Police Department Training and Safety Plans for Reproductive Health Care Facilities. |
(a) Training. The Police Department shall train all sworn officers employed by the Police Department at least annually regarding enforcement of Article 43 of the Police Code, “Access to Reproductive Health Care Facilities,” and the California Freedom of Access to Church and Clinic Entrances (“California FACE”) Act, Penal Code Section 423 et seq.
(b) Reproductive Health Care Facility Safety Planning. In response to a request from a reproductive health care facility, as that term is defined in Section 4302 of the Police Code, the Chief of Police shall, at least once every two years, assign the District Station Captain for the facility’s district, or the Captain’s designee, to meet with one or more representatives of the facility to review the record of incidents at or near the facility in the past 1-2 years that have interfered with patients’ or health care providers’ ability to access the facility, otherwise interfered with the facility’s operations, and/or interfered with the public’s right to exercise their First Amendment rights,,1
and develop a plan for preventing and responding to any such incidents in the future.
(Added by Ord. 276-24, File No. 241040, App. 12/11/2024, Eff. 1/11/2025)