Special Election Fund. | |
Retention of Records. | |
Code Provisions are Directory Only; Substantial Compliance. | |
Successive Provisions of the California Elections Code. | |
Severability. | |
Giving, Receiving Anything of Value in Consideration of Voting Prohibited. | |
Preparation of Backup Plan; Contracts for Voting Equipment. |
The Board of Supervisors shall maintain a fund of not less than $100,000 to be known as the Special Election Fund, to be used exclusively for defraying the costs of verifying petitions and other expenses of all special elections, including recall elections. In the event of the expenditure of any of said fund, the Board of Supervisors in the next succeeding annual budget shall appropriate a sum sufficient to reimburse said Special Election Fund.
(Added by Ord. 429-97, App. 11/17/97)
The Director of Elections shall preserve for a period of two years all candidates' declarations, petitions and all nomination certificates filed in accordance with this Code. After two years, the Director of Elections may destroy these records.
(Added by Ord. 429-97, App. 11/17/97)
(Added by Ord. 429-97, App. 11/17/97; repealed by Ord. 183-03, File No. 030652, App. 7/25/2003)