Deadlines For Submission of Measures. | |
Rules for Submission of Ordinances and Charter Amendments by the Board of Supervisors. | |
Initiative Measures and Referenda; Incorporation of State Law. | |
Notice of Intention to Circulate Initiative Petition; Filing Fee; Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee. | |
Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee; Procedures for Submission. | |
Circulator Identification Requirements. | |
Enacting Clause. | |
Transmission of Initiative Measures to Affected Departments. | |
Measures Concerning the Same Subject Matter; Competing and Conflicting Measures; Complementary Measures. | |
Withdrawal of Measures. | |
Effective Date of Measures. | |
Repeal. | |
(a) Charter Amendments and Bond Measures. Except as provided in Subsection (c) of this Section, proposed Charter amendments and bond measures shall be submitted to the voters at the next election held no fewer than 102 days after the date said measure is received by the Director of Elections.
The Board of Supervisors may submit, and the Director of Elections shall have the discretion to accept, one proposed Charter amendment or bond measure per election that is received fewer than 102 days before the date of the election, provided that said measure is received no fewer than 95 days before the date of the election.
(b) Measures Submitted by the Mayor, Board of Supervisors, or Four or More Supervisors. Ordinances and declarations of policy proposed by a majority of the Board of Supervisors or by four or more Supervisors pursuant to Charter Section 2.113, or by the Mayor pursuant to Charter Section 3.100(16), shall be submitted to the voters at the next election held no fewer than 95 days after the date said measure is transmitted to the Director of Elections.
(c) Measures Proposed by Initiative Petition. Measures proposed by initiative petition pursuant to Charter Sections 14.101 or 9.110 and Charter amendments proposed by initiative petition shall be submitted to the voters upon certification of the sufficiency of the petition signatures by the Director of Elections. An initiative petition shall be submitted to the Director of Elections no fewer than 120 days before the date of the election for which the initiative is intended. The Director of Elections shall certify the sufficiency of the petition signatures, or determine the insufficiency of the signatures, no later than 30 days after the date the petition is received.
(1) Except as provided in Subdivisions (2) and (3) of this subsection, a vote on an initiative shall occur at the next general municipal or Statewide election occurring no fewer than 90 days from the date of the certificate of sufficiency executed by the Director of Elections. Any initiative petition that is certified by the Director of Elections to contain the requisite number of valid signatures, but that is certified within 90 days of an election, shall not be placed on the ballot for that election but shall be placed on the ballot at the next general municipal or Statewide election.
(2) The Director of Elections shall call for a special municipal election on an initiative if the initiative petition complies with the requirements of Charter Section 14.101.
(3) The Board of Supervisors may call for a special municipal election on an initiative pursuant to Charter Section 14.101, provided that the special election occurs no fewer than 90 days from the date the certificate of sufficiency is executed by the Director of Elections.
(Added by Ord. 429-97, App. 11/17/97; amended by Ord. 183-03, File No. 030652, App. 7/25/2003; Ord. 291-06, File No. 061375, App. 11/29/2006; Ord. 75-14
, File No. 140226, App. 5/28/2014, Eff. 6/27/2014)
(a) When the Board of Supervisors considers whether to submit an ordinance or Charter amendment to the voters, the following rules shall apply:
(1) The Board of Supervisors shall be prohibited from considering or deciding whether to submit an ordinance or Charter amendment to the voters unless, at least 30 days before the date of the first committee hearing concerning the proposed ordinance or Charter amendment, the following materials are delivered to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and available for public review:
(A) A draft of the proposed ordinance or Charter amendment that is approved as to form by the City Attorney; and
(B) A legislative digest prepared by the City Attorney.
(2) Upon receipt of the materials described in Subsection (a)(1) of this Section, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall transmit a copy of the proposed ordinance or Charter amendment to the Controller. The Controller shall prepare a financial analysis of the proposed measure and deliver the analysis to the Clerk no later than the first committee hearing concerning the proposed ordinance or Charter amendment. The Board of Supervisors shall be prohibited from considering or deciding whether to submit the measure to the voters unless the Controller has provided the Board with the financial analysis required by this subsection.
(3) Any amendments to a proposed ordinance or Charter amendment shall be noticed for an additional public hearing by the Board committee designated to consider the measure. The proposed amendments shall be submitted in writing to the clerk of the designated committee and shall be available for public review no later than the time that notice of the additional hearing is published.
(Added by Ord. 429-97, App. 11/17/97)
Except as otherwise provided by the Charter or this Municipal Elections Code, the circulation and qualification of initiative petitions and referenda is governed by California Elections Code Sections 100 and 101, and Section 9200 et seq.
(Added by Ord. 429-97, App. 11/17/97)