Defrauding Gas or Electric Company Prohibited. | |
Evidence of Guilt. | |
False Impersonation Prohibited. | |
Fraudulent Misrepresentations When Taking Civil Service Examinations Unlawful. | |
False Statements Relating to Merchandise or Services Prohibited – Penalty. | |
Retail Stores Posting Refund Policies; Penalties. | |
Retail Establishments Required to Issue Itemized Receipts for Goods Purchases; Penalties; Fines. | |
Defrauding Telephone Company Prohibited. | |
Evidence. | |
Every person who, with intent to injure or defraud, shall, in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, have in his possession a machine, appliance, contrivance or device of any character used or intended to be used to prevent a gas or electric meter from correctly registering the gas or electricity passing through it, or to divert gas or electricity that should pass through it, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38)
In all prosecutions for violation of Section 445 of this Article, proof that any of the acts herein made unlawful was done upon the premises used or occupied by defendant charged with any violation of Section 445 of this Article, and that he received or would have the benefit of any such gas or electricity without having to pay therefor, shall be prima facie evidence of the guilt of such defendant.
(Added by Ord. 1.075, App. 10/11/38)
It shall be unlawful for any person to falsely impersonate, or represent himself to be a police officer, deputy sheriff, deputy coroner, or member of the Fire Department; or to wear the badge of a police officer, deputy sheriff, deputy coroner, or of a member of the Fire Department or to use any signs, badges or devices used by the Police Department, Sheriff's or Coroner's offices, or by the Fire Department, unless he is authorized so to do, and is a member of either of said departments or offices.