Definitions. | |
Request for Sheriff’s Services. | |
Payment for Services. | |
Compensation. | |
Restrictions on Department Member Eligibility to Perform Supplemental Law Enforcement Services. | |
Administration and Reporting Requirements in Coordination with Chief of Police. | |
Requests for Services Limited to Requests Not Met by Police Department. | |
Undertaking for the General Welfare. | |
*Editor’s Notes:
Former Ch. 10A (“Pilot Foot Patrol Program”) expired by operation of its sunset provision on 1/1/2008.
For purposes of this Chapter 10A, the following definitions shall apply:
“City” means the City and County of San Francisco.
“Commercial” establishment means an establishment whose purpose is financial gain.
“Department” means the Sheriff’s Department.
“Requestor” means a private individual or private entity seeking additional personnel, equipment, or materials of the Department at special events or occurrences that happen on an occasional basis, for law enforcement purposes within the City.
“Retail” establishment means an establishment for the sale of goods, typically in small quantities, or services directly to the ultimate consumer or end user.
“Security Plan” means a plan drafted by the Requestor that adequately addresses the safety of persons and property associated with the special event or occurrence that is the subject of the request for Department services. This definition of “Security Plan” does not limit the discretion of the Department to impose more stringent requirements for a Security Plan as circumstances warrant.
“Sheriff” means the Sheriff or the Sheriff’s designee.
(Former Sec. 10A.1 added by Ord. 274-06, File No. 060700; expired 1/1/2008)
(a) Any Requestor desiring supplemental Department law enforcement services within the City for special events or occurrences that happen on an occasional basis, may request the Sheriff to provide Department personnel to perform such services. Any request for such services shall include a Security Plan.
(b) The Sheriff may provide supplemental law enforcement services under this Chapter 10A only to Retail and Commercial establishments.
(c) If the Sheriff approves the request for Department services, the Sheriff shall include with the approval a written staffing plan that includes the number of personnel to be detailed in response to the request, the approximate personnel location assignments, the anticipated shifts for all detailed personnel, and the contact information of the Department employee to be assigned to supervise those personnel.
(d) If the Sheriff determines that the requested Department services will require dispatch services from the Department of Emergency Management, the Sheriff shall notify the Executive Director of the Department of Emergency Management (or designee), who may detail such personnel for such services in the number the Executive Director or designee determines to be necessary to perform the dispatch services.
(e) A Requestor whose request for Department services has been denied may submit a request for reconsideration of the denial to the Sheriff in writing within 10 days of receipt of the denial. A Requestor whose request for Department services has been approved may submit a request for reconsideration of the written staffing plan required under subsection (c) to the Sheriff in writing within 10 days of receipt of the written staffing plan.
(f) The Sheriff shall inform the Requestor in writing of the Sheriff’s final decision regarding any request for reconsideration made under subsection (e) within 10 days of receipt of the request for reconsideration.