The mortality, service and other tables, and the rates of contributions for members as recommended by the actuary and the valuations determined by him and approved by the Retirement Board, shall be conclusive and final, and the Retirement System shall be based thereon. The total amount, as determined by the actuary and approved by the board, of the contributions required during any fiscal year of the City and County under the Retirement System, shall be paid into the Retirement System by the City and County during such year. Liabilities accruing under the Retirement System because of service rendered to the City and County by persons prior to the date their respective classes become eligible for membership in the system, and administrative costs under the system, shall be met by contributions to the Retirement System by the City and County, in addition to any amounts contributed to meet liabilities accruing because of service rendered by such persons after becoming members of the system, provided that such prior service liabilities may be met by annual appropriations instead of by one appropriation for the total amount of the liabilities; and provided further, that such appropriation for any one year shall not be less than the amount disbursed during that year on account of prior service. All expenses in connection with the investment of such fund or funds as may be established, including but not limited to travel and transportation costs, investment seminar expenses, postage, insurance, telephone, and subscriptions to investment publications, shall be paid from the accumulated contributions of the City and County.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Section A8.509(h)(5), said actuarial valuation and said investigation into the experience under the system shall be made as determined by the Retirement Board; provided, however, that said actuarial valuation shall be made not less than once every two years. All expenses in connection with said actuarial valuation and said investigation into the experience under the system; all expenses incurred by financial audits and accounting systems and procedures; and, all expenses of administration of plan benefits, including legal expenses thereof, shall be paid from the accumulated contributions of the City and County.
Contributions to the Retirement System required of the City and County shall be charged by the controller against the general fund or the school, utility, bond or other special fund under which the service was rendered, on account of which the contribution is required; provided that contributions required on account of service rendered by any person prior to becoming a member of the system, under a temporary fund, such as bond or County roads funds, or a fund then no longer existing, may be charged against the general fund, and provided further, that any contributions required on account of persons receiving benefits under subdivision (c) of Section A8.507, shall be charged against the general fund.
Beginning on July 1, 2012, in each year when the contribution to the Retirement System required under Section A8.510 is less than the Retirement System employer normal cost rate; (1) the City and County shall deposit into the Retiree Health Care Trust Fund the difference between the contributions that would have been based on the employer normal cost rate for that fiscal year and the contributions to be paid by the City and County into the Retirement Trust Fund for that fiscal year, including employee contributions paid by the City and County on behalf of members; and (2) the Participating Employers, as defined in Section A8.432, shall deposit the difference into the Retiree Health Care Trust Fund only upon resolution by their respective governing boards.
(Amended by Proposition D, Approved 6/8/2010; Proposition C, Approved 11/8/2011)