Publisher's Note: The following table lists all ordinances affecting the Health Code passed by the Board of Supervisors beginning in 2011. The table includes links to the ordinances (as maintained in PDF format on the Board of Supervisors' web site) and to the code sections affected. For other legislation, including older ordinances and those affecting other codes, please refer to the Comprehensive Ordinance Table or the Board's "Legislation Passed" web site.
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
110281 | 06/11/11 | Public Works Code, Administrative Code, and Health Code - Consolidate Existing Department of Public Works' Nuisance Enforcement, Abatement, and Cost Collection Processes Sections Affected: 291.2 (Amended) | |
110708 | 08/31/11 | Health Code - Patient Rates - FY2011-2012 Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) | |
110348 | 12/03/11 | Health Code - Biological Agent Detector Registration and Fees Sections Affected: | |
111101 | 01/14/12 | Administrative, Business and Tax Regulations, Fire, Health, and Police Codes - Business License Fees Sections Affected: |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
111104 | 03/10/12 [Oper. 01/01/13] | Health Code - Regulating Commercial Dog Walkers on Park Property Sections Affected: | |
120604 | 08/26/12 | Health Code - Patient Rates Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) | |
120638 | 08/26/12 | Business and Tax Regulations and Health Codes - Food Product and Marketing Establishment License Fees Sections Affected: | |
120668 | 10/11/12 | Health Code - Reauthorizing Food Security Task Force Sections Affected: | |
120717 | 10/17/12 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - On-Site Water Reuse for Commercial, Multi-Family, and Mixed-Use Developments Sections Affected: | |
120815 | 12/14/12 | Health Code - Bed Bug Infestation Prevention, Treatment, Disclosure and Reporting Sections Affected: |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
120772 | 03/06/13 | Health, Transportation Codes - Prohibiting Smoking at Certain Outdoor Events Sections Affected: | |
121107 | 03/07/13 | Health Code - Disclosing Landlord's Prohibition of Smoking in Residential Rental Units; Designating Units as Smoke Free or Smoking Optional Sections Affected: | |
130146 | 04/21/13 | Health Code - Commercial Dog Walking Regulations Sections Affected: | |
130261 | 06/30/13 [Retro- active*] | Health Code - Retroactive Increase in Patient Rates for Certain Mental Health Services Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) [* This amendment is retroactive; see Sec. 2 of the Ordinance.] | |
130244 | 06/30/13 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Code - Regulate and Establish Annual Fees - Cottage Food Operations Sections Affected: 452.1 (Added) | |
130369 | 08/24/13 | Building, Health, Public Works Codes - Soil and/or Groundwater Testing Requirements Sections Affected: | |
130547 | 09/01/13 | Health Code - Patient Rates - FYs 2013-14 and 2014-2015 Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) | |
130765 | 11/10/13 | Health Code - Alternate Water Sources for Non-Potable Applications Sections Affected: | |
130400 | 12/27/13 | Health Code - Massage Practitioners Sections Affected: 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.5, 29.7, 29.8, 29.9, 29.10, 29.11, 29.12, 29.13, 29.14, 29.15, 29.16, 29.17, 29.18, 29.19, 29.20, 29.21, 29.22, 29.23, 29.24, 29.25, 29.26, 29.27, 29.28, 29.29, 29.30, 29.31, 29.32 (Added); 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910, 1912, 1913, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1928.1, 1928.2, 1929, 1930, 1931 (Amended and/or Renumbered); 1911, 1914, 1924 (Repealed) | |
130789 | 12/27/13 | Health Code - Licensing and Regulations of Massage Establishments and Practitioners Sections Affected: | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
130402 | 04/13/14 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - Safe Body Art Sections Affected: | |
130401 | 04/20/14 | Health Code - Hazardous Materials Sections Affected: | |
131208 | 04/26/14 | Health Code - Restrictions on Sale and Use of Electronic Cigarettes Sections Affected: | |
140226 | 06/27/14 | Various Codes - Nonsubstantive Clean-Up Ordinance Sections Affected: | |
140557 | 08/21/14 | Health Code - Assisted Outpatient Treatment (“Laura’s Law”) Sections Affected: | |
140628 | 08/30/14 | Health Code - Patient Rates 2014-2016 Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) | |
140306 | 12/07/14 | Health Code - Extending Involuntary Psychiatric Holds Sections Affected: | |
140806 | 12/07/14 | Health, Building Codes - Ventilation Requirement for Urban Infill Development and Establishing Fees Sections Affected: | |
141098 | 01/18/15 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - Tobacco Sales Permits and Associated Fees Sections Affected: 19H.1, 19H.2, 19H.3, 19H.4, 19H.5, 19H.6, 19H.7, 19H.8, 19H.9, 19H.10, 19H.11, 19H.12, 19H.13, 19H.14, 19H.15, 19H.16, 19H.17, 19H.18, 19H.19, 19H.20, 19H.21, 19H.22, 19H.23, 19H.24, 19H.25, 19H.26, 19H.27, 19H.28, 19H.29 (Added); 1009.50, 1009.51, 1009.52, 1009.53, 1009.54, 1009.55, 1009.56, 1009.57, 1009.58, 1009.59, 1009.60, 1009.61, 1009.62, 1009.63, 1009.64, 1009.65, 1009.66, 1009.67, 1009.68, 1009.69, 1009.71, 1009.72, 1009.73, 1009.74, 1009.75, 1009.76, 1009.77 (Amended and/or Redesignated) | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
140919 | 02/19/15 | Health Code - Gas Station Bathrooms Sections Affected: 725 (Amended) | |
150191 | 05/30/15 | Health Code - Wild or Exotic Animals for Public Entertainment or Amusement Sections Affected: | |
150242 | 06/07/15 [Oper. 01/01/16] | Health Code - Ban on Smokeless Tobacco Use - Defining Tobacco Product to Include Devices for Using Tobacco Sections Affected: | |
141302 | 06/27/15 | Health Code - Massage Practitioner and Business Permits, Associated Fees Sections Affected: 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.14, 29.17, 29.30, 29.31, 29.40, 29.51 (Added); 29.1, 29.2, 29.3, 29.4, 29.5, 29.6, 29.7, 29.8, 29.10, 29.11, 29.12, 29.13, 29.14, 29.15, 29.16, 29.18, 29.19, 29.21, 29.25, 29.26, 29.27, 29.28, 29.29, 29.30, 29.31, 29.32, 29.33, 29.41, 29.42, 29.45, 29.46, 29.47, 29.48, 29.49, 29.50 (Redesignated and amended); 29.9, 29.15, 29.16, 29.17, 29.18, 29.20, 29.22, 29.23, 29.24, 29.25 (Repealed) | |
150148 | 07/18/15 [Retro- active*] | Health Code - Increase in Patient Rates for Certain Mental Health Services Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) [* This amendment is retroactive; see Sec. 2(b) of the Ordinance.] | |
150349 | 07/18/15 [Retro- active*] | Health Code - Extending the Food Security Task Force Sections Affected: [* This amendment is retroactive; see Sec. 3 of the Ordinance.] | |
150528 | 07/25/15 | Health Code - Animal Care and Control Adoption Fee Waiver Sections Affected: | |
150245 | 07/25/15 [Oper. 07/25/16] | Health Code - Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Warning for Advertisements Sections Affected: | |
150350 | 08/01/15 | Health, Public Works Codes - Mandatory Use of Alternate Water Supplies in New Construction Sections Affected: | |
150268 | 08/16/15 | Administrative, Health Codes - Restaurant Week Program Sections Affected: 456.7 (Repealed) | |
150570 | 09/05/15 | Health Code - Patient Rates - FYs 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
151082 | 02/18/16 | Health Code - Amendment to Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Warning Ordinance Sections Affected: 4203 (Amended) | |
151179 | 04/10/16 [Oper. 07/01/16] | Health Code - Banning the Sale of Tobacco Products to Persons Aged 18, 19, or 20 Sections Affected: | |
151085 | 05/27/16 [Oper. 06/01/16] | Various Codes - Code Enforcement Procedures Sections Affected: | |
160294 | 07/17/16 | Health Code - Public Water System Cross-Connection Control and Backflow Prevention Sections Affected: | |
160635 | 08/31/16 | Health Code - Patient Rates - FYs 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Sections Affected: 128 (Amended) | |
11/13/16 | Health Code - Ban on City-Funded Travel to and City Contracts Involving States With Anti-LGBT Laws Sections Affected: | ||
161069 | 01/15/17 | Health Code - Definition of Projects and Responsibilities for Alternate Water Sources Sections Affected: | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
161081 | 2/19/17 | Various Codes - Nonsubstantive Clean-Up Ordinance Sections Affected: | |
161352 | 4/09/17 [Oper. 6/8/17] | Health Code - Sale of Domestic Dogs and Cats Sections Affected: Article 1C: 1C.1, 1C.2, 1C.3, 1C.4 (Adding) | |
8/06/17* | Health Code - Banning the Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products Sections Affected: | ||
170681 | 08/26/17* [Retro. Oper. 7/1/17] | Health Code - Patient Rates - FYs 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 Sections Affected: | |
171042 | 01/05/18 | Various Codes - Regulation of Cannabis Businesses Sections Affected: | |
171153 | 01/21/18 | Business and Tax Regulations, Health Codes - Permit, License and Inspection Fees for Cannabis Businesses Sections Affected: |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
171311 | 3/12/18 | Health Code - License Fee for Cannabis Smoking Consumption Permit Sections Affected: | |
171317 | 5/14/18 | Health Code - Banning Sale and Manufacture of Animal Fur Products Sections Affected: | |
180087 | 5/14/18 | Park, Health Codes - Transbay Rooftop Park Sections Affected: | |
180156 | 6/17/18 | Health Code - Designation of City Attorney to Institute Mental Health Conservatorship and Assisted Outpatient Treatment Proceedings Sections Affected: Adding Division III, Sec. 4121 | |
180616 | 7/29/18 | Health Code - Medical Cannabis Dispensaries - Extensions of Time to Sell Adult Use Cannabis Sections Affected: | |
180521 | 8/17/18 | Administrative, Health Codes - Food Security Task Force Sections Affected: | |
180586 | 9/1/18* | Health Code - Patient Rates - FYs 2017-2018, 2018-2019, and 2019-2020 Sections Affected: * Retroactive 7/1/17 and 7/1/18 | |
180804 | 11/26/18 | Health Code - Surplus Medication Repository and Distribution Program Sections Affected: Adding Article 43: 4300, 4301, 4302, 4303, 4304, 4305, 4306, 4307, 4308, 4309, 4310, 4311 | |
180002 | 12/03/18 | Various Codes - Nonsubstantive Clean-Up Ordinance Sections Affected: | |
180757 | 12/21/18 | Health Code - Massage Practitioner and Business Permits Sections Affected: | |
181041 | 12/21/18 | Police and Health Codes - Regulation of Cannabis Businesses Sections Affected: | |
180912 | 1/21/19 * Retro Oper. 12/4/18 | Police and Health Codes - Regulation of Cannabis Businesses Sections Affected: | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
181042 | 7/22/19 | Health, Administrative Codes - Housing Conservatorships Sections Affected: | |
190311 | 7/29/19 | Health Code - Restricting Commercial Tobacco Activities on City Property Sections Affected: | |
Health Code - Restricting the Sale, Manufacture, and Distribution of Tobacco Products, Including Electronic Cigarettes Sections Affected: Adding Art. 19R: 19R.1, 19R.2, 19R.3, 19R.4, 19R.5; Adding Art. 19S: 19S.1, 19S.2, 19S.3, 19S.4, 19S.5, 19S.6; Adding 19H.14-3 | |||
181211 | 10/12/19 | Health, Planning, and Police Codes - Small Business Permit Streamlining Sections Affected: | |
190710 | 12/16/19 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - Food Preparation and Service Establishment Categories, Disclosures, and Permit Fees Sections Affected: | |
190928 | 12/16/19 | Health Code - City-Operated Adult Residential Facility Sections Affected: Adding Art. 45: 4501 - 4503 | |
190842 | 12/28/19 | Various Codes - Renewing and Extending Waiver and Refund of Investigation Fee - Two-Year Extension of Medical Cannabis Dispensary Permits and Temporary Cannabis Business Permits - Three-Year Extension of Temporary Cannabis Retail Use Authorization Sections Affected: | |
191102 | 1/20/20 | Health, Administrative Codes - City-Operated Adult Residential Facility Sections Affected: | |