Definition of "Open Public Street," Etc. – Powers of Supervisors – Use of General Law Procedures. | |
Improvement – Classes Included. | |
Preliminary Order of Expediency. | |
Order Declaring Intention to Recommend. | |
Different Kinds of Work May be Included in One Proceeding. | |
Official Grade – Proceedings on Change. | |
Declaration of Intention Shall Designate District Benefited. | |
Portion of Expense Paid Out of Treasury. | |
Order Declaring Intention-Proceedings. | |
Protests – Decision of Director. | |
Action on Protest – Recommendation – Diagram. | |
Recommendation That Work be Done. | |
Proceedings by Supervisors – Delay, Extent of – Work Ordered by Ordinance. | |
Abandonment of Proceedings – Renewal. | |
Description of Assessment District Required. | |
Plans and Specifications Prepared. | |
Notice Inviting Bids – Procedure. | |
Bids and Award – Procedure. | |
Owners' Election to do Work. | |
Irregularities – Protest – Failure to Protest. | |
Failure of Awardee to Enter Into Contract. | |
Contract – Approval and Execution. | |
Contracts in Triplicate. | |
Noncompletion in Time – Re-Award – Liability. | |
Surety Bond. | |
Material and Labor Claims. | |
Liens – Enforcement. | |
Assignment Not to Defeat Claims. | |
Disputed Claim – Bond to Release. | |
Suits Against Surety. | |
Certificate of Completion – Supervision of Director. | |
Method of Assessment – Work Done by Owner. | |
Warrant – Form – Recordation – Lien. | |
Objection to Assessment. | |
Notice of Appeal. | |
Hearing of Appeal. | |
Jurisdiction of Supervisors. | |
Delivery of Warrant, Etc. | |
Warrant Authorizes Collection, Return Of. | |
Suit on Warrant – Parties – Time Limitations. | |
Suit to Void Assessment – Time Limitation. | |
Release of Assessment – Lost Warrant – Effect of Records. | |
Subdivision of Property – Proportionate Assessment. | |
Delinquent Assessments – Notification – Entry on Tax Bill. | |
Assessments Payable in Installments – Interest. | |
Installment Payments – Form of Bonds. | |
Effect of Failure to Execute Bond. | |
Bonds and Coupons – Recordation. | |
Deed to Purchaser if no Redemption. | |
Redemption – Disposition of Funds. | |
Director to Keep Record of Bonds. | |
Nonexecution or Invalid Bond – Lien Rights. | |
Bond May be Executed after Expiration of Time. | |
Assessment Exceeding $200. | |
Reassessment – Circumstances Under Which Made. | |
Reassessment – Procedure. | |
Substitute for Director of Public Works or City Engineer. | |
Notices and Affidavits – Service – Publication. | |
Duty of Director Regarding Publication, Posting, Etc. | |
"Incidental Expenses," Definition of – Demands. | |
"Street" and "Places," Definitions of. | |
Postponements of Hearings not to Affect Jurisdiction – Notice. | |
Irregularities not to Invalidate Proceedings. | |
Pending Proceeding – Construction. | |
All streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places, public ways, property, rights of way, tidelands and submerged lands, in the City and County of San Francisco, now open or dedicated or which hereafter may be opened or dedicated to public use, and any property in said City and County for the immediate possession and use of which, as right of way required for public use, an order has or shall have been obtained pursuant to Sections 14 and 14½, Article I, California Constitution, and all tidelands and submerged lands which have been or hereafter may be granted by the State of California to said City and County, shall be deemed and held to be open public streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, courts, places, public ways, property or rights of way owned by said City and County, for the purposes of this Article, and the Board of Supervisors of said City and County is hereby empowered to establish and change the grades of all said ways, properties and rights of way and fix the width thereof, and is hereby invested with jurisdiction to order to be done therein, thereover or thereon, either singly or in any combination, pursuant to the proceedings hereafter described, or pursuant to general law, including the Improvement Act of 1911 and the Municipal Improvement Act of 1913, and any and all of the work or improvements mentioned in this Article or in such general laws, and to issue bonds as authorized hereby or by such general laws including Improvement Act of 1911 and Improvement Bond Act of 1915. The words, public ways, when used in this Article shall be deemed to include all the existing and future property of said City and County hereinabove mentioned. The word, Supervisors, when used in this Article, will refer to the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco.
(Amended by Ord. 201-81, App. 4/24/81)
The Supervisors, pursuant to the procedure in this Article prescribed, are hereby empowered to order the whole or any portion or portions, in either length or width, of any one or more of said public ways to be improved by or have constructed therein, thereover or thereon either singly or in any combination, any of the following work:
(a) The grading or regrading, paving or repaving, planking or replanking, macadamizing or remacadamizing, graveling or regraveling, oiling or re-oiling, piling or repiling, capping or recapping, repairing or reconstruction thereof;
(b) The filling of excavations therein;
(c) The construction or reconstruction of sidewalks, crosswalks, steps, safety zones, platforms, seats, statuary, fountains, parks and parkways, culverts, bridges, curbs, gutters, tunnels, subways or viaducts;
(d) Sanitary sewers or instrumentalities of sanitation, together with the necessary outlets, cesspools, manholes, lamp holes, catch basins, flush tanks, septic tanks, disposal plants, connecting sewers, side sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, tunnels, channels and other appurtenances;
(e) Drains, tunnels, sewers, conduits, culverts and channels for drainage purposes, with necessary outlets, cesspools, manholes, lamp holes, catch basins, flush tanks, septic tanks, disposal plants, connecting sewers, side sewers, ditches, drains, conduits, channels and appurtenances;
(f) Viaducts, conduits, water pipes, water connections and appurtenances and subways;
(g) Poles, posts, wires, pipes, conduits, tunnels, lamps and other suitable or necessary appliances for the purpose of lighting said public ways or other property owned by said City and County;
(h) Pipes, hydrants and appliances for fire protection;
(i) Breakwaters, levees, bulkheads, retaining walls and walls of rock or other material to protect said public ways and other property in said City and County from overflow by water;
(j) Retaining walls, embankments and other structures necessary or suitable in connection with any of the work in this Section mentioned;
(k) The planting of trees, shrubs or any other ornamental vegetation;
(l) The installation of appliances for regulating traffic of pedestrians and vehicles and all other traffic, together with all requisite cables, wires, conduits and all other instrumentalities necessary or proper for the operation of such appliances;
(m) All other work necessary or suitable to improve the whole or any portion of said public ways;
(n) All other work auxiliary to any of the work above mentioned, which may be necessary or convenient for the performance of the same.