Findings. | |
Definitions. | |
Animal Sacrifice Prohibited. | |
Sale of Animal for Sacrifice Prohibited. | |
Penalties. | |
Exceptions. | |
Enforcement. | |
Severability. | |
The Board of Supervisors hereby finds and declares that:
(1) Animals, including but not limited to chickens, pigeons, doves, ducks, guinea fowl, goats, sheep, dogs, cats and turtles are being sacrificed by groups and individuals in this City, using methods known to be unreliable and not humane and causing great fear, pain and needless injury and death to the animals being sacrificed;
(2) Sacrificial animals are often subjected to inhumane treatment prior to being killed, in that they are kept in overcrowded and filthy conditions, are kept in close confinement and with animals not of their own species while awaiting sacrifice and are often deprived of food and water for days before being killed, possibly so that the animal does not defecate or urinate out of fear in the course of the sacrifice;
(3) Stress and fear experienced by chickens, a commonly sacrificed animal, affects the chicken's immune system and increases growth of bacteria, especially salmonella, in the chicken's system, creating a human health hazard;
(4) There is no reasonable means to guarantee that animals used in sacrifice are disease-free;
(5) Following the practice of animal sacrifice, animal remains are often left in public places;
(6) Improperly disposed-of animal remains present a serious public health hazard, in that areas where dead animals are left attract and become a harborage for flies, rats and fleas, thus increasing the likelihood of the spread of disease to other animals and to humans;
(7) Flies attracted to animal remains are themselves known to transmit numerous human and animal diseases, including dysentery, typhoid, cholera, salmonella, salmonosis, infectious hepatitis and parasitic worms;
(8) Rats are commonly associated with the spread of disease, including plague, Leptus Pyrosis and typhus;
(9) The sanitary disposal of the remains of sacrificial animals by the diverse individuals and groups practicing such rites cannot reasonably be monitored or controlled;
(10) There is no guarantee that children are not exposed to animal sacrifice which may adversely affect the mental health and behavior of the child, to the detriment of both the child and the community;
(11) This ban on animal sacrifice is imperative (1) to prevent cruelty to animals, (2) to safeguard the health, safety and welfare of the community, and (3) to prevent the adverse psychological impact on children exposed to animal sacrifices;
(12) This Article shall apply to any person, group, firm or corporation that kills, maims or sacrifices any animal in any type of ritual, or provides animals for that purpose.
(Added by Ord. 283-92, App. 9/4/92)
As used in this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings indicated herein:
"Animal" shall mean any member of any species of the animal kingdom.
"Animal sacrifice" shall mean the intentional killing or maiming of any animal in a ritual, which killing or maiming is committed not in accordance with State and federal humane slaughter laws and which is not primarily for consumption as food.
"Ritual slaughter" shall mean the preparation and killing of any animal for consumption as food in compliance with the State Kosher Food Law (Penal Code Section 383b), or any other applicable kosher slaughter statute.
"Slaughter" shall mean the killing of any animal by any person, group, firm or corporation for consumption as food in accordance with State and federal humane slaughter laws.
(Added by Ord. 283-92, App. 9/4/92)