Definitions. | |
Contract Language Requiring Youth Service Providers to Provide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Sensitivity Training for Any Employee or Volunteer Who Has Direct Contact With Youth or Whose Work Directly Affects Youth. | |
Requirement That City Departments Provide Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Sensitivity Training for Any City Employee Who Has Direct Contact with Youth or Whose Work Directly Affects Youth. | |
Effective Date. |
As used in this Chapter the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated herein:
(a) "City" shall mean the City and County of San Francisco.
(b) "Contract" shall mean an agreement (however titled, including, without limitation, a memorandum of understanding) to grant or otherwise provide funds to an organization for youth services, including funds from another governmental entity administered through the City or any City commission, board, agency or department. "Contract" shall not include (1) an agreement to provide goods to the City pursuant to bids or requests for proposals, where the City is the end user of the goods or (2) an agreement to provide services or benefits to City employees and/or to their family members, dependents, or their other designated beneficiaries.
(c) "Organization" shall mean any corporation formed under California law for any private, public or charitable purpose, or any collaborative, which receives a cumulative total per year of at least $50,000 in City-provided or City-administered funds.
(d) "Sensitivity training" shall mean any program provided from a list of providers whose programs have been reviewed and approved by a joint Human Rights Commission and Youth Commission committee and shall include, but is not limited to, training regarding issues faced by disabled, HIV positive, immigrant, persons of color, sexually abused, runaways from non-accepting households, and homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning youth.
(e) "Youth Services" shall mean child care, including after school care; job readiness, training, and placement; health, including mental health and substance abuse; social services; homeless prevention, housing or shelter programs or services; education; recreation; delinquency prevention; and library services programs directed at or designed to serve children or youth between the ages of ten and eighteen years old, or older as defined by the organization.
(Added by Ord. 177-99, File No. 990546, App. 6/25/99)
(a) Each contracting agency of the City or any department thereof, acting for or on behalf of the City, shall include in every solicitation for youth services under the competitive contractor selection process, provisions requiring any organization submitting such a proposal or request to provide lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender sensitivity training for any employee or volunteer who has direct contact with youth, or whose work directly affects youth as part of its proposal or request.
(b) Each contracting agency of the City or any department thereof, acting for or on behalf of the City, shall include in all contracts between it and any organization that is subject to this Chapter a provision requiring lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender sensitivity training for any employee or volunteer who has direct contact with youth or whose work directly affects youth. The contract shall require the organization to conduct such a training on an annual basis, unless the contracting agency of the City or any department thereof requires more frequent trainings. The contract shall require the organization to provide documentation certifying to its Board of Directors and the City agency or department administering the contract that such a training was conducted and the requirements of the training were fulfilled on an annual basis.
(c) In furtherance of the purposes of this Chapter, the Controller, in consultation with the City Attorney, shall create the provisions described in subsections (a) and (b) above, consistent with the provisions of this Chapter.
(d) Each City department or agency administering contracts with organizations providing youth services shall provide copies of the documentation certifying that such trainings were conducted, as required in Chapter 12N of the San Francisco Administrative Code, to the Commission, if any, that oversees the sponsoring department or agency and the San Francisco Youth Commission.
(e) Failure to comply with any provision required by this Chapter shall constitute a material breach of the contract and may be grounds for termination of the contract. Every City agency or department must report all contract breaches to the Human Rights Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting.
(Added by Ord. 177-99, File No. 990546, App. 6/25/99)
Each City department shall provide lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender sensitivity training for any employee who has direct contact with youth or whose work directly affects youth.
(Added by Ord. 177-99, File No. 990546, App. 6/25/99)