Duty of Director to Cause Engineering Inspection. | |
Improvement Without Inspection Prohibited. | |
Request For Inspection—Cost. | |
Duty of Director to Estimate Cost. | |
Deposit of Monthly Cost In Advance. | |
Money Deposited to Defray Specific Inspection. | |
Inspection to be Furnished When Cost Deposited. | |
Additional Deposit May Be Required. | |
Excess Deposit to be Credited. | |
Forms and Fiscal Procedure to be Prescribed by Controller. | |
It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works to cause engineering inspection to be made of:
(b) All garbage disposal pursuant to the provisions of Section 318 of Article 6, Chapter V, of the Municipal Code;
(c) All reclamation work within the City and County of San Francisco.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make, or cause or permit to be made, any improvement or work as referred to in Section 635 of this Article without first securing engineering inspection service from the Director of Public Works.
Whenever any person, firm or corporation desires and intends to do any work to make any improvement as described in Section 635 of this Article, such person, firm or corporation before performing any such contemplated work, shall in writing request the Director of Public Works to make engineering inspection. The cost of such engineering inspection shall constitute a charge against and be paid for monthly in advance by the person, firm or corporation performing said work or making such improvements in the manner hereinafter provided.