Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
191284 | 3/16/20 Oper. 3/16/21 | Health Code - Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Warning for Advertisements Sections Affected: | |
190973 | 4/13/20 | Health Code - Approving a New Location for a Permittee's Medical Cannabis Dispensary Permit Sections Affected: Amending 3311 | |
191073 | 4/27/20 | Health Code - Medical Examiner Reports of Drug Overdose Deaths Sections Affected: Adding 227 | |
200077 | 5/25/20 | Planning, Various Codes - Technical Corrections Sections Affected: Amending 22A.2 | |
200243 | 8/10/20 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - Overdose Prevention Programs Sections Affected: Adding Art. 46: 4601 - 4617 | |
200141 | 8/31/20 | Health Code - Adult Sex Venue Health and Safety Standards Sections Affected: Adding Art. 47: 4701, 4702, 4703, 4704 | |
200844 | 11/1/20 | Health Code - Patient Rates for FYs 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 Sections Affected: Amending 128 | |
200764 | 11/9/20 | Hotels and Large Commercial Office Buildings Sections Affected: | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
210496 | 9/4/21 | Health Code - Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Warning for Advertisements Sections Affected: Repealing Article 42: 4200 - 4206 | |
210539 | 9/4/21 | Health Code - Designating Fire Department Paramedics to Initiate 5150 Holds Sections Affected: Adding 4103 | |
210566 | 9/4/21 | Various Codes - Mobile Vendor Regulation Sections Affected: | |
210646 | 9/4/21 | Health Code - Patient Rates for FYs 2020-2021, 2021-2022, and 2022-2023 Sections Affected: Amending 128 | |
Various Codes - Construction and Demolition Debris Recovery Sections Affected: Adding 288.2 | |||
210536 | 11/8/21 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - Alternate Water Sources for Non-Potable Applications Sections Affected: | |
210865 | 12/6/21 | Health, Planning, Police Codes - Various Cannabis Sunset Dates Sections Affected: Amending 3323 | |
211030 | 1/17/22 | Police, Health Codes - Regulation of Cannabis Businesses Sections Affected: Amending 3322 | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
211292 | 4/22/22 | Various Codes - Street Vendor Regulation Sections Affected: Repealing 452.2 | |
220410 | 6/13/22 | Health Code - Skilled Nursing Care Transfer Reporting Requirements Sections Affected: | |
220607 | 7/16/22 | Environment, Health Codes - Requirements for Edible Food Recovery and Organic Waste Collection Sections Affected: | |
220684 | 9/4/22 | Business and Tax Regulations, Health Codes - Emergency Medical Services Fees Sections Affected: Amending 901 | |
220686 | 9/4/22 | Health Code - Patient Rates for FYs 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 Sections Affected: Amending 128 | |
221002 | 12/5/22 | Health, Police Codes - Cannabis Sunset Dates Sections Affected: Amending 3323 |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
230056 | 4/17/23 | Health Code - Overdose Prevention Programs Sections Affected: Repealing Art. 46 (4601 - 4617) | |
221160 | 7/17/23 | Health Code - Massage Permit Requirements Sections Affected: | |
220814 | 7/24/23 | Health Code - Designating City Attorney to Represent City in Certain Conservatorship Proceedings Sections Affected: Amending 4121 | |
230659 | 8/28/23 | Business and Tax Regulations, Health Codes - Emergency Medical Services Fees Sections Affected: Amending 901 (in Art. 14) | |
230662 | 8/28/23 | Health Code - Patient Rates for Fiscal Years 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Sections Affected: Amending 128 (in Art. 3) | |
230766 | 12/4/23 | Health Code - Requiring Retail Pharmacies to Stock Opioid Antagonists Sections Affected: Adding Art. 48: 4801 - 4808 | |
230866 | 12/22/23 | Health Code - Regulating Medical Specimen Test Collection Sites Sections Affected: Adding Art. 49 (4901 - 4906) | |
231158 | 3/11/24 | Health Code - Regulating Medical Specimen Test Collection Sites Sections Affected: Re-adds Art. 49 (now as Secs. 4901 - 4907); Adding 4905; Renumbering 4905 & 4906 as 4906 & 4907 | |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
240600 | 8/31/24 | Health Code - Patient Rates for Fiscal Years 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Sections Affected: Amending 128 | |
240406 | 9/1/24 | Health, Business and Tax Regulations Codes - Annual Retail Food Special Event Permit Sections Affected: Amending 452 | |
240502 | 9/1/24 | Health Code - Requiring Retail Pharmacies to Stock Buprenorphine Sections Affected: | |
240926 | 1/19/25 Oper. 2/1/25 | Various Codes - Fee Elimination and Administrative Provisions Sections Affected: |
Publisher's Note: The following table lists all ordinances affecting the Health Code that have been passed by the Board of Supervisors but that are not yet effective (or operative, as the case may be). The table includes links to the amending ordinances (as maintained in PDF format on the Board of Supervisors' web site) and to the code sections affected. For other legislation, including older ordinances and those affecting other codes, please refer to the Comprehensive Ordinance Table or the Board's "Legislation Passed" web site.