In adopting this Article, the Board of Supervisors does not intend to regulate or affect the rights or authority of the State to do those things that are required, directed or expressly authorized by federal or state law. Further, in adopting this Article, the Board of Supervisors does not intend to prohibit that which is prohibited by federal or state law.
(Added as Sec. 1009.76 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
In the event that a court or agency of competent jurisdiction holds that federal or state law, rule or regulation invalidates any clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Article or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, it is the intent of the Board of Supervisors that the court or agency sever such clause, sentence, paragraph or section so that the remainder of this Article shall remain in effect.
(Added as Sec. 1009.77 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)