability shall cease, his pension shall cease, and he shall be restored to the service in the rank he occupied at the time of his retirement.
(c) The family of any member of the department who may be killed or injured while in the performance of his duties, and who shall have died within 3 years from the date of such injury as a result of such injury, shall receive the following benefits and the receipt by such member of a pension under this section during his lifetime shall not bar said family from such benefits:
First, should the decedent leave a widow to whom he was married prior to the date of the injury resulting in death, such widow shall, as long as she may live and remain unmarried, be paid a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by the decedent at the time of his said injury; provided, however, that should said widow die, leaving a child or children under the age of 16 years, said pension shall continue to such child or such children collectively until the youngest child arrives at the age of 16 years.
Second, should the decedent leave no widow, but leave an orphan child or children under the age of 16 years, such child or children collectively shall receive a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by their father at the time of his said injury until the youngest attains the age of 16 years.
Third, should the decedent leave no widow and no orphan child or children, but leave a parent or parents depending solely upon him for support, such parents, so depending, shall collectively receive a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by the decedent at the time of his said injury during such time as the retirement board may unanimously determine its necessity.
(d) A sum equal to the contributions, with interest, made by persons who become members of the Retirement System under this section to any other pension fund, shall be paid by the City and County to the Retirement System. Each member of the department shall contribute $2 per month to the Retirement System to be applied on the cost of the benefits at death and retirement provided under this section. Should a member be separated from City service through any cause other than death or retirement, then such contributions with interest shall be refunded to him under such conditions as may be fixed by the Board of Supervisors for the refund of contributions of other members of the Retirement System.
(e) When any member of the department shall die from natural causes and before retirement, there shall be paid to his estate or beneficiary a death benefit, the amount of which and the conditions for the payment of which shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the Board of Supervisors for the death benefit of other members of the Retirement System.
Upon the death of a member after retirement and regardless of the cause of death, a death benefit shall be paid to his estate or designated beneficiary, the amount of which and the conditions for payment of which shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the Board of Supervisors for the payment of a similar death benefit upon the death of other retired members.
(f) In addition to the other contributions required of the City and County under the Retirement System, the City and County shall contribute to the Retirement System during each fiscal year a sum which, together with the members' contributions provided for in subdivision (d) of this section, shall be equal to the liabilities accruing under the Retirement System because of the service rendered during such year by persons becoming members on the 8th day of January, 1932, under this section. If, subsequent to such fiscal year, it shall be determined that such contributions by the City and County, together with the members' contributions, was not sufficient to meet such liability, then the City and County shall make such additional contributions as may be necessary to make up the deficit.
(g) No benefits shall be provided under the Retirement System for, nor shall any contribution be required of, persons who become members of the Retirement System under this section, in addition to the benefits specifically provided and contributions specifically required in such section.
That portion of any pension payable because of the death or retirement of any such person which is provided by contributions of the City and County shall be reduced, in the manner fixed by the Board of Supervisors, by the amount of any benefits payable to or on account of such person, under the workers' compensation insurance and safety law of the State of California.
(h) Persons who were members of the police department on the eighth day of January, 1932, shall have the option, to be exercised in writing on or before the first day of January, 1936, of becoming members of the Retirement System under the provisions of Section 8.543, which applies to persons who become members of the department after the 8th day of January, 1932. If such persons shall affirmatively exercise such option within the time specified, then on and after the first day of the month next following such affirmative action, referred hereinafter in this subdivision (h) as "effective date," they shall not receive any benefit or make any contribution under this section, but on and after said effective date shall be members of the Retirement System and shall receive benefits and make contributions on the same basis as persons who become members of the department after the 8th day of January, 1932, provided that a pension for each person affirmatively exercising such option shall be payable on account of service rendered to the City and County prior to said effective date, by such members' contributions made prior to such effective date, with interest, and by contributions of the City and County, which pension shall be the same percentage regardless of the age of retirement, of his final compensation, as defined by the Board of Supervisors, for each year of such service, as the contributions of the member and the City and County are calculated to provide upon retirement at age 62 for each year of service rendered as a member of the Retirement System.
For all purposes of the Retirement System, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Charter, the monthly salary attached to the former rank of corporal, heretofore held by a member of the police department, shall henceforth be deemed to be an amount equal to the maximum monthly salary attached to the rank of police officer, plus three-fourths of the difference between such amount and the monthly salary attached to the rank of sergeant.
Any member of the police department who shall have been retired and shall be receiving a pension on the eighth day of January, 1932, and any widow, child, children or parents of a deceased member of the department who shall be receiving a pension on the 8th day of January, 1932, shall continue to receive such pension, subject to the provisions of Section 8.540 governing the payment of pensions. Such pension shall be paid by the Retirement System, but no other benefits shall be provided for such retired members, widows, children or parents, except that upon the death of any such member who is receiving a pension under this section and regardless of the cause of death, a death benefit shall be paid to his estate or designated beneficiary, the amount of which shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the Board of Supervisors.