The current fiscal crisis requires the City and County to lay off employees to balance its budget. The need for such layoffs is expected to continue through fiscal years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005. The purpose of this early retirement measure is to: (1) encourage employees in classifications identified for layoff, due to cuts in City and County services or functions, to take early retirement, (2) minimize the effects of layoffs on employees already laid off from these classifications by increasing the possibility of return from holdover lists, (3) achieve good labor relations by extending the benefits to eligible employees who were laid off after March 1, 2003, but before the date this measure was enacted, (4) limit early retirement benefits to employees in classifications identified for layoffs, (5) provide for certification by the Controller that the number of employees selected for early retirement benefits in each classification shall not exceed the number of employees separated due to layoff, and (6) provide for participation by the School District and the Community College District.
(Added November 2003)
The following criteria govern those employees eligible to receive the early retirement benefit set forth in Section A8.522 of the Charter.
(Added November 2003)
During fiscal years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, the Mayor shall identify, subject to confirmation by the Controller and the Director of the Department of Human Resources ("Director"):
(A) City and County services or functions that have been terminated or reduced during the fiscal year because of budget constraints, and
(B) The classifications of positions that have been eliminated in the budget for the fiscal year because of the termination or reduction of City and County services or functions ("Identified Classifications").
(Added November 2003)
The determinations made by the Mayor, Controller and the Director under Section A8.401-3, above, shall be made after the Board of Supervisors has enacted the budget for the fiscal year or adopted a supplemental change to the budget.
(Added November 2003)
The Director shall develop procedures according to the following criteria and limitations to identify those employees eligible to receive early retirement benefits due to layoffs in Identified Classifications.
(A) The Director shall identify employees eligible for early retirement benefits in the following order:
1. Permanent civil service employees
a. In order of seniority, employees currently employed in an Identified Classification and employees laid off between March 1, 2003 and June 30, 2005 from an Identified Classification.
b. In order of seniority, employees currently employed in classifications that have been near-listed to an Identified Classification.
The Director shall determine seniority at the time of notification using the Civil Service Commission rules on layoff. A current employee who has not received notice that he or she will be separated from employment due to layoff shall be eligible for early retirement benefits only if his or her retirement would result in the retention or return to employment of an employee who has received notice of separation or been separated from employment due to layoff.
2. Exempt and provisional employees.
(B) The number of employees who receive early retirement benefits in each Identified Classification shall not exceed the number of employees noticed for separation or separated from employment due to layoffs in the Identified Classification. The Controller shall certify the names of the employees identified, and that the number of employees identified for early retirement benefits in each Identified Classification does not exceed the number of employees separated from employment due to layoffs in the Identified Classification.
(Added November 2003)