Quarantine Powers. | |
Quarantine and/or Examination for Venereal Disease. | |
Prevention of Spread of Disease. | |
Prevention of Spread of Communicable Diseases. | |
Removal of Persons Afflicted With Contagious Diseases. | |
Rodent Control. | |
Tuberculosis. | |
Prohibiting Importation and Sale of Ground Squirrels. | |
Penalty. | |
The Department of Public Health of this City and County is hereby authorized and empowered to quarantine persons, houses, places and districts within this City and County, when in its judgment it is deemed necessary to prevent the spreading of contagious or infectious diseases.
(a) The Director of Public Health, or his duly authorized deputy, is hereby authorized and directed to quarantine and/or examine any person of either sex whom he has reasonable grounds to believe is afflicted with a venereal disease and is likely to expose others thereto.
(b) Owing to the prevalence of such diseases among sex offenders, the arrest of any person of either sex for (1) vagrancy involving a sex offense, prostitution, being a keeper, inmate, employee, or frequenter of a house of ill fame, prostitution, or assignation, being a lewd or dissolute person, or (2) adultery, lewd or lascivious conduct, or other criminal charge involving a sex offense; is to be considered and is hereby declared to furnish reasonable grounds for the examination provided for in the preceding subsection; provided, however, it shall be the duty of the Director of Public Health, or his duly authorized deputy to examine into each such arrest and the circumstances leading thereto, in order to determine whether there exists in fact reasonable grounds to believe the arrested person to be afflicted with a venereal disease. The term "prostitution" as used in this subsection shall include the giving or receiving of the body for sexual intercourse for hire and the giving or receiving of the body for indiscriminate sexual intercourse without hire.
(c) In furtherance of the purpose of the two preceding subsections, the Director of Public Health, or his duly authorized deputy, shall have the power to quarantine and/or examine, in such a manner and by such methods as modern science has found to be proper, all persons taken into custody by the Police Department of the City and County of San Francisco who are suspected by the Director of Public Health, or his duly authorized deputy of being afflicted with any venereal disease.
(d) No person convicted of any of the charges mentioned in Subsection (b) of this Section shall be released until examined for such venereal diseases by the Director of Public Health, his deputy or assistants.
(e) When any minor has acquired a venereal disease, his or her parents or guardians shall be legally responsible for the compliance of such minors with the requirements of the rules and regulations pertaining to venereal diseases.
(f) In addition to the powers and duties herein mentioned and the other powers and duties imposed upon him, the said Director of Public Health shall have the power to and shall make and promulgate such rules and regulations as are reasonably necessary for the prevention and control of venereal disease in this City and County and to effectuate the provisions of this Section.
(g) Nothing in this Section shall be construed to require that any person who adheres to the faith or teachings of any well recognized religious sect, denomination or organization, and in accordance with its creed, tenets, or principles depends for healing upon prayer in the practice of religion, shall submit to or receive any medical or physical treatment; but such person, if found to be afflicted with any venereal disease, shall be subject to isolation or quarantine in accordance with this Section and the law of the State of California.
(h) If any Subsection, Subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Section is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Section. The Board of Supervisors hereby declares that it would have passed this Section and each Subsection, Subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other Subsections, Subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional.
The term "contagious disease" shall include every disease of an infectious, contagious or pestilential nature, particularly cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, varicella, pulmonary tuberculosis, diphtheria, membraneous croup, scarlet fever, typhus fever, measles, pneumonia and every other disease publicly declared by the Department of Public Health to be dangerous to the public health.
(a) Reports of Physicians and Others. Every physician must report in writing to the Department of Public Health within 24 hours after he has been called to attend any person affected with any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, the name and place of residence of such person and the name and state of the disease. In the event of the death of any person afflicted with any such disease, the attending physician must report in writing to the Department of Public Health within 24 hours thereafter, the name and place of residence of the deceased and the specific name and type of such disease.
Every physician, and every person having the control or management of any public or private institution or dispensary, shall report in writing to the Department of Public Health the name, age, sex, occupation and place of residence of every person afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis who shall have come under his care, within one week thereafter.
(b) Observation of Rules, Etc. Every person afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis, and every person in attendance upon any person so afflicted, and every person in charge of any private or public hospital or dispensary, shall observe and enforce all sanitary rules and regulations adopted by the Department of Public Health to prevent the spread of pulmonary tuberculosis.
(c) Interference With Officers, Etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with or obstruct the officers or inspectors of the Department of Public Health, in the examination of any building or premises wherein a person is reported to be afflicted with any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease.
(d) Posting of Notices. The Department of Public Health is hereby authorized and empowered to post in a conspicuous place upon any building or premises wherein any person is afflicted with any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, a notice specifying the name of such disease. It shall be unlawful for any person to interfere with the posting of such notice or to tear down or mutilate any notice so posted by the Department of Public Health in or upon any building or premises.
(e) Reports of Masters, Etc. The master or chief officer of every vessel within ¼ of a mile of any wharf, dock, pier or any building in this City and County, and not in quarantine or within the quarantine limits, shall report daily, in writing, to the Department of Public Health the name of any person on such vessel afflicted with any infectious, contagious, or pestilential disease, and particulars of such disease and the condition of the person afflicted therewith.
The master or chief officer of any vessel which shall arrive in this port, and every physician who practiced on such vessel, shall, immediately upon arrival, report in writing to the Department of Public Health all facts concerning any person who may have been afflicted with any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease during the voyage to this port, and also all the facts concerning any person or thing carried on such vessel during such voyage which, in his opinion, may endanger the public health of this City and County.
(f) Quarantine of Premises. Whenever the Department of Public Health shall have reason to suspect the presence of an infectious, contagious or pestilential disease within any building or premises, and the physician in attendance or the head of the family refuses to permit the representative of the Department of Public Health to examine the person suspected of being afflicted with such infectious disease, the Department of Public Health shall quarantine the premises and prevent egress and ingress from and to the same until such examination is permitted or until said Department has practiced disinfection and detention to its satisfaction.
(g) Notice to Department. Whenever any person residing in a hotel, boarding house, lodging house or tenement house is afflicted with any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, owner, lessee, keeper or manager of such place must immediately give notice thereof to the Department of Public Health. Immediately upon the receipt of such notice the Department of Public Health must cause an examination of the person so afflicted, and, if in its judgment it be necessary, he shall cause such hotel, boarding house, lodging house or tenement house, or any part thereof, to be immediately cleansed and disinfected in an effective manner; and the Department of Public Health may cause the walls thereof to be whitewashed, or any wall paper thereon to be removed or replaced; and he may cause the bedding and bed clothes used by the person so afflicted to be thoroughly cleansed, scoured and fumigated, or, if necessary, to be destroyed.
(h) Duties of Undertakers and Others in Cases of Death. Every undertaker employed to manage the interment of any person who has died of any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease must give immediate notice thereof to the Department of Public Health. It shall be unlawful for an undertaker to retain, or expose or assist in the detention or exposure of the dead body of any such person unless the same be in a coffin or casket, properly sealed, or to allow any such body to be placed in a coffin or casket unless such body has been thoroughly disinfected and wrapped in a sheet saturated with a one five-hundredth solution of bichloride of mercury, and unless the coffin or casket is of metallic substance and hermetically sealed immediately after the body has been placed therein.
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove the body of any person who has died from an infectious, contagious or pestilential disease from the room in which the death occurred, except for burial or cremation; and the body of the person so dying must be interred or cremated within 24 hours after the time of death; provided, however, that the Department of Public Health may by special permit, good cause appearing therefor, extend such time; but in no case shall such extension be for more than 36 hours from the time of death.
It shall be unlawful for any person having the possession or charge of the remains of any person who shall have died of any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease to permit such remains to be viewed by any person except the attending physician, the representatives of the Department of Public Health, the undertaker and his assistants, and the immediate members of the family of the decedent, or to permit formal services to be held over such remains within the premises where the death of such person occurred, or to remove or cause to be removed the body of such deceased person from said premises to any place other than a cemetery or crematory.
It shall be unlawful for any undertaker to assist in a public or church funeral of the body of any person who has died of an infectious, contagious or pestilential disease.
(i) Removal of Afflicted Persons Without Permit. It shall be unlawful for any person, without a written permit from the Department of Public Health to remove, or cause to be removed, any person afflicted with any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, from any building to any other building, or from any vessel to any other vessel, or to the shore, or to any public vehicle.
It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, or cause to be removed, any person afflicted with any infectious, contagious or pestilential disease from any building to any other building, or hospital, unless said patient is wrapped in a sterile sheet. All clothing, including bed clothes and mattresses, used by the patient shall be thoroughly fumigated after patient has been removed. The interior of all ambulances or other vehicles used for the purpose of removing such patients shall be thoroughly washed with a disinfecting solution immediately following such use.
(j) Negligence of Persons Exposed to Disease. It shall be unlawful for any person having charge or control of any person afflicted with an infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, or having control of the dead body of any person who has died of any such disease, to cause or contribute to the spread of any such disease by any negligent act in the care of such sick person or such dead body, or by the needless exposure of himself in the community.
(k) Duties Regarding Children of School Age. It shall be unlawful for any principal or superintendent of any public or private school, or any parent, guardian or custodian of any minor child afflicted with an infectious, contagious or pestilential disease, or in whose household any person is so afflicted, to permit such minor to attend any public or private school until the Department of Public Health shall have given its written permission therefor.