Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit. | |
Department Orders and Regulations. | |
Definitions. | |
Initial Review of a Personal Wireless Facility Site Permit Application. | |
Conditions of Approval. | |
Street Tree. | |
Department of Public Health Review. | |
Department Review of a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit Application. | |
Planning Department Review of a Tier A or Tier B Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit Application. | |
Recreation and Park Department Review of a Tier C Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit Application. | |
Final Determination. | |
Notice of Final Determination. | |
Appeals. | |
Notice of Completion and Inspection. | |
Compliance. | |
Abandonment. | |
Term of Permit. | |
Renewal and New Applications. | |
Replacement or Removal of Equipment. | |
Modification Permit. | |
Deposit. | |
Liability. | |
Indemnification and Defense of City. | |
Insurance. | |
Fees and Costs. | |
Severability. | |
Base Station Determination. | |
(a) Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit Required. The Department shall require any Person seeking to construct, install, or maintain a Personal Wireless Service Facility in the Public Rights-of-Way to obtain a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit.
(b) Minimum Permit Requirements.
(1) The Department shall not issue a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit if the Application for a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit does not comply with all of the requirements of this Article 25.
(2) The Department shall require an Applicant for a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department that:
(A) The Department has issued the Applicant a Utility Conditions Permit as required by San Francisco Administrative Code Section 11.9;
(B) The pole owner has authorized the Applicant to use or replace the Utility Pole identified in the Application; and
(C) The Applicant has obtained any approvals that may be required under the California Environmental Quality Act (California Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.) to construct, install, and maintain the proposed Personal Wireless Service Facility.
(c) Permit Prohibited. The Department shall not issue a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit if the Applicant seeks to:
(1) Install a new Utility Pole on a Public Right-of-Way where there presently are no overhead utility facilities; or
(2) Add a Personal Wireless Service Facility on a Utility Pole for which a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit has already been approved.
(d) Permit Conditions. The Department may include in a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit such conditions, in addition to those already set forth in this Article 25 and other Applicable Law, as may be required to govern the construction, installation, or maintenance of Personal Wireless Service Facilities in the Public Rights-of-Way, and to protect and benefit the public health, safety, welfare, and convenience, provided that no such conditions may concern the particular technology used for a Personal Wireless Service Facility.
(e) Installation of Cabinets or Vaults in the Public Rights-of-Way. The Department shall not include in a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit an authorization for the Permittee to install a surface-mounted equipment cabinet or underground equipment vault in the Public Rights-of-Way. In order to install such an equipment cabinet or vault in the Public Rights-of-Way for use with a Personal Wireless Service Facility, a Permittee must fully comply with any other City permitting requirements related to the installation of such facilities.
(f) Other Provisions Inapplicable. Notwithstanding the requirements of San Francisco Business and Tax Code Sections 5, 6, and 26(a), the provisions of this Article 25 shall govern all actions taken by the City with respect to the approval or denial of an Application for a Personal Wireless Service Facility Site Permit under this Article 25.