(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, no person retired for service or disability, and in receipt of a retirement allowance under the Retirement System, shall serve in any elective or appointive position in the City and County service, including membership on boards and commissions, nor shall such persons receive any payment for service rendered to the City and County after retirement, provided that service as an election officer or juror, or in the preparation for or the giving of testimony as an expert witness for or on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco before any court or legislative or administrative body, shall not be affected by this section or by Section 8.509, Section 8.546 or Section 8.581 of the Charter.
(b) Should any retired person, except persons retired for service prior to January 8, 1932, and persons retired because of disability incurred in the performance of duty, engage in a gainful occupation prior to attaining the age of 62, the retirement board shall reduce that part of his/her monthly pension or retirement allowance which is provided by contributions of the City and County, to an amount which, when added to the amount earned monthly by him/her in such occupation, shall not exceed the compensation on the basis of which his/her pension or retirement allowance was determined.
(c) Limited employment in positions requiring special skills or knowledge:
(1) A retired person, who is a certificated employee, may enter into a consultancy contract with the San Francisco Unified School District or the San Francisco Community College District to the extent authorized by state law. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Charter to the contrary, a certificated employee who enters into such a consultancy contract shall not be reinstated as a member of the Retirement System. No deduction shall be made from his or her compensation as contributions to the Retirement System, and his or her retirement allowance shall not be terminated or suspended.
(2) A retired person may be employed in a position other than a certificated position, requiring special skills or knowledge, for not to exceed 120 working days or 960 hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year and may be paid for that employment. That employment shall not operate to reinstate the person as a member of the Retirement System or to terminate or suspend the member's retirement allowance, and no deductions shall be made from his or her salary as contributions to the Retirement System. Furthermore, this employment shall not replace a permanent civil service employee.
Any person who retired under the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System from an employment status in which he was a member of the State Teachers' Retirement System, and whose retirement was effective after June 30, 1955, and not later than 90 days after February 1, 1957, may elect, in writing on a form provided by the Retirement System and to be filed at the office of said system within 90 days after February 1, 1957, to relinquish his right to a retirement allowance from said City and County Employees' Retirement System. If such person so elects to relinquish said right, his retirement allowance shall be cancelled forthwith and no payments of such allowance shall be made to him, or on his account, for time on and after the effective date of such election, and such election shall be irrevocable. The San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System shall pay or be liable to pay to or on account of such person, only an amount equal to the actuarial equivalent, as of the effective date of such relinquishment, and on the basis of the mortality tables and interest rate then used under the system, of the portion of the cancelled allowance which was provided by said person's accumulated contributions at the effective date of his retirement. An amount equal to such actuarial equivalent shall be forwarded forthwith to the Retirement Annuity Fund of said State Teachers' System, to be applied on the amount due to said fund from said person under the provisions of Division (7), Chapter 14 of the Education Code of the State of California, but not to exceed the amount so due as may be quoted in a written statement requested of and received from said State Teachers' Retirement System as applied to any person herein involved. Any excess of the actuarial equivalent over said amount so quoted as due shall be paid forthwith to said person.
In the event that any teacher or other employee of the board of education resigns and withdraws during or after the fiscal year which will end June 30, 1957, his accumulated contributions from the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System, and instead, within 90 days after such withdrawal is in the status of a person retired under the State Teachers' Retirement System of California on an allowance based on the full allowance formulae under said state system, the contributions which the San Francisco Unified School District is required to make to said City and County Employees' Retirement System on account of service rendered by employees of such unified school district as such members of such system, in accordance with the rate of contribution determined under Section 8.509 of the Charter, shall be reduced by an amount equal to the actuarial equivalent as of the day next following the date of such withdrawal, of the portion of the allowance to which such person would have been entitled from said City and County Employees' Retirement System, if he had not resigned, and which would have been based on his service as a member of such City and County Employees' Retirement System, minus the amount of his accumulated normal contributions withdrawn.
In the event that any person retired under the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System from an employment status in which he was a member of the State Teachers' Retirement System, has elected or elects to relinquish his right to a retirement allowance from said City and County Employees' Retirement System, the contributions which the San Francisco Unified School District is required to make to the City and County Employees' Retirement System on account of service rendered by employees of such unified school district as members of such system in accordance with the rate of contribution determined under Section 8.509 of the Charter, shall be reduced by an amount equal to the actuarial equivalent as of the effective date of such relinquishment, and as determined in connection with such relinquishment, of the portion of the allowance to which said person would have been entitled had he not so elected, and which was based on his service as a member of the City and County Employees' Retirement System, minus the actuarial equivalent determined in connection with such relinquishment of the portion of the cancelled allowance which was provided by said person's accumulated normal contributions at the effective date of his retirement.
If the total of the actuarial equivalents by which the contributions required of the San Francisco Unified School District in any year are to be reduced, exceeds such contributions, the amount of the excess shall be carried over to subsequent fiscal years and applied to reduce such contributions for such years in chronological order.
The Board of Supervisors may enact, by a vote of three-fourths of its members, an ordinance or ordinances prescribing the conditions according to which any and all employees of the San Francisco Unified School District and employees of the City and County of San Francisco, other than members of the fire and police department as defined in Section 8.560, may be covered under the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Disability Insurance provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, subject to the provisions of this section. "City and County" as hereinafter used shall mean the City and County of San Francisco and the San Francisco Unified School District.
(a) Any member of the San Francisco City and County Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as the system, who is or becomes covered by the Federal Old-Age and Survivors Disability Insurance provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, hereinafter referred to as the Act, shall continue to contribute to the system the normal contributions required of him, except that he shall have the right to reduce his normal contributions under the system at his option to be exercised by an election on the system's form, said election to be effective on the first day of the month next following its filing in the system's office. Such reduction of normal contributions shall apply only to time during which said member is covered under the Act, and after February 1, 1959, and the amount of said reduction, which may be changed from time to time by said member, in accordance with rules and regulations of the Retirement Board, shall not be more than the amount of said member's contribution under the Act.
Any allowance payable to or on account of such member by the system shall be reduced on the effective date of said allowance by the actuarial equivalent on that date of the normal contributions, including interest to said date, with which said member would have been but was not credited under the system because of said reduction in his normal contributions and because of amounts paid from such member's accumulated contributions for the retroactive period hereinafter provided for, and any continuation of said allowance shall be based on such reduced allowance but said allowance shall not be effected otherwise by the member's reduction of his normal contributions. Said member shall have the right to contribute amounts, which shall be administered as additional contributions, to replace all or part of such reduction in his retirement allowance.
(b) The reductions in allowances and contributions of members shall be made as provided in the foregoing paragraphs, notwithstanding any provisions in the Charter to the contrary.
(c) Every employee covered by the agreement providing coverage under the Act shall be liable for the employee contributions required by the Act.
(d) The effective date of coverage under the Act may be made retroactive to such date as the Board of Supervisors may determine.
Contributions required under the Act of each member for time included by the retroactive application shall be paid from such member's accumulated contributions held by the system on account of his compensation not in excess of the maximum compensation taxable under this Act for such retroactive time. If the required contributions under the Act exceed the member's accumulated contributions held by the system so determined, the additional contributions under the Act equal to the excess shall be paid by the member. Contributions required under the Act of the employer on account of such retroactive period shall be paid from funds held by the system on account of active members and derived from contributions of the City and County.
(e) Any member who is covered by Section 210(1) of the Act on the effective date of the agreement between the state and federal government to extend coverage to the members of the system under the Act shall not be subject to this section unless he elect to be covered in accordance with this section, such election to be on a form furnished by the system and to be filed in the office of the system not later than 180 days after the effective date of such agreement. Such election shall be irrevocable. Such election shall fix the status of the member under such coverage as the same in all respects as if he had not been covered under Section 210(1), except that there shall be no adjustment of the member's accumulated contributions or of the funds held by the system, and derived from contributions of the City and County, on account of social security tax for such retroactive period.
Each member who enters the employ of the municipal railway after the effective date of the agreement between the state and federal government to extend coverage to other members of the system under the Act, shall be covered under the Act in accordance with the terms of this section and the ordinance or ordinances enacted pursuant thereto.
(f) Provision shall be made for modification of the member's retirement allowances at his option, if he retires before he attains the minimum age of qualification for his primary benefit under the Act, in such manner that will make his increased monthly retirement allowance under the system prior to attainment of such age equal to the sum of his decreased monthly allowance after attainment of such age, and his primary benefit under the Act, upon the basis of an estimated primary benefit under the Act, subject to the requirement that the amounts of the increase and decrease in the monthly allowance shall be actuarially equivalent, and that the increase shall not be modified under an option provided by ordinance.
(g) Words used in the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neuter genders, and singular numbers shall include the plural and the plural the singular.
(h) The contribution rates of the City and County applicable to various membership under Section 8.509 shall be adjusted to rates determined by the actuary according to methods stated in Section 8.509.
(i) The Board of Supervisors shall submit to the eligible employees for purposes of referendum, as defined in the Act, the question as to whether they desire coverage under the Act in accordance with conditions prescribed in this section.
(j) The powers of the Board of Supervisors granted in Section 8.500 shall include the authority to make such adjustments in the Retirement System, by a vote of three-fourths of its members, as are not made by this section, but as required because of changes in the Act, to carry out the purposes of this section.
The benefit provisions of the workmen's compensation laws included in the Labor Code of the State of California, as they effect the benefits provided for or payable to or on account of officers and employees, including teachers of the City and County, shall be administered exclusively by the retirement board, provided that the retirement board shall determine whether the City and County, through the Retirement System, shall assume the risks under the said law, in whole or in part, or whether it shall reinsure such risks, in whole or in part, with the state compensation insurance fund. Benefits under such risks as may be assumed by the City and County, and premiums under such risks as may be reinsured shall be paid by the Retirement System, and an amount equal to the total of such benefits and premiums, as determined by the actuary for any fiscal year, including the deficit brought forward from previous years, shall be paid during such fiscal year to the Retirement System by the City and County.
Every patrol special police officer, as referred to in Section 8.509 of this Charter shall be entitled, under this section, to the benefits of such compensation law, if injured while performing regular City and County police duties, which shall include only duties performed while preventing the commission of a crime, or while apprehending the person or persons committing such crime, and shall not include duties of any character performed for private employers either on or off the premises of such employers, provided that no payments shall be made under this paragraph in the event that the patrol special officer shall receive the benefits of such compensation law from any other source.
Whenever any member of the fire or police department, as defined in Sections 8.545, 8.565, and 8.569, respectively, is incapacitated for the performance of his duties by reason of any bodily injury received in or illness caused by the performance of his duty as determined by the retirement board, he shall become entitled, regardless of his period of service with the City and County, to disability benefits equal to and in lieu of his salary as fixed by the Charter, while so disabled, for a period or periods not exceeding 12 months in the aggregate, with respect to any one injury or illness. Said disability benefits shall be reduced in the manner fixed by the Board of Supervisors by the amount of any benefits other than medical benefits payable to such person under the Labor Code concurrently with said disability benefit, and because of the injury or illness resulting in said disability. Such disability benefits as are paid in the absence of payments of any benefits other than medical benefits under the workmen's compensation laws included in said Labor Code, shall be considered as in lieu of such benefits, payable to such person under the said code concurrently with said disability benefits, and shall be in satisfaction and discharge of the obligations of the City and County to pay such benefits under the Labor Code. Medical treatment which may become necessary to relieve or cure said member from the effects of the injury or illness shall be furnished by the City and County, in the same manner that such treatment is furnished under said Labor Code, but without first requiring continuing awards of such treatment by the Industrial Accident Commission of the State of California, relating to impairments of permanent or of extended and uncertain duration. The provisions of this paragraph shall be administered exclusively by the retirement board, and the City and County and unified school district and community college district shall pay to the Retirement System during each fiscal year, an amount equal to the total disability benefits paid by said system during the fiscal year and, pursuant to applicable provisions of the Administrative Code of the City and County, the unified school district and community college district shall pay to the Retirement System during each fiscal year, a proportionate share of the costs of administering workers compensation benefits on behalf of employees of said school and college districts.
A member of the fire or police department shall receive credits as service, under the Retirement System, for time during which he is incapacitated for performance of duty and receives said disability benefit. Contributions for the Retirement System shall be deducted from said benefits in the same manner as they would be deducted from salary paid to him, and the City and County shall contribute, in addition to its other contributions provided herein, to the Retirement System on the basis of said benefits in the same manner as it would contribute on salary paid to said member.
Whenever any member of the police or fire department, as defined in Sections 8.586-1 and 8.588-1, respectively, is incapacitated for the performance of his duties by reason of any bodily injury received in, or illness caused by, the performance of his duty, as determined by the retirement board, he shall become entitled with respect to any one injury or illness, regardless of his period of service with the City and County, to disability benefits equal to and in lieu of his salary, while so disabled, for a period or periods not exceeding 12 months in the aggregate, or until such earlier date as he is retired, whether for service or disability.
Said disability benefit shall be reduced in the manner fixed by the Board of Supervisors by the amount of any benefits other than medical benefits payable to such person under the Labor Code concurrently with said disability benefit, and because of the injury or illness resulting in said disability. Such disability benefits as are paid in the absence of payments of any benefits other than medical benefits under the workers' compensation laws included in said Labor Code, shall be considered as in lieu of such benefits payable to such person under the said code concurrently with said disability benefits, and shall be in satisfaction and discharge of the obligations of the City and County to pay such benefits under the Labor Code.
The provisions of this section shall be administered exclusively by the retirement board, and the City and County shall pay to the Retirement System during each fiscal year an amount equal to the total disability benefits paid by said system during that year.
A member of the police or fire department shall receive credit as service, under the Retirement System, for time during which he is incapacitated for performance of duty and receives said disability benefit; provided, however, that contributions for the Retirement System shall be deducted from payments of such disability benefits paid to him. The City and County shall contribute, in addition to its other contributions provided herein, to the Retirement System on the basis of said benefits in the same manner as it would contribute on salary paid to said member.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subsection (b) of Section 8.509 and Section 8.584-2, members subject to said sections shall not be required to retire upon attainment of the age of 65 years. Any member who attains the age of 65 years with less than 10 years of credited service in the aggregate in the Retirement System and who would have been subject to compulsory retirement upon the attainment of the age of 65 years in the absence of the provisions of this Section 8.517 may elect to retire upon the first day of the month next following the month in which he or she attains the age of 65 years and receive the allowance he or she would have received if this Section 8.517 had not been in effect; provided, however, that any such member who elects not to so retire and continues as a member after the first day of the month next following his or her attainment of the age of 65 years shall not be entitled to receive a service retirement allowance until completion of the years of credited service required by the provisions of said Subsection (b) of Section 8.509 or Section 8.584-2, as the case may be, in order to qualify for service retirement.
The provisions of this Section 8.517 do not and shall not entitle any person retired under the Retirement System to be re-employed.