(a) Sworn members of the Police Department occupying the rank of Police Officer (currently Q2—Q4) at their date of entry into the Program, shall be eligible to participate in the DROP for up to a maximum of 36 months from their date of entry into the Program, provided they otherwise meet the eligibility standards set forth in Section A8.901(c). Sworn members of the Police Department occupying the ranks of Sergeant (currently Q50—Q52) and Inspector (currently 0380-0382) at their date of entry into the Program, shall be eligible to participate in the DROP of up to a maximum of 24 months from their date of entry into the Program, provided they otherwise meet the eligibility standards set forth in Section A8.901(c).
(b) Sworn members of the Police Department occupying the ranks of Lieutenant (currently Q60—Q62) and Captain (currently Q80—Q82) at their date of entry into the Program shall be eligible to participate in the Program for a maximum of 12 months from their date of entry into the Program, provided that they otherwise meet the eligibility standards set forth in Section A8.901(c). No sworn member of the Police Department occupying a rank above that of Captain shall be eligible to participate in the Program.
(c) To be eligible to participate in the DROP, a sworn member occupying one of the eligible ranks must additionally be an active employee of the San Francisco Police Department, have at least 25 years of service as a sworn member of the Department, including any service as a member of the San Francisco Airport Police, and be at least 50 years of age at the time of entry into the Program. Additionally, a member must be a "full duty sworn officer" as that term is used in Charter Section 4.127. As a condition of participation the sworn member must agree that they shall terminate their employment through retirement at the conclusion of their participation in the Program.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) If, after a member becomes a participant in the DROP, the member shall become incapacitated for the performance of duty by reason of any bodily injury received in or illness caused by the performance of duty, said member will be eligible to apply for a retirement for incapacity and be subject to the same eligibility requirements provided elsewhere in this Charter as though the participant was not enrolled in the DROP. If a member receives a retirement for this duty related incapacity, said retirement shall be in lieu of the benefits provided in accordance with these DROP provisions, and the participant shall be paid an industrial disability retirement benefit as if the participant had never entered the DROP.
(b) If, after a member becomes a participant in the DROP, the member shall become incapacitated for the performance of duty by reason of any bodily injury received or illness not related to the performance of duty, said member will be eligible to apply to terminate participation in DROP in accordance with Section A8.906. The participant will be paid the balance credited in their DROP Account, and will begin to receive a monthly payment as determined under Section A8.903, including any cost of living adjustments to which the member would otherwise be entitled.
(c) In the event a member shall become temporarily incapacitated for the performance of duty while participating in the DROP, the member is entitled to disability benefits only as provided for in this Charter. The member is thus no longer a "full duty sworn officer," as defined in Section A8.901(c), and therefore the member's service retirement payments will be suspended for the period during which disability benefits are received. The member's DROP enrollment shall be extended for the period during which disability benefits were received, provided that this extension may not exceed one-half of the permitted maximum participation period for the rank occupied by the member at the time of enrollment in the DROP.
(d) In the event a member who is participating in the DROP applies for a retirement for incapacity, and the application remains unresolved at the conclusion of their DROP participation period, that member must leave the DROP when their participation period concludes, but they shall be permitted to continue on disability status with the Department until such time as their application is finally determined. In no event, however, shall any such member receive the distribution of their DROP Account until their disability retirement status is finally determined.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
Upon the voluntary entry of a qualified member into the DROP, that member's Retirement System benefits, including survivor benefits, shall be frozen, and shall not be increased as a result of any additional service time, increase in age or compensation earned by the member while they are participating in the DROP. During the period of a member's participation in the DROP, the monthly service pension payment described herein shall be increased by any cost of living adjustment to which the member would otherwise be entitled, if retired, during the period of their participation in the DROP, pursuant to the terms of the retirement plan which applies to the member.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) The DROP Account is an account established for book-keeping purposes within the Retirement System for each member who elects to enter DROP.
(b) Commencing with the first pay period after the entry of a member into the DROP, and for each pay period thereafter so long as the member participates in the DROP, the service pension (including any Cost of Living Adjustments) to which the member would otherwise be entitled based on their compensation, age, and length of service as of their date of their entry into the Program, shall be credited monthly into a DROP Account established within the Retirement System for each individual participant.
(c) A participating member, to the extent permitted by law and regulations established by the Retirement Board and the Board of Supervisors, may direct the crediting into that member's DROP Account the dollar value of any compensatory time off, accrued unused vacation, or accrued Sick Pay, if any, to which the member may be entitled, in lieu of receiving a payout of those amounts upon the date of entry into the DROP.
(d) The DROP Account into which the member's monthly service pension is credited shall also be credited on a monthly basis with interest at an annual effective rate of four percent throughout the period of the member's participation in the DROP.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) If a member shall die by reason of an injury received in, or illness caused by the performance of duty during the period of their participation in the DROP, the member's qualified surviving spouse, qualified registered/certified domestic partner or other qualified dependents provided for in this Charter shall receive a death allowance pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Charter as if the member had never elected to enter DROP. Whichever of the member's qualified surviving spouse, qualified registered/certified domestic partner or other qualified dependents provided for in this Charter is entitled to receive this allowance may, instead of receiving the benefit under this paragraph, elect to receive a non-work related death benefit as specified in paragraph (b) below.
(b) If a member shall die during the period of their participation in the DROP for non-work related causes, the surviving qualified spouse, qualified registered/certified domestic partner, or other qualified dependents provided for in this Charter, shall be entitled to a post-retirement continuation allowance, along with any amounts credited to the deceased member's DROP Account, determined as if the participant had elected to voluntarily withdraw from DROP under Section A8.906 on the participant's date of death. Such payments shall be made on the basis of beneficiary elections made by the member at the time of his or her entry into DROP, and updated from time to time, as set forth in Section A8.905(d).
(c) In order for a surviving spouse or registered/certified domestic partner to be qualified for the monthly allowance described in this section, the member must have been married, or have established a domestic partnership within the time limits specified by this Charter. In order for surviving dependents to be qualified for the monthly allowance described in this section, such dependents must satisfy the requirements of the retirement provisions of this Charter. In any circumstance where the eligibility requirements specify the member's date of retirement, those requirements must be met at the date of entry into DROP.
(d) A member who elects to participate in the DROP may designate a beneficiary for the proceeds of the member's DROP Account in writing, not later than the time of entry into the DROP. The member may change the designation at any time prior to the distribution of the DROP Account. If the designated beneficiary predeceases the participating member, and the member becomes deceased before designating a new beneficiary, any distribution of the proceeds of the DROP Account shall be made to the estate of the member, pursuant to law.
(e) Notwithstanding the above provisions, a member's designation of a DROP Account beneficiary shall be subject to community property obligations, if any, under applicable California law.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) A member's participation in the DROP shall be terminated, other than by death or disability, by the first occurrence of any of the following: (1) the member's completion of the applicable DROP participation period set forth in Section A8.901(a) or (b); (2) the member's voluntary termination of employment while a DROP participant; (3) involuntary termination of the member's employment; provided, however, that distribution of the member's DROP Account shall be deferred during the pendency of any hearing or appeal of the member's termination of employment. Should the member be reinstated to employment, the member may continue to participate in the DROP for the full duration of the member's original participation period. Any time during which the member was excluded from DROP participation shall not be deducted from the member's maximum participation period set forth in Section A8.901(a) or (b).
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) During the period of a member's participation in the DROP, the member shall continue to receive the regular compensation attached to the rank occupied by the member at the time of enrollment in the Program, and the member shall have all of the rights, privileges, benefits and obligations of employment, including health benefits, attached to said rank, and shall be subject to all of the other terms and conditions of active employment in their respective rank and assignment. No member shall be eligible for a promotion during the time of their participation in the DROP.
(b) Notwithstanding the continued receipt by a participating member of the regular compensation and benefits attached to the rank and assignment which they occupy during their time in the DROP, no participating member shall receive service credit or compensation credit for retirement purposes pursuant to this Charter on account of their participation in the DROP. The member shall be subject to the employee contribution, as required by this Charter for all other active members of the Police Department, into the Retirement System. The City and County need not continue to make its required contributions for any DROP participant. Member contributions made during a participation in the DROP shall be deemed a contribution to the general assets of the Retirement System, and shall not be a part of the member's DROP Account.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) It is the intent of the voters that the DROP shall not jeopardize in any way the tax qualified status of the Retirement System under Section 401 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time, including, but not limited to, Section 415 of the Code, as amended.
(b) The Board of Supervisors shall adopt ordinances and the Retirement Board shall adopt such rules as may be necessary to implement the DROP, regulate investment and distribution of the DROP contributions, establish forms and procedures for designating beneficiaries of the DROP Account, and all such other matters as may be necessary, in its discretion, to implement the Program no later than July 1, 2008 and to assure its tax-qualified character.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) The implementation of the DROP shall not result in any net increase in cost to the City. This determination shall take into account the costs associated with payroll, the expenditures associated with the recruitment and training of Police Officers, the costs of conducting academies for such recruits and trainees, the Field Training Officer costs, the retirement contributions made by members participating in the DROP, and the City, and the City's share of the return on the investment of the DROP funds, along with any other cost or savings elements related to the implementation of the Program. Notwithstanding this objective, the DROP shall be given a sufficient trial period to determine whether, as implemented, it is cost-neutral to the City as so defined.
(b) Not later than April 15, in the third year after the effective date of the DROP, a joint report prepared by the Controller of the City and the consulting actuary of the Retirement System documenting the net cost effect of the Program shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors, and the Board shall determine by majority vote whether, on the basis of said report, the Program shall be renewed for an additional period of time as specified by the Board, but in no event beyond an additional three years.
(c) The net cost effect of the Program shall be similarly evaluated periodically thereafter, pursuant to a schedule established by ordinance adopted by the Board of Supervisors by majority vote; provided, however, that in no event may such an evaluation be conducted less often than every three years after the initial evaluation.
(d) If the Board of Supervisors determines not to renew the Program, those members then enrolled shall be permitted to complete their Program participation pursuant to the terms in effect when they entered into the Program.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)
(a) Upon the termination or conclusion of a member's participation in the DROP, the member shall be paid a lump sum equal to the balance in the member's DROP Account, or, pursuant to the member's instructions, that balance shall be paid as a direct rollover into a qualified retirement plan. The Retirement Board shall establish rules, and may develop such forms as may be appropriate, regarding distribution of the DROP Account proceeds, the rollover of such proceeds into a qualified retirement plan, and the time periods within such which distributions may be made.
(b) Upon the voluntary withdrawal of a member from the DROP, or the expiration of their participation period, the member shall be deemed to be retired on a service pension and shall then commence receiving directly the monthly service pension amount calculated pursuant to Section A8.903, including any cost of living adjustments to which the member would have been otherwise entitled during the time of their participation in the DROP, and shall, for all other purposes under this Charter and state law be deemed to be a retired member of the Police Department.
(Added by Proposition B, Approved 2/5/2008)