Persons who are members of the police department on the eighth day of January, 1932, shall become members of the Retirement System on that date, subject to the following provisions in addition to the provisions contained in Sections 3.670, 3.672, 8.500, 8.502, 8.510, 8.511, 8.520, and 8.560 of this Charter:
(a) Any member of the department who has arrived or shall arrive at the age of 62 years, and who has completed 30 years of continuous service as an active member of the department next preceding his retirement, may retire from service at his option, provided that retirement shall be compulsory at the age of 70 years. Such retired member shall receive a monthly pension, payable throughout his life, equal to one-half of the amount of the monthly salary attached to the rank held by him three years prior to the date of his retirement, hereinafter referred to in this section and Section 8.542 as a "pension."
Before the first payment of the pension is made, such retired member may elect to receive the actuarial equivalent of his pension, partly in a pension to be received by him throughout his life, and partly in other benefits payable after his death to another person or persons, provided that such election shall be subject to all the conditions prescribed by the Board of Supervisors to govern similar elections by other members of the Retirement System, including the character and amount of such other benefits.
(b) Any member of the department who shall become physically disabled by reason of any bodily injury received in the performance of his duty, may be retired upon a monthly pension, as defined in subdivision (a), of this section, payable throughout his life. In case his disability shall cease, his pension shall cease, and he shall be restored to the service in the rank he occupied at the time of his retirement.
(c) The family of any member of the department who may be killed or injured while in the performance of his duties, and who shall have died within 3 years from the date of such injury as a result of such injury, shall receive the following benefits and the receipt by such member of a pension under this section during his lifetime shall not bar said family from such benefits:
First, should the decedent leave a widow to whom he was married prior to the date of the injury resulting in death, such widow shall, as long as she may live and remain unmarried, be paid a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by the decedent at the time of his said injury; provided, however, that should said widow die, leaving a child or children under the age of 16 years, said pension shall continue to such child or such children collectively until the youngest child arrives at the age of 16 years.
Second, should the decedent leave no widow, but leave an orphan child or children under the age of 16 years, such child or children collectively shall receive a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by their father at the time of his said injury until the youngest attains the age of 16 years.
Third, should the decedent leave no widow and no orphan child or children, but leave a parent or parents depending solely upon him for support, such parents, so depending, shall collectively receive a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank held by the decedent at the time of his said injury during such time as the retirement board may unanimously determine its necessity.
(d) A sum equal to the contributions, with interest, made by persons who become members of the Retirement System under this section to any other pension fund, shall be paid by the City and County to the Retirement System. Each member of the department shall contribute $2 per month to the Retirement System to be applied on the cost of the benefits at death and retirement provided under this section. Should a member be separated from City service through any cause other than death or retirement, then such contributions with interest shall be refunded to him under such conditions as may be fixed by the Board of Supervisors for the refund of contributions of other members of the Retirement System.
(e) When any member of the department shall die from natural causes and before retirement, there shall be paid to his estate or beneficiary a death benefit, the amount of which and the conditions for the payment of which shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the Board of Supervisors for the death benefit of other members of the Retirement System.
Upon the death of a member after retirement and regardless of the cause of death, a death benefit shall be paid to his estate or designated beneficiary, the amount of which and the conditions for payment of which shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the Board of Supervisors for the payment of a similar death benefit upon the death of other retired members.
(f) In addition to the other contributions required of the City and County under the Retirement System, the City and County shall contribute to the Retirement System during each fiscal year a sum which, together with the members' contributions provided for in subdivision (d) of this section, shall be equal to the liabilities accruing under the Retirement System because of the service rendered during such year by persons becoming members on the 8th day of January, 1932, under this section. If, subsequent to such fiscal year, it shall be determined that such contributions by the City and County, together with the members' contributions, was not sufficient to meet such liability, then the City and County shall make such additional contributions as may be necessary to make up the deficit.
(g) No benefits shall be provided under the Retirement System for, nor shall any contribution be required of, persons who become members of the Retirement System under this section, in addition to the benefits specifically provided and contributions specifically required in such section.
That portion of any pension payable because of the death or retirement of any such person which is provided by contributions of the City and County shall be reduced, in the manner fixed by the Board of Supervisors, by the amount of any benefits payable to or on account of such person, under the workers' compensation insurance and safety law of the State of California.
(h) Persons who were members of the police department on the eighth day of January, 1932, shall have the option, to be exercised in writing on or before the first day of January, 1936, of becoming members of the Retirement System under the provisions of Section 8.543, which applies to persons who become members of the department after the 8th day of January, 1932. If such persons shall affirmatively exercise such option within the time specified, then on and after the first day of the month next following such affirmative action, referred hereinafter in this subdivision (h) as "effective date," they shall not receive any benefit or make any contribution under this section, but on and after said effective date shall be members of the Retirement System and shall receive benefits and make contributions on the same basis as persons who become members of the department after the 8th day of January, 1932, provided that a pension for each person affirmatively exercising such option shall be payable on account of service rendered to the City and County prior to said effective date, by such members' contributions made prior to such effective date, with interest, and by contributions of the City and County, which pension shall be the same percentage regardless of the age of retirement, of his final compensation, as defined by the Board of Supervisors, for each year of such service, as the contributions of the member and the City and County are calculated to provide upon retirement at age 62 for each year of service rendered as a member of the Retirement System.
For all purposes of the Retirement System, and notwithstanding any other provisions of the Charter, the monthly salary attached to the former rank of corporal, heretofore held by a member of the police department, shall henceforth be deemed to be an amount equal to the maximum monthly salary attached to the rank of police officer, plus three-fourths of the difference between such amount and the monthly salary attached to the rank of sergeant.
Any member of the police department who shall have been retired and shall be receiving a pension on the eighth day of January, 1932, and any widow, child, children or parents of a deceased member of the department who shall be receiving a pension on the 8th day of January, 1932, shall continue to receive such pension, subject to the provisions of Section 8.540 governing the payment of pensions. Such pension shall be paid by the Retirement System, but no other benefits shall be provided for such retired members, widows, children or parents, except that upon the death of any such member who is receiving a pension under this section and regardless of the cause of death, a death benefit shall be paid to his estate or designated beneficiary, the amount of which shall be determined in the manner prescribed by the Board of Supervisors.
Persons who become members of the police department after the eighth day of January, 1932, and prior to July 1, 1945, shall become members of the Retirement System subject only to the following provision in addition to the provisions contained in Sections 3.670, 3.672, 8.500, 8.501, 8.502, 8.510, 8.511, 8.520, and 8.525 and 8.560 of this Charter: No such member of the Retirement System shall be retired, except in case of disability incapacitating him for the performance of his duties, unless he shall have attained the age of 62 years, and completed 25 years of continuous service, except that retirement shall be compulsory at the age of 70 years. It may be provided, however, under such Retirement System, that members may retire after 30 years of continuous service, the benefits of retirement in such cases to be determined, because of retirement at an age below 62, in accordance with the tables recommended by the actuary and approval by said retirement board.
Members of the police department, as defined in Section 8.545, who are members of the Retirement System under Sections 8.507, 8.540 or 8.543 of the Charter on the first day of July, 1945, and persons who become members of said department after said date, shall be members of the Retirement System under this Section 8.544 on and after said date, and shall be subject to the following provisions of Section 8.544 and Sections 8.545, 8.546, 8.547, 8.548, 8.549, 8.551, 8.552, 8.553, 8.554, 8.555, 8.556, 8.557, 8.558, and 8.559 (which shall apply only to members under Section 8.544 unless otherwise indicated) in addition to the provisions contained in Sections 3.670, 3.671, 8.500, 8.510, and 8.520 of this Charter notwithstanding the provisions of any other section of the Charter. Members of the said department who are members of the Retirement System under Section 8.540 of the Charter on July 1, 1949, however, shall have the option to be exercised in writing on a form furnished by the Retirement System and to be filed at the office of said system not later than 90 days after July 1, 1949, of being members of the system under Section 8.540 instead of Section 8.544, the election under said option to be effective on said date. In like manner, members of the said department who are members of the Retirement System under Section 8.507 or 8.543 of the Charter shall have the option, to be exercised in writing on a form furnished by the Retirement System, and to be filed at the office of said system not later than 90 days after July 1, 1949, of being members of the system under Sections 8.507 or 8.543, respectively, instead of Section 8.544 the election to be effective on said date, provided, that members who are absent by reason of service in the armed forces of the United States or by reason of any other service included in section 8.520 of the Charter, on the effective date of the amendment shall have the same option of electing to be members under Sections 8.507, 8.540, or 8.543, as the case may be, instead of Section 8.544, until 90 days after return to service in the police department.
On and after July 1, 1949, the persons who affirmatively exercise said option, shall continue to be members of the system under Sections 8.507, 8.540, or 8.543, respectively, and shall not be subject to any of the provisions of Section 8.544.
The following words and phrases as used in this section, unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context shall have the following meanings:
"Retirement allowance," "death allowance," or "allowance" shall mean equal monthly payments, beginning to accrue upon the date of retirement, or upon the day following the date of death, as the case may be and continuing for life unless a different term of payment is definitely provided by the context.
"Compensation," as distinguished from benefits under the Workers' Compensation Insurance and Safety Act of the State of California, shall mean the remuneration payable in cash, by the City and County, without deduction except for absence from duty, for time during which the individual receiving such remuneration is a member of the police department, but excluding remuneration paid for overtime.
"Compensation earnable" shall mean the compensation which would have been earned had the member received compensation without interruption throughout the period under consideration at the rates of remuneration attached at that time to the ranks or positions held by him during such period, it being assumed that during any absence he was in the rank or position held by him at the beginning of the absence, and that prior to becoming a member of the police department, he was in the rank or position first held by him in such department.
"Benefit" shall include "allowance," "retirement allowance," "death allowance" and "death benefit."
"Final compensation" shall mean the monthly compensation earnable by a member at the time of his retirement, or death before retirement, as the case may be, at the rate of remuneration attached at that time to the rank or position which said member held, provided that said member has held said rank or position for at least one year immediately prior to said retirement or death; and provided, further, that if said member has not held said rank or position for at least one year immediately prior to said retirement or death, "final compensation," as to such member, shall mean the monthly compensation earnable by such member in the rank or position next lower to the rank or position which he held at the time of retirement or death at the rate of remuneration attached at the time of said retirement or death to said next lower rank or position; provided, however, that in the case of a member's death before retirement as the result of a violent traumatic injury received in the performance of his duty, "final compensation," as to such member shall mean the monthly compensation earnable by such member at the rate of remuneration attached on the date he receives such injury to the rank or position held by such member on that date.
The amendment of the definition of "final compensation" contained in the proposition therefor submitted to the electorate on June 6, 1972, shall be retroactive and shall be applicable to any death allowance first effective on or after July 1, 1971. Said amendment does not and shall not increase any death allowance first in effect prior to July 1, 1971, nor shall said amendment give any person receiving a death allowance, or his successors in interest any claim against the City and County for any increase in any death allowance paid or payable for time prior to July 1, 1971.
For the purpose of the Retirement System and of this section, the terms "member of the police department," "member of the department" or "member" shall mean any officer or employee of the police department whose employment therein began prior to January 1, 1900, or whose employment therein began or shall begin after that date, and was or shall be subject to the Charter provisions governing entrance requirements for members of the uniformed force of said department, and said terms further shall mean, from the effective date of their employment in said department, persons employed on July 1, 1945, regardless of age, or employed after said date at an age not greater than the maximum age then prescribed for entrance into employment in said uniformed force, to perform the duties now performed under the titles of criminologist, photographer, police patrol driver, police motor boat operator, woman protective officer, police woman or jail matron. Any police service performed by such member of the police department outside the limits of the City and County and under orders of a superior officer of any such member, shall be considered as City and County service, and any disability or death incurred therein shall be covered under the provisions of the Retirement System.
"Retirement system" or "system" shall mean San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System as created in Section 8.600 of the Charter.
"Retirement board" shall mean "retirement board" as created in Section 3.670 of the Charter.
"Charter" shall mean the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco.
Words used in the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and singular numbers shall include the plural and the plural the singular.
"Interest" shall mean interest at the rate adopted by the retirement board.
Any member of the police department who completes at least 25 years of service in the aggregate and attains the age of 50 years, said service to be computed under Section 8.554, may retire for service at his option. Members shall be retired on the first day of the month next following the attainment by them of the age of 65 years. A member retired after meeting the service and age requirements in the two sentences next preceding, shall receive a retirement allowance equal to 55 percent of the final compensation of said member, as defined in Section 8.545, plus and allowance at the rate of three percent of said final compensation, for each year of service rendered in excess of 25 years; provided, however, that such retirement allowance shall not exceed 70 percent of said member's final compensation. A member retired after attaining the age of 65 years, but before completing 25 years of service in the aggregate computed under Section 8.554, shall receive a retirement allowance which bears the same ratio to 50 percent of the final compensation of said member, as defined in Section 8.545 as the service with which he is entitled to be credited, bears to 25 years. If, at the date of retirement for service, or retirement for disability resulting from an injury received in performance of duty, said member has no wife, children or dependent parents, who would qualify for the continuance of the allowance after the death of said member, or with respect to the portion of the allowance which would not to be continued regardless of dependents, or upon retirement for disability resulting from other causes, with respect to all of the allowance and regardless of dependents at retirement, a member retired under this section, or Section 8.547, may elect before the first payment of the retirement allowance is made, to receive the actuarial equivalent of his allowance or the portion which would not be continued regardless of dependents, as the case may be, partly in a lesser allowance to be received by him throughout his life, and partly in other benefits payable after his death to another person or persons, provided that such election shall be subject to all the conditions prescribed by the Board of Supervisors to govern similar election by other members of the Retirement System, including the character and amount of such other benefits.
Any member of the police department who becomes incapacitated for the performance of his duty by reason of bodily injury received in, or illness caused by performance of his duty, shall be retired. If he is not qualified for service retirement, he shall receive a retirement allowance in an amount which shall be equal to the same percentage of the final compensation of said member, as defined in Section 8.545, as his percentage of disability is determined to be. The percentage of disability shall be as determined by the Workers' Compensation Appeals Board of the State of California upon referral from the retirement board for that purpose; provided that the retirement board may, by five affirmative votes, adjust the percentage of disability as determined by said appeals board; and provided, further, that such retirement allowance shall be in an amount not less than 50 percent nor more than 90 percent of the final compensation of said member, as defined in Section 8.545. Said allowance shall be paid to him until the date upon which said member would have qualified for service retirement had he lived and rendered service without interruption in the rank held by him at retirement, and after said date the allowance payable shall be equal to the retirement allowance said member would have received if retired for service on said date, based on the final compensation as defined in Section 8.545 he would have received immediately prior to said date had he lived and rendered service as assumed, but such allowance shall not be less than 50 percent of such final compensation. If at the time of retirement because of disability, he is qualified as to age and service for retirement under Section 8.546, he shall receive an allowance equal to the retirement allowance which he would receive if retired under Section 8.546 but not less than 55 percent of said final compensation. Any member of the police department who becomes incapacitated for the performance of his duty, by reason of a cause not included under the provisions of the immediately preceding sentences, and who shall have completed at least 10 years of service in the aggregate, computed as provided in Section 8.554 shall be retired upon an allowance of one and one-half percent of the final compensation of said member, as defined in Section 8.545, for each year of service provided that said allowance shall not be less than 331/3 percent of said final compensation; provided, however, that if such member has completed at least 25 years of service in the aggregate, computed as provided in Section 8.554, but has not yet attained the age of 50 years, he shall receive an allowance equal to the retirement allowance he would have received if he had attained the age of 50 years and retired under Section 8.546 as of the date of retirement for such incapacity. The question of retiring a member under this section may be brought before the retirement board on said board's own motion, by recommendation of the police commission, or by said member of his guardian. If his disability shall cease, his retirement allowance shall cease, and he shall be restored to the service in the rank he occupied at the time of his retirement.
If a member of the police department shall die before or after retirement by reason of an injury received in, or illness caused by the performance of his duty, a death allowance, in lieu of any allowance payable under any other section of the Charter or by ordinance, on account of death resulting from injury received in or illness caused by the performance of duty, shall be paid, beginning on the date next following the date of death, to his surviving wife, throughout her life or until her remarriage. If the member, at the time of death, was qualified for service retirement, but had not retired, the allowance payable shall be equal to the retirement allowance which the member would have received if he had been retired for service on day of death, but such allowance shall not be less than 55 percent of the final compensation earnable by said member immediately preceding death. If death occurs prior to qualification for service retirement the allowance payable shall be equal to the final compensation of said member at the date of death, until the date upon which said member would have qualified for service retirement, had he lived and rendered service without interruption in the rank held by him at death, and after said date the allowance payable shall be equal to the retirement allowance said member would have received if retired for service on said date, based on the final compensation he would have received immediately prior to said date, had he lived and rendered service as assumed, but such allowance shall not be less than 55 percent of such final compensation. If he had retired prior to death for service or for disability resulting from injury received in, or illness caused by the performance of duty, the allowance payable shall be equal to the retirement allowance of the member, except that if he was a member under Section 8.544 and retirement was for such disability, and if death occurred prior to qualification for the service retirement allowance, the allowance continued shall be reduced upon the date at which said member would have qualified for service retirement, in the same manner as it would have been reduced had the member not died. If there be no surviving wife entitled to an allowance hereunder, or if she die or remarry before every child of such deceased member attains the age of 18 years, then the allowance which the surviving wife would have received had she lived and not remarried shall be paid to his child or children under said age, collectively, to continue until every such child dies or attains said age, provided that no child shall receive any allowance after marrying or attaining the age of 18 years. Should said member leave no surviving wife and no children under the age of 18 years, but leave a parent or parents depending upon him for support, the parents so dependent shall collectively receive a monthly allowance equal to that which a surviving widow otherwise would have received, during such dependency. No allowance, however, shall be paid under this section to a surviving wife following the death of a member unless she was married to the member prior to the date of the injury or onset of the illness which results in death.