Statement of Purpose. | |
Definitions. | |
Performance of Wild or Exotic Animals Prohibited. | |
Exemptions. | |
Implementation and Enforcement. | |
Penalties. | |
Undertaking for the General Welfare. | |
No Conflict with Federal or State Law. | |
Severability. | |
The purpose of this Article 1B is to protect wild and exotic animals from cruel and inhumane treatment and to protect the public from the danger posed by the use of wild and exotic animals for entertainment.
For purposes of this Article 1B:
"Cause a Performance" means to be responsible for the management of a Performance, to financially benefit as an owner or operator from a Performance, or to sponsor a Performance.
"Companion Animal" means any type of animal that is commonly kept by persons as a pet or for companionship and includes but is not limited to (a) domesticated dogs, (b) domesticated cats, (c) ferrets, (d) gerbils, (e) guinea pigs, (f) hamsters, (g) horses, (h) mice, (i) rabbits, and (j) rats.
"Domestic Animal" means any animal that is Livestock, a Companion Animal, or both.
"Educational Activities" means teaching or instructing with the intent of imparting knowledge to others.
"Livestock" means (a) poultry, (b) cattle, (c) swine, (d) sheep, (e) goats, (f) horses, (g) donkeys, and (h) mules.
"Performance" means any public showing, presentation, display, exposition, fair, act, circus, ride, trade show, petting zoo, carnival, parade, race, photographic opportunity, exhibition, or similar undertaking in which animals are required to perform tricks, fight, or participate as accompaniments for the entertainment, amusement, or benefit of an audience.
"Person" means any individual, establishment, firm, association, organization, partnership, trust, corporation, or company.
"Wild or Exotic Animal" means any non-Domestic Animal. "Wild or Exotic Animal" includes but is not limited to the following orders or families, or similar orders or families, whether bred in the wild or in captivity, and any hybrid with Domestic Animals. The examples identified in parentheses are not intended to be an exhaustive list and do not limit the generality of each group of animals, unless otherwise specified:
(a) Non-human primates and prosimians (chimpanzees and monkeys)
(b) Felidae (except domesticated cats)
(c) Canidae (except domesticated dogs)
(d) Ursidae (bears)
(e) Proboscidea (elephants)
(f) Cetacea (whales, dolphins, porpoises)
(g) Crocodilia (alligators, crocodiles)
(h) Marsupialia (kangaroos, opossums)
(i) Reptilia
(j) Perissodactyla (rhinoceroses, tapirs, zebras, but not horses, donkeys, or mules)
(k) Artiodactyla (hippopotamuses, giraffes, camels, but not cattle, swine, sheep, or goats
(l) Hyaenidae
(m) Mustelidae (skunks, weasels, otters, badgers)
(n) Procyonidae (raccoons, coatis)
(o) Edentata (anteaters, sloths, armadillos)
(p) Viverridae (mongooses, civets, genets)
(q) Pinnipedia (seals, sea lions, walruses)
(r) Struthioniformes (ostriches)
(s) Casuariiformes (emus)
Notwithstanding the above, reptilia under 8 feet in length and snakes and reptiles of non-venomous variety are not Wild or Exotic Animals.