Definitions. | |
Permit Required; Procedure. | |
Indemnification Agreement. | |
Grounds for Denial of Application for Parade Permit. | |
Procedure Following Denial of Application. | |
Appeals. | |
Revocation by Police Chief. | |
Violation of Permit Conditions. | |
Unlawful to Sponsor or Participate in a Parade Without a Permit or to Interfere With Such Event. | |
Chief of Police to Establish Lines. | |
Chief of Police to Divert Parade Around Fire, Etc. | |
Interference With City Property Prohibited. | |
Penalties. | |
Severability. | |
(a) The term "approve," when used in connection with approval of an application for a parade permit by the Chief of Police, means that the Chief of Police has determined that none of the grounds for denying an application, as set forth in Section 369, exists, and that a permit is to be issued once the applicant complies with Section 367, pertaining to applications, and Section 368, pertaining to indemnification.
(b) A "business district" is that area adjacent to a public street in which: (1) 50 percent or more of the property fronting upon one side of the street, for a distance of 600 feet, is occupied by structures in use for commercial purposes; or, (2) 50 percent or more of the property fronting upon both sides of the street, considered together and for a distance of 300 feet, is occupied by structures in use for commercial purposes. A business district may be longer than the distances specified in this section if the above ratio of buildings in use for commercial purposes to the length of the street exists.
(c) "Chief of Police" includes the Special Events Unit or any representative designated by the Chief of Police.
(d) To "issue" a permit is to deliver to an applicant for a parade permit written permission to sponsor or hold an event at a specified date and location.
(e) A "parade" is an event, not including an athletic event, in which a group of persons proceed as a collective body for more than one block on any street in the City and County of San Francisco, whether on foot or in any type of vehicle or on an animal or animals, which event obstructs or interferes with the normal flow of vehicular traffic. An "athletic event" is an event in which a group of people collectively engage in a sport or form of physical exercise on any street in the City and County of San Francisco, including but not limited to jogging, bicycling, racewalking, roller skating or running.The following processions are not included in the definitions of a "parade": (1) processions composed wholly of the military or naval forces of the United States or of the State of California; (2) processions incidental to a wedding or funeral; (3) processions composed of one or more governmental officials or candidates accompanied by security personnel to which such officials or candidates are entitled by virtue of their office or candidacy. Any event taking place entirely on property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission shall be exempt from this ordinance.
(f) "Person" shall include and mean any person, firm, association, corporation, club, organization or ad hoc committee.
(Added by Ord. 254-84, App. 5/31/84; amended by Ord. 394-88, App. 8/26/88)
(a) Any person desiring to sponsor a parade on any street of the City and County of San Francisco, excluding streets on property under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Park Commission, shall first obtain a permit therefor from the Chief of Police.
(b) Written application for such permit should be made to the Special Events Unit at least 60 days in advance in order to insure timely appeal of a denial of the application. However, all applications for permits shall be processed by the Chief of Police so long as they are received at least 15 working days in advance of the proposed date of the event; provided, however, that when the proposed event designates a route which passes through a business district, extends over an area which involves more than five intersections (not including alleys), anticipates a number of participants exceeding 250, or requires the Municipal Railway to substantially alter passenger routes or schedules, the applicant shall apply at least 30 days in advance of the proposed date; provided, further, that the Chief of Police may grant a permit to an applicant who applies less than 15 working days in advance if the Chief of Police determines that the permit application requires no substantial investigation or preparation of the route, which determination shall not be subject to administrative review.
(c) The time limitations prescribed above for the filing of a permit application may be waived by the Chief of Police if the applicant can show that the event or events giving rise to the permit application did not reasonably allow the applicant time to file within the time prescribed and imposition of the time limitations would place an unreasonable restriction on the right of free speech.
(d) Application shall be made on a form provided by the Chief of Police and shall include: the name, business and home address, and business and home phone number of the applicant (who shall be a natural person), of the sponsor of the event, and of the event organizer (that is, the person responsible for managing and organizing the details of the parade); the relationship of the applicant to the sponsor; proof of the applicant's authority to act on behalf of the sponsor; a description of the route of the event; the names of all streets to be used; the number of participants anticipated; the starting time and expected finishing time of the event; and any other information requested in order to enable the Chief of Police to verify the information required in this subsection.
(e) Application for a permit shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable permit application fee, in the amount set forth in Section 2.26 of the Police Code.
(f) Applications submitted 60 days or more before the date of the proposed event shall be processed within 30 days. Applications submitted between 30 and 59 days before the date of the proposed event shall be processed within 20 days. Applications submitted between 15 and 29 days before the date of the proposed event shall be processed at least seven days before the date of the proposed event.
(g) Applications submitted less than 15 days before the date of the proposed event shall be processed within a reasonable time, which time shall be given to the applicant at the time the applicant is informed that the time limitations set forth in this Section have been waived.
(h) If an application is not processed within the time specified in Subsection (f), the applicant may obtain approval of a permit application by providing the Chief of Police with two copies of a letter addressed to the Chief of Police, which letter sets forth the details of the proposed event and the date of the application and the fact that the application has not yet been processed. The applicant shall deliver one copy of the letter and have the second copy file-stamped as proof of having complied with this Section. If the Chief of Police does not process the application within 48 hours of delivery by the applicant of the letter described above, the application shall be deemed approved.
(i) The Chief of Police shall issue a permit immediately upon approval of the permit application, and execution and receipt of the indemnification agreement required by Section 368.
(j) The Chief of Police shall, as appropriate, transmit copies of any parade permit issued to the Chief of the Fire Department, the Department of Public Works, Emergency Hospital Service, Department of Public Health, and the General Manager of the Municipal Railway.
(Added by Ord. 254-84, App. 5/31/84)