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Expansion of Vote-by-Mail for Exclusively Municipal Elections.
Editor’s Note:
Former Art. XI, “Vote-by-Mail for the November 3, 2020 Election; Voter’s Choice Act,” expired by operation of law per the terms of its sunset provision (former Sec. 1103(c)) and was removed from the Code at the direction of the Office of the City Attorney.
Whenever the following terms are used in this Article XI, the following definitions shall apply. Other terms shall be defined as set forth in the California Elections Code.
“Department” means the San Francisco Department of Elections.
“Exclusively Municipal Election” shall mean any election for local officials or measures to be held in the City and County that the City has not consolidated with a Federal Election or State Election, including, but not limited to, municipal elections held on the Tuesday immediately following the first Monday in November in 2023 and in every fourth year following 2023.
“Federal Election” shall mean any election for Federal officials held in the City and County.
“State Election” shall mean any election for State officials or measures held in the City and County.
(Added by Ord. 146-21, File No. 210604, App. 9/24/2021, Eff. 10/25/2021)