Any person performing any subsurface work in close proximity or adjacent to any valve, gate, hydrant, main, street cistern, or other part of the auxiliary water supply system (high pressure system), any hydrant, hydrant piping, or hydrant gate valve connected to the mains of the San Francisco Water Department shall comply with all Fire Department regulations and specifications, which are on file with the Department of Public Works Bureau of Engineering.
The following definition shall be added to Section 902.1 of the California Fire Code:
[For SF]
CERTIFICATED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM is a fire alarm system for which a serially numbered certificate has been issued to the property owner by an organization that is part of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory Program. The certificate is a tool for assuring the reliability of fire alarm systems and is the alarm company’s declaration that the system will be installed, maintained, tested and monitored in accordance with the applicable codes and standards. San Francisco Fire Department Administrative Bulletin 3.03 contains details of the fire alarm certification program.