(a) If an owner of a retail food store establishment as defined in the Planning Code or Tobacco Shop who holds a Tobacco Sales permit and has been in business for five years as of the effective date of this Section 19H.6, submits an affidavit to the Director that attests to ownership of the business at the same location and under the same Tobacco Sales permit for five consecutive years immediately preceding submission of the affidavit and that also states that the owner is in negotiations with a specific buyer for the retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop at that location, then that buyer ("new buyer") may apply for, and the Director may issue, a Tobacco Sales permit to the new buyer for the retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop at that location, on a one-time basis.
(b) If the new buyer submits an affidavit to the Director, stating that the new buyer has been in business continuously as a retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop at that same location under the Tobacco Sales permit obtained in accordance with subsection (a) and also states that the new buyer has held the permit for at least 10 years, then a subsequent buyer of the retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop at that location ("subsequent buyer") may apply for, and the Director may issue, a Tobacco Sales permit to the subsequent buyer for the retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop on a one-time basis.
(c) Where the owner of a retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop that holds a Tobacco Sales permit as of the effective date of this Section 19H.6, a child of the owner may apply for, and the Director may issue, a Tobacco Sales permit to the child for that retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop at that location.
(d) An owner of a retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop holding a Tobacco Sales permit as of the effective date of this Section 19H.6, who must relocate under of the Building Code may apply for, and the Director may issue, a new Tobacco Sales permit for the location of the owner's retail food store establishment or Tobacco Shop.
(e) An owner of a Bar or Tavern (cigar or smoking bar) who qualified for an exemption under Section 1009.23(d) of this Code who holds a Tobacco Sales permit and has been in business for five years as of the effective date of this Section 19H.6, who submits an affidavit to the Director that attests to ownership of the business at the same location and under the same Tobacco Sales permit for five consecutive years immediately preceding submission of the affidavit and that also states that the owner is in negotiations with a specific buyer for the Cigar or Smoking Bar at that location, then that buyer ("new buyer") may apply for, and the Director may issue, a Tobacco Sales permit to the new buyer for the Cigar or Smoking Bar at that location, on a one-time basis.
(f) If the new buyer submits an affidavit to the Director, stating that the new buyer has been in business continuously as a Cigar or Smoking Bar at that same location under the Tobacco Sales permit obtained in accordance with subsection (a) and also states that the new buyer has held the permit for at least 10 years, then a subsequent buyer of the Cigar or Smoking Bar at that location ("subsequent buyer") may apply for, and the Director may issue, a Tobacco Sales permit to the subsequent buyer for the Cigar or Smoking Bar on a one-time basis.
(g) If a spouse or domestic partner acquires the ownership of an Establishment through the death of, or divorce from the owner identified on the permit and submits an affidavit to the Director attesting to the acquisition of the Establishment accompanied by any documentation requested by the Director, the Director may issue a Tobacco Sales permit to the Applicant spouse or domestic partner on a one-time basis.
(a) The Department shall charge every applicant for a tobacco sales permit a non-refundable application fee for the initial inspection and processing of the application and an annual license fee sufficient to cover the costs of annual inspections, as determined by the Director. The application and processing fee shall be $53 and is otherwise governed by Section 35 of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code. The annual fee is listed in Section 249.16 of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code. The Fee shall be due annually on March 31 of each year, pursuant to Section 76.1, Article 2 of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(b) Beginning with fiscal year 2008-2009, fees set forth in this Section and referred to in this Section may be adjusted each year, without further action by the Board of Supervisors, as set forth in this Section.
Not later than April 1, the Director shall report to the Controller the revenues generated by the fees for the prior fiscal year and the prior fiscal year's costs of operation, as well as any other information that the Controller determines appropriate to the performance of the duties set forth in this Section.
Not later than May 15, the Controller shall determine whether the current fees have produced or are projected to produce revenues sufficient to support the costs of providing the services for which the fees are assessed and that the fees will not produce revenue which is significantly more than the costs of providing the services for which the fess1 are assessed.
The Controller shall, if necessary, adjust the fees upward or downward for the upcoming fiscal year as appropriate to ensure that the program recovers the costs of operation without producing revenue which is significantly more than such costs. The adjusted rates shall become operative on July 1.
The Director may enforce all provisions of this Article. Specific grounds for enforcement are set forth in Sections 19H.10 through 19H.18. Upon presentation of proper credentials, the Director may enter and inspect at any time during regular business hours any Establishment that is engaging in Tobacco Sales, or is suspected by the Director of engaging in such sales.
(Added as Sec. 1009.56 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated and amended by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
(a) Upon a decision by the Director that the Permittee or the Permittee’s agent or employee has engaged in any conduct that violates Health Code Article 19D (regulating cigarette vending machines), the Director may suspend a Tobacco Sales permit as set forth in Section 19H.19, impose administrative penalties as set forth in Section 19H.20, or both suspend the permit and impose administrative penalties.
(a) Upon a decision by the Director that the Permittee or the Permittee's agent or employee has engaged in any conduct that violates Police Code Section 4600.3 (regulating the self-service merchandising of tobacco products), the Director may suspend a Tobacco Sales permit as set forth in Section 19H.19, impose administrative penalties as set forth in Section 19H.20, or both suspend the permit and impose administrative penalties.
(Added as Sec. 1009.58 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated and amended by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
(a) Upon a decision by the Director that the Permittee or the Permittee's agent or employee has engaged in any conduct that violates Health Code Article 19F (prohibiting smoking in enclosed areas and sports stadiums), the Director may suspend a Tobacco Sales permit as set forth in Section 19H.19, impose administrative penalties as set forth in Section 19H.20, or both suspend the permit and impose administrative penalties.
(Added as Sec. 1009.59 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated and amended by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)