Findings and Purpose. | |
Definitions. | |
Certificate of Registration Required. | |
Application for Certificate. | |
Issuance of Certificate. | |
Requirements. | |
Notification to the Department. | |
Renewals And Transfers. | |
General Provisions and Disclaimer. | |
Record Keeping. | |
Violations. | |
Director's Authority. | |
Enforcement Actions. | |
Penalties. | |
Director's Hearing. | |
Collection. | |
Fee Schedule. | |
Annual Fee Adjustment. | |
Delinquent Fees. | |
Refund of Fees. | |
Regulations. | |
Disclaimer of Liability. | |
Duties Are Discretionary. | |
Severability. | |
Sunset Provision. | |
The Board of Supervisors finds and declares the following:
(a) Diesel Backup Generators emit large amounts of smog-forming nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter with a diameter of 10 microns or less (PM10), sulfur oxides and hydrocarbons contributing to ground-level ozone, and reduced visibility.
(b) Diesel exhaust is linked to short and long-term adverse health effects in humans, which include lung cancer, aggravation of respiratory and cardiovascular disease, aggravation of existing asthma, acute respiratory symptoms, and chronic bronchitis and decreased lung function.
(c) In August of 1998, the California Air Resource Board listed diesel exhaust, specifically particulate emissions from diesel fueled engines, as a "toxic air contaminant."
(d) According to the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), Diesel Backup Generators tend to emit more pollutants than a new well-controlled power plant. In fact, even a clean diesel backup generator may emit more than 20 times as much NOx per kilowatt-hour as a new well-controlled power plant. Older dirtier Diesel Backup Generators may emit 200 times as much NOx.
(e) The Bay Area is currently designated nonattainment for the national ozone standards by the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
(f) The Bay Area is currently designated nonattainment for the state ozone and PM10 standards by the California Air Resource Board.
(g) The City and County of San Francisco is concerned about the health hazards posed by diesel emissions polluting the air, and wishes to impose limitations on Diesel Backup Generators to reduce the emission of diesel exhaust.
(Added by Ord. 202-02, File No. 012186, App. 9/27/2002)
As used in this Article, the defined terms shall have the following meaning:
(a) "Certificate of Registration" or "Certificate" shall mean a certificate of registration issued pursuant to this Article.
(b) "Commission" shall mean the San Francisco Health Commission as established by Section 4.110 of the San Francisco Charter.
(c) "Department" shall mean the San Francisco Department of Public Health.
(d) "Diesel Backup Generator" shall mean any internal combustion engine or gas turbine with an output rating of 37.3 kilowatt (50 horsepower) or greater and used or designed to be used as a Distributed Generation Unit which may be powered by distillate fuel, such as diesel. Diesel Backup Generator shall not include any portable internal combustion engine or gas turbine registered with the California Air Resources Board pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 13, Chester 9, Article 5.
(e) "Director" shall mean the Director of the Department or her or his designee.
(f) "Distributed Generation Unit" shall mean an electrical generation unit that produces electricity near the place of use.
(g) "Emergency Use" shall mean the temporary operation of the Diesel Backup Generator to provide electrical power during an actual Outage caused by sudden and reasonably unforeseen natural disaster such as earthquake, flood, fire or other acts of Nature, or other events beyond the control of the Owner and/or the Operator, its officers, employees, and contractors.
(h) "Non-Emergency Use" shall mean any operation of the Diesel Backup Generator that does not qualify as Emergency Use.
(1) Non-Emergency Use shall include without limitations: (i) operation of a Diesel Backup Generator to test its ability to perform during an emergency and (ii) operation of a Diesel Backup Generator before or after an actual Outage.
(2) Non-Emergency Use shall not include: (i) reliability testing of the Diesel Backup Generator required by a government regulatory agency in accordance with federal or state laws or regulations; (ii) use of Diesel Backup Generators during emergency drills or maintenance of critical electrical components at sites that have been designated by the City's Office of Emergency Services as the official Citywide emergency command and control centers; and (iii) testing of the Diesel Backup Generator required by any Repair performed on the generator.
(i) "Operator" shall mean any Person who is in control of or operates a Diesel Backup Generator.
(j) "Outage" shall mean the actual loss of normal electrical power service to a facility.
(k) "Owner" shall mean any Person who has equity in and/or legal title to the Diesel Backup Generator.
(l) "Person" shall mean an individual trust, firm, joint stock company, corporation including a government corporation, partnership, association.
(m) "Registrant" shall mean any Person to whom a Certificate is issued pursuant to this Article and any authorized representative, agent or designee of such Person.
(n) "Repair" shall mean any work that restores to optimum or designed usage of the Diesel Backup Generator that has become damaged or non-functional, through the replacement, reconnection, reassemble, and/or adjustment of component(s) of the generator. Repair shall not include periodic maintenance or routine reliability testing recommended by the manufacturer of the Diesel Backup Generator.
(Added by Ord. 202-02, File No. 012186, App. 9/27/2002)