This electronic version of the City and County of San Francisco Municipal Code is updated as amending legislation is approved. New Ordinance Notices are inserted where applicable to call the user's attention to material that has been affected by legislation that has been passed but is not yet effective. Any references to such legislation are also compiled in a table at the end of this Code. The amendments are then incorporated into the Code when they become effective.
Beginning with ordinances passed in 2011, all ordinances affecting this Code are summarized in a table that lists the identifying information (ordinance and file numbers), effective date, short title, and sections affected for each such ordinance. Users should note that the operative date of an ordinance may be later than the effective date of the ordinance. A delayed operative date will be noted in the ordinance.
This Code may contain various Editor's Notes (explaining the disposition of or cross referencing various provisions), and/or Codification Notes (documenting scrivener's errors and the like found in the underlying ordinances). Such notes have been inserted by the publisher for the convenience of the user or as historical references. They have not been approved or adopted by the City and County of San Francisco, and are of no legal force or effect.
Under the Burton Act and Charter Section B3.581, the San Francisco Port Commission has the complete and exclusive authority to manage, regulate and control the harbor of San Francisco and to do all things it deems necessary in connection with the use, conduct, operation, management, maintenance, regulation, improvement and control of Port property. The Port has important interests in regulating activities on public access areas of Port property to protect visitors from safety hazards, prevent damage to the property and facilitate special event coordination. As a result, the Port has determined that there is a need to impose reasonable time, place and manner restrictions upon activities of the general public on the Port's public access areas. In keeping with its duties of administering the public trust, this Code is not intended to restrict the rights of the public to enjoy the waters of San Francisco Bay to the full extent those rights are granted under the public trust doctrine.