Intent and Interpretation; Costs of Compliance. | |
Contract Language Establishing Public Access to Nonprofit Organizations. | |
Definitions. | |
Public Access to Meetings. | |
Public Access to Records. | |
Community Representation. | |
Compliance. | |
Severability. | |
City Undertaking Limited to Promotion of General Welfare. | |
Effective Date. | |
(a) The intent of this Chapter is to establish a policy wherein the City ensures that nonprofit organizations with which the City chooses to do business operate with the greatest possible openness and maintain the closest possible ties to communities they intend to serve. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to limit the level of openness and democracy in nonprofit organizations and any contracting nonprofit organization may establish policies that guarantee additional openness to stakeholders.
(b) This Chapter is intended to be cost-neutral in its effects upon nonprofit organizations, and the requirements imposed by this Chapter shall be subject to that intent. This Chapter is not intended to impose obligations equal to those of governmental agencies upon nonprofit organizations doing business with the City.
(Added by Ord. 198-98, App. 6/19/98)
(a) Each contracting agency of the City or any department thereof, acting for or on behalf of the City, shall include in all contracts between it and any nonprofit organization which are subject to this Chapter, provisions imposing the requirements set forth in Sections 12L.4 through 12L.7, inclusive.
(b) Each contracting agency of the City or any department thereof shall include in every invitation to submit proposals or requests for City-administered funding provisions requiring that any nonprofit organization submitting such a proposal or request provide information regarding its efforts to comply with this Chapter, and further include a summary stating, to the best of the nonprofit organization's knowledge, all complaints concerning the nonprofit organization filed with any contracting agency of the City or any department thereof under this Chapter in the preceding two years which that City agency or department has deemed to be substantiated and the disposition of each such complaint, or a statement that no such complaints have been filed in the preceding two years.
(c) In furtherance of the purposes of this Chapter, the Controller, in consultation with the City Attorney, shall create the provisions described in Subsections (a) and (b), above, consistent with the provisions of this Chapter.
(Added by Ord. 198-98, App. 6/19/98)