Better Roof Implementation. |
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this Section 2601 is to track and support improvement of requirements for newly constructed buildings which will increase the utility of rooftops by ensuring development of renewable energy resources.
(b) The Department of the Environment shall:
(1) Review and propose technical requirements for rooftop photovoltaic and solar thermal systems and their performance and components, where not otherwise governed by applicable state or local codes. The Department of Building Inspection and the Planning Department may contribute to the cost of technical support as well as the cost of public information programs supporting the implementation of the Better Roof program.
(2) Recommend revisions to the Better Roof requirements of San Francisco Green Building Code Sections 4.201.2 and .1.2 based on project data and other new information, to support the City’s goals for greenhouse gas emissions reduction, environmental justice, provision of renewable energy, development of Zero Net Energy Buildings, biodiversity, and pollution prevention.
(c) Reporting. The Environment Director shall collaborate with the Department of Building Inspection, the Department of Planning, and the Public Utilities Commission to prepare and publish an annual report on the renewable energy resources developed in compliance with this Chapter 26, San Francisco Green Building Code Section 4.201
.2, and San Francisco Green Building Code Section .1.2 et seq.
(Added by Ord. 71-16, File No. 160154, App. 5/6/2016, Eff. 6/5/2016, Oper. 1/1/2017)