Reimbursement or Waiver of Payment for Tow on Vehicles; Conditions Therefor. | |
Prohibition on Reimbursement. | |
Computing Amount of Reimbursement. | |
Payment of Reimbursements. | |
Time Limit to Request Reimbursement. | |
Information Required. | |
Effect of Policy of Insurance. | |
Investigation by Chief of Police or Director of the Department of Parking and Traffic; Indigent Owner. | |
Requests to be Under Penalty of Perjury. | |
Prosecution of Person Responsible. | |
Subrogation. | |
Reports by the Chief of Police and Director of the Department of Parking and Traffic. | |
(1) Except as provided in Section 10C.8, fees, charges or costs imposed for the towing or storage of vehicles or the amount charged for removal of components of a vehicle may be waived or reimbursed to the owner or person in lawful possession of the vehicle if the fees, charges or costs were incurred:
(a) Because the subject vehicle was towed and stored at the order of the San Francisco Police Department to examine the vehicle for evidence of a crime;
(b) Because the subject vehicle was towed and stored by the order of the San Francisco Police Department or the Department of Parking and Traffic and said towing or storage was not authorized by any of the several provisions of the Vehicle Code of the State of California;
(c) Because officers, agents or employees of the San Francisco Police Department or the Department of Parking and Traffic were negligent in reporting, filing, or recording the circumstances of the towing and storage of the vehicle;
(d) Because officers, agents or employees of the San Francisco Police Department or the Department of Parking and Traffic were negligent in reporting a vehicle as subject to towing or storage or ordering a vehicle towed and stored when, in fact, such vehicle was not subject to towing and storage; or
(e) Because a vehicle was towed or stored by order of the San Francisco Police Department or the Department of Parking and Traffic for removal of components of the vehicle, which components were placed on the vehicle in violation of Section 10751 of the Vehicle Code.
(2) Residents of the City and County of San Francisco who own or are in lawful possession of a vehicle that has been stolen and recovered within the City and County of San Francisco shall be exempt from payment of the administrative fee imposed by Section 170.1 of the Traffic Code.
(3) No person shall be exempt from or reimbursed for tow and storage charges collected pursuant to Section 170.2-A of the Traffic Code.
(4) Pursuant to the provisions of Section 10C.8, indigent owners of vehicles and victims of auto theft shall be exempt from paying fees, charges, or costs imposed for the towing and storage of the vehicle and shall be entitled to reimbursement for the same if collected.
(Amended by Ord. 387-84, App. 9/7/84; Ord. 56-92, App. 2/20/92; Ord. 292-94, App. 8/4/94; Ord. 300-99, File No. 991830, App. 11/24/99; Ord. 191-05, File No. 051003, App. 7/29/2005)
No reimbursement or voucher shall be made to the owner of a vehicle or the person in lawful possession of said vehicle pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, if:
(a) The owner or person in lawful possession of the vehicle is chargeable with violation of any law of the City and County of San Francisco, the State of California or the United States, and said charge relates to the towing and storage of the vehicle or the removal of component parts thereof; or
(b) Reimbursement is requested pursuant to Subsections (c) or (d) of Section 10C.1 of this Chapter and the owner or one in lawful possession of the vehicle was contributorially negligent; or
(c) The owner or other person in lawful possession of a motor vehicle, including a firm or corporation which owns vehicles used for commercial purposes, cannot show evidence of financial responsibility for said vehicle as required by Section 16020 of the California Vehicle Code.
(Added by Ord. 68-76, App. 3/12/76; Ord. 300-99, File No. 991830, App. 11/24/99)