These regulations shall be known as the 2022 San Francisco Fire Code, may be cited as such, and will be referred to herein as “this code.” This code incorporates by reference the 2022 California Fire Code (Title 24, California Code of Regulations, Part 9), including appendices adopted by the State, except for those portions of the 2022 California Fire Code that are expressly deleted, modified, or amended herein. In addition, this code incorporates by reference those portions of the 2021 International Fire Code that were not adopted by the California Building Standards Commission in the 2022 California Fire Code, except for those portions of the 2021 International Fire Code that are expressly deleted, modified, or amended herein.
In undertaking the adoption and enforcement of this code, the City and County of San Francisco is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on itself or its officers and employees, an obligation for breach of which it is liable in money damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.